
2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debate dates announced

The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced the dates for the 2012 Presidential debates between President Obama and the eventual GOP Presidential nominee. A date has also been announced for a Vice Presidential debate.

As a result, our official 2012 Presidential Debate Schedule page has been updated with ticketing information and other details direct from the . . . → Read More: 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debate dates announced

Romney launches preemptive attack on Obama's jobs speech

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took aim at President Obama's yet-to-be-delivered speech where the President plans to unveil his new strategy to create jobs and jump start the economy (again).

Report from First Read:

TAMPA — On a morning where job creation — or the lack of it — was the primary issue on the political spectrum, . . . → Read More: Romney launches