
Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot

In a huge blow to the Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman campaigns, all of them have failed to meet the required 10,000 registered voter signature petition requirement to appear on the Virginia primary ballot taking place March 6, 2011. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have qualified for the primary.

Report from Politico:

WASHINGTON - Former House . . . → Read More: Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot

Merry Christmas 2011 from 2025 Election Central

I want to say a very heartfelt Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for making 2011 a fantastic year for this website. I hope your holiday is filled with good times and cheer. We'll see you back in a couple days for the latest on the campaign and the upcoming Iowa caucuses on January 3rd. . . . → Read More: Merry Christmas 2011 from 2025 Election Central

We salute our Veterans

Veterans Day 2011

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Remember 9/11

Ten years ago today, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in a gruesome act of murder perpetrated on our nation by radical Islamists. A decade later, the memory of this horrific day still lives in all of us who witnessed the events or who were personally affected by them. For me personally, it is hard to . . . → Read More: Remember 9/11

Happy 4th of July 2011

Auto-Generated Tags:july 4th 2012happy 2012 from DChappy . . . → Read More: Happy 4th of July 2011

Have a Blessed Memorial Day 2011

Hope everyone is having a blessed Memorial Day weekend.

Never forget those who have sacrificed so much so we can be free.

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Mayor Bloomberg rules out 2012 presidential bid

There was some speculation that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg might launch an independent Presidential bid in 2012 given his apparent popularity with his city residents. However, Bloomberg has now ruled out 2012 saying he will not, under any circumstances, run for President.

Report from MSNBC:

Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, New York City . . . → Read More: Mayor Bloomberg rules out 2012 presidential bid

2012 election cycle starting much slower than 2008

Comparing this time following the 2006 midterm elections, it looks like most Republican challengers in 2012 will be taking it easy and biding their time before announcing their decision. However, it seems to me that the 2006 to 2008 time frame was ridiculously sped up by the media and Democrats alike eager to see President Bush . . . → Read More: 2012 election cycle starting much slower than 2008

Happy Veterans Day 2010

To all our veterans, we wholeheartedly salute your service and sacrifice. Our nation would not be free without the service you have given to our great country.

Auto-Generated Tags:veterans day 2012veteran day 2012newt gingrich with veterans 2010veterans day 2012 jpegwww happy veterans day . . . → Read More: Happy Veterans Day 2010

Welcome to 2025 Election Central

A site dedicated to the 2012 Presidential Election and ensuring President Barack Obama is limited to four short years of economic destruction. Bring on the candidates and debates!


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