Saturday afternoon, six GOP candidates participated in the Thanksgiving Family Forum which focused primarily on social issues surrounding the 2012 election. The forum was sponsored by The Family Leader and took place at the First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa. Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman were also invited, however, both declined to attend.
Original Event Date: Saturday, November 19, 2011
Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Perry, Santorum
Here is the entire video of the forum, moderated by pollster Frank Luntz. The actual candidate forum begins at about 30 minutes in if you jump ahead.
Report from the Des Moines Register:
Six Republicans vying to be their party’s nominee for president in 2012 met across a Thanksgiving dinner table on Saturday night for an unconventional discussion of their views and policy proposals.
The Thanksgiving Family Forum, held in a Des Moines church in front of some 2,500 social and religious conservatives, was an unusually freewheeling and philosophical discussion, touching on issues of morality, liberty and personal responsibility as well as hot-button issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.
Forum moderator Frank Luntz, the famed Republican message guru, challenged candidates Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum with mostly open-ended questions, and didn’t hesitate to press them on particulars.
In a question about the 10th Amendment — a GOP favorite that leaves to the states powers not specifically given to the federal government — Luntz asked whether states could “tell the federal government no” on issues of morality. He directed the question initially to Cain, who is black, and referred to state segregation laws that were dismantled only through federal action.
Was the federal government justified in imposing a morally just law — ending segregation — on the states, even if it perhaps exceeded the 10th Amendment?
For Cain, the answer was something of a qualified yes: “The states can’t say no to the federal government if they’re wrong,” he said.
But Paul, the most libertarian-leaning of the Republicans in the field, immediately jumped in to disagree.
“The states definitely have a right to be wrong,” he said. “The states are supposed to correct it. But there are limits. That’s why we have a Constitution.”
The discussion was lively at times. Overall, Luntz did a decent job moderating the discussion and posed some provocative questions.
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- thanksgiving forum in iowa
What if Christianity actually teaches Peace and not preventive wars of aggression……….
Ron Paul 2012 Peace and prosperity
@ Bob Jones
You forgot an important part of the definition of a bigot. It is a "prejudiced" person who is intolerant of others ideas…not just someone who disagrees. I'm just trying to stand up for my religion as one centered around the faith of Jesus Christ. The scriptures you were referring to were not about the Book of Mormon (which actually reiterates the Bible). They were referring to the centuries of clergymen who added to and took away from the Bible. It is a historical fact that the Bible is not in its pure form. It has been adjusted from one version to another. It is a fact. I'm not going to get into a big debate b/c I have more important things to do with my time. Bottom line: Mormons are Christians. If you want to know what we believe, study our doctrine, attend our services, and read the Book of Mormon instead of listening to prejudiced anti-Mormons. If you still can't see we're Christians after all that……
@ LINDSAY…I am one who fully recognises that Mormons are Christians. I have not reviewed the previous arguements in this debate, but I know enough from my reading and more instructive from the Mormons I have known over the last 50 years. As a former Catholic but Still a Christian (a better one in my opinion) I appreciate the individuals right to an honest search for Christ and to worship as they decide. I also look to the "fruits" of that religion. In other words what kind of life a person or family lives and how closely it comes to the virtues that should flow from a true Christian belief. While I cannot agree with some major tenets of Mormonism and in all likelyhood never will …my personal experience with the virtues generally practiced by my Mormon freinds are highly moral, excellent examples of family values (none practiced polygamy) and had very practical and admirable traditions of hard work, love for others and self sufficency …that they passed to their children. Many who call themselves Christians could certainly take a lesson from Mormons who live in such a way. Christ seems to be central to their beliefs. Seems pretty Christian to me.
@Royboy Thank you for your respect for my beliefs. It's disheartening that I have tried my whole life to exemplify Christ and live His teachings and then to constantly hear people tell me I am NOT a Christian. It's a statement stemming from ignorance, hate, or fear and it isn't true. Mormons are Christians (although I'm sure not every member of our faith acts like it!) It's refreshing to hear someone who isn't closed minded and spouting something they heard on an anti-Mormon blog rant.
I have respect for others' beliefs, Christian or not, and I wish more people were tolerant and respectful to people whose beliefs differ from their own…like you. Thank you.
@ Lindsay…a lack of tolerance and respect for anothers honestly held beliefs would seem to me a violation of the second part of the "Greatest Commandment" that is… love your Neighbor as yourself….the first part of the greatest commandment being …love God…with your whole heart, mind…ect
I have not always been so tolerant…being an imperfect human it is work and takes persistance to make attitude corrections based on the teaching of Christ. It is a constant struggle to remind oneself to remember, with humility, that I do not have all the answers and attempting to live up to the example of Jesus is a life long pursuit. Those who stand in judgement and condemn others for their honestly held beliefs based on love are guilty of excessive pride and lacking in humility. Pride was the downfall of Lucifer and we know how that turned out.
We are entering my favorite religious season!….the birth of Jesus and the true hope he brought to all who would hear his message. I wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas!
Love God does not mean love sin or love deception or love lies. You are mixing postmodern thinking in with Biblical teaching. The Bible says that God hates sin. Does that make God intolerant??? It is not wrong to hate something that is wrong- it is commanded! This is a free country, believe what you want, but if your faith is irrational, don't call me intolerant for disagreeing with you about it!
And Paul says that if you boast in anything, boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ! Does that make him proud??? You are trying to take a biblical virtue of humility and turn it on its head to use it against what the Bible teaches about believing only scripture and not false prophets. That is very sneaky, and that is the same tactic that satan used when he tempted Jesus Christ (Matthew 4).
