
Lieberman: Perry makes "good first impressions"

One often sought after endorsement by both Republican and Democrat politicians is that of Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. His independent status in the US Senate and tendency to play with both sides of the aisle leads some to believe his endorsement can carry more weight than some. In 2008, Lieberman endorsed Senator John McCain and we . . . → Read More: Lieberman: Perry makes "good first impressions"

Gay marriage initiatives in 2012 could galvanize like 2004

Back in the 2004 Presidential election, President Bush benefited from nearly a dozen state-level gay marriage initiatives on the ballot at the same time as the presidential vote. Many argue this was a strategy employed by the White House at the time to help bring out conservative voters motivated to vote against gay marriage while simultaneously . . . → Read More: Gay marriage initiatives in 2012 could galvanize like 2004

Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

When first-time candidate Obama was making the media rounds in 2007/2008, he was greeted with kid gloves, open arms and an eagerness by the media to help him win. While much of the same attitude remains in the major media outlets, many smaller local market reporters aren't giving him the same treatment he enjoyed last time . . . → Read More: Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

Video: President Obama Launches 2012 Campaign

President Obama today officially launched his 2012 re-election campaign by releasing a video to supporters on his website. The theme of the video seems to draw on the energy from his 2008 campaign which he will inevitably need if he hopes to capture lightning in a jar for a second time.

This is basically a "feel . . . → Read More: Video: President Obama Launches 2012 Campaign

Confirmed: Obama's 2012 Headquarters in Chicago

As we mentioned a couple months ago, it appears that President Obama's reelection campaign headquarters would not be in Washington, DC as is traditionally the case. Instead the Obama 2012 campaign will be run out of office space in Chicago.

Report from CNN:

(CNN) – When President Barack Obama sets up his 2012 re-election campaign, it will . . . → Read More: Confirmed: Obama's 2012 Headquarters in Chicago

Iowa, New Hampshire jockey for primary dates in 2012

Flashback to some of the wackiness of the 2008 election cycle when states hemmed and hawed over their position in the primary schedule and we're basically back there again. This time Iowa and New Hampshire are threatening to move their caucus and primary dates if any other states dare to encroach on their "first in the . . . → Read More: Iowa, New Hampshire jockey for primary dates in 2012

Obama considers moving 2012 campaign HQ to Chicago

In an attempt to recapture his ailing 2008 campaign image, President Obama is considering relocating his 2012 election headquarters to Chicago as opposed to basing it in Washington, DC.

Report from Sify:

US President Barack Obama is trying to win re-election by apparently risking, for the first time in history of the country, to move the campaign . . . → Read More: Obama considers moving 2012 campaign HQ to Chicago

President Obama set to run on tax increases in 2012

According to Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, the President would like to eliminate the tax cuts (a.k.a. raise taxes) for the highest income brackets in 2012 when the current tax cuts expire. Vice President Joe Biden has said the same thing, that the administration has a goal of eliminating this tax cut . . . → Read More: President Obama set to run on tax increases in 2012

Poll: 41% Of Dems Want Primary Opponent For Obama

Trusting everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, lets move back to politics. Not that this is going to happen, but polling organizations love garnering attention running polls like this one showing that 41% of Democrats support a primary challenge against President Obama.

Story from Talking Points Memo:

While President Obama has fared well at the state level in . . . → Read More: Poll: 41% Of Dems Want Primary Opponent For Obama

Zogby: Will GOP Hold Independents in 2012?

Pollster John Zogby released an article today examining whether or not Republicans can hold the independent vote as they did in 2010. The GOP will need a another streak of independent votes to take on President Obama in 2012.

Article from Forbes:

What do Republican voters want, and how will that mesh with the interests of independent . . . → Read More: Zogby: Will GOP Hold Independents in 2012?