| By Nate, on January 28th, 2012% In case you missed it, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich both participated in a forum hosted by the Univision Spanish television network earlier in the week. Rick Santorum was also slated to appear, however, due to his own scheduling conflicts, he had to cancel the appearance. Ron Paul was also invited to attend but simply declined . . . → Read More: Video: Romney, Gingrich participate in Univision Presidential forum By Nate, on January 27th, 2012% The four remaining GOP candidates battled for the last time before the Florida primary in a debate sponsored by CNN, the Republican Party of Florida and the Hispanic Leadership Network. This debate took place at the University of North Florida located in Jacksonville. Here is the entire debate video via YouTube: Alternate full debate video link: ElectAd.com Original . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full CNN Florida Republican debate By Nate, on January 24th, 2012% The four remaining GOP candidates reconvened in Tampa, Florida, on Monday evening for the first of two debates focused on the Florida primary. Monday night's debate was sponsored by NBC News, The Tampa Bay Times, the National Journal and the Florida Council of 100. The debate was held at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Original . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full NBC News/Tampa Bay Times/National Journal Florida GOP debate By Nate, on January 22nd, 2012% Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich made the rounds on Sunday fresh off his victory in the South Carolina GOP primary. Gingrich was also originally scheduled to appear on ABC's This Week program but canceled likely due to ABC's decision to air an unflattering interview with Gingrich's ex-wife last Thursday night. Here is Gingrich's full interview this morning on Face the Nation on CBS: Continue reading Video: Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press and Face the Nation - 1/22/12
Auto-Generated Tags:By Nate, on January 20th, 2012% Sparks flew Thursday night as CNN's John King opened the last GOP debate before the South Carolina primary with a pointed question to Newt Gingrich on the recent allegations leveled by his ex-wife. Gingrich, in typical form, took the opportunity to scold King and CNN for choosing to open a Presidential debate with such a deeply . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full CNN Southern Republican Debate By Nate, on January 17th, 2012% Monday evening marked the first time we were down to just five GOP candidates on the debate stage, this time in South Carolina. The debate was sponsored by Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party. This event took place at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. Here is the entire debate video via . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full Fox News South Carolina GOP debate By Nate, on January 15th, 2012% Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee held a second edition of his Presidential Forum on Saturday evening with five GOP candidates choosing to participate. The forum was held in South Carolina focusing on next Saturday's primary. Full video via YouTube: Alternate full video link, visit ElectAd.com Original Air Time: Saturday, January 14 at 8pm ET on Fox News Participants: Romney, Huntsman, . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the entire Huckabee Presidential Forum 2 from South Carolina By Nate, on January 10th, 2012% Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary handily with Ron Paul taking a distant second place in the field. Jon Huntsman rounded out the top 3. Jan 10, 2012 (90% of precincts reporting) Mitt Romney - 90,090 39.4% Ron Paul - 52,292 22.9% Jon Huntsman - 38,394 16.8% Newt Gingrich - 21,505 9.4% Rick Santorum -21,338 9.3% Rick Perry - 1,588 0.7% Watch the latest video at . . . → Read More: 2012 New Hampshire primary results By Nate, on January 8th, 2012% Saturday night, six GOP candidates participated in a debate sponsored by ABC News held at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. The debate was sponsored by ABC News, WMUR and Yahoo! News. Here is the entire video in a 6-part playlist via YouTube: Note: This site does not necessarily condone the links placed in this . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full ABC New Hampshire GOP debate By Nate, on December 22nd, 2011% Clearly hoping to tap into pro-life evangelical voters in the upcoming Iowa caucus, Ron Paul has put out a new ad today featuring some of his former patients discussing his character and commitment to life. Report from the LA Times: Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign is out with a new ad today featuring former patients of . . . → Read More: Ron Paul highlights his pro-life credentials for Iowa | 2012 Delegate TrackerRomney | | 87 | Gingrich | | 26 | Santorum | | 14 | Paul | | 4 | Huntsman | | 2 |
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