Yes, of course Christian actions are important, but they come out of a changed heart in obedience to God, not out of one's own goodness. "It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy." Romans 9:16 You will see fruit in those who truly believe, but it is not so simple to just look at what someone does and judge them by that. Only God sees the heart. And only God knows who has acknowledged that "All my righteousness is like filthy rags" (Isaiah 64) before Him, and who has truly believed that when Christ went on the cross, he took the punishment for our sins upon Him. If you don't believe that, you are not a Christian, no matter what great works you do for others. Because God gave His only son, and you have turned Him down and told God that you will earn your own righteousness instead of taking His precious and free gift. What did He give His son for if you could get to heaven on your own work??? What a waste of the earthly life of Someone of infinite value!
In short, a works centered faith puts the cart before the horse. You can't look for the fruit of someone's faith if they don't first have the correct understanding of what it is to put faith in God. If you don't study the Bible to find out who God is and what He has said about man, and what Jesus Christ has done for us, how will you know what you are believing in???
Are you believing in what a preacher or friend told you? Or just what you personally think? Who is to decide??? Scripture is solid rock, everything else is shifting sand. (Matthew 7:24-27)
@ Bob Jones…I hope people appreciate the schooling you are giving us. Are you a long time Biblical/Philosophy scholar? You have given me a lot to think about. Some of it may be uncomfortable and I will not just accept what you say without a thorough investigation. Understand my faith is a recently renewed faith and I didn't get it all right the first time either. I've been pretty comfortable with my opinions thus far this time. Oh well, back to work. Food for thought. I certainly do not have all the answers. I do try to understand within my capabilities. Merry Christmas!
@ Bob Jones. Wow! I've never heard such judgy, put-words-in-my-mouth person! You know nothing about the Mormon faith. It is centered around the belief that through Christ's sacrifice on the cross for us, we have the opportunity to be saved (here's the catch), IF and after all we can do. We believe in mercy AND good works. Something many Christians believe in. We don't believe we'll all be saved because some people will not use our Lord's gift and repent. There are so many mistakes in your thinking, but the main reason I chimed in on this discussion is because I want people to understand that we believe in the Bible, but first and foremost, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas.
IF you truly are a religious scholar of some sort, I would encourage you to actually read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover before you judge our religion. I'm afraid you've been ill-informed about us on many counts, though I agree with most of your thoughts on Christ. Until you read our doctrine, you will never fully understand what we believe, no matter how many other books, blogs, or newspaper articles, or even historical documents you read. "By their fruits shall ye know them." Read it, then you can continue your criticisms. It's as simple as that.
@ Lindsay….Bob Jones seems to be a very intelligent guy with well thought out points…but if his aim is to convince others his tone will serve to turn some people off…kind of defeating the purpose. I can read his comments and see the potential value and the need for me to consider what he says…however, it is not my specific religion being attacked. Attacking puts people on the defensive and reasoned thinking stops. I realize my education in Christianity is far from complete…I'm still trying to get the basics taken care of.
Lindsay…try not to get upset. Take what others say …or leave it…its a free country.
Christ our savior is born…..Glory to God in the highest! Merry Christmas all!
That was a very insightful and kind comment, I admire you for expressing it so well.
Windisea…thanks a lot…I confess that in my case being kind is not always easy…gotta work at it.
With a screen name of Windisea, you wouldn't be from the Wind'n'Sea, LaJolla, San Diego area? Surfer? Used to be a hangout of mine as a teen (long freakin' time ago) Fond memories.
The name is a play on my first name and middle initial. I surfed a bit as teen at Redondo and Huntington Beach CA but never there. Yes, I have good memories too….
Merry Christmas
The reason, I believe, that the country has stepped away from "Christian Values" is because so many people, especially recently, have used the Bible in a way that it was not intended and that has caused people to decide that they no longer wished to be associated with the radical sect of Christianity. For instance, "man shall not sleep with man" is located in the Old Testament. Some people who want to call themselves Christians are using this quote to try and tell the rest of us that it is against Christian beliefs for two men to have sexual relations with each other. This is not true. The Old Testament is the "Jewish" book. When Jesus came to this Earth he got into a lot of trouble with the leaders of the Jewish faith because what he was telling people was that what the leaders were teaching (the Old Testament) was not true. Jesus was telling people that God was a loving and forgiving being, not the God being portrayed in the Old Testament, the God that the leaders of the Jewish faith would like you to believe is being represented, simply for the fact that they were trying to control, via fear, their "sheep". We need to get back to the loving God, the one Jesus came here to tell us about, and stop accepting the behavior of those who wish to use the Bible for its unintended purpose.
So it is the jews' fault again for something unimportant? While I am only of jewish descent and do not actually believe in religion, I can still tell that judaism is at least less unintelligent than christianity. If there were a god, it would seem too idealistic that he or she is so loving and forgiving. Sometimes, heinous acts just cannot be forgiven. Ferdinand and Isabela cannot be forgiven for the inquisition where they persecuted so many jews and muslims, the nazis cannot be forgiven for destroying so many jews, gays, gypsies, and jehova's witnesses, and the admissions board at columbia university cannot be forgiven for rejecting Richard Feynman's application because he was jewish. There may never come a day where you understand that worshipping one person such as jesus is absurd, but I can hope that in the foreseeable future, most people will realize that religion is simply outdated science. This social natural selection will happen regardless of what you believe.
[...] —Newt Gingrich, Thanksgiving Family Forum (skip to 1:10) [...]
[...] "To find one thing where I really goofed it or I had to suffer through it," Paul explained, "it's almost arrogant to think I can't find any one thing." [...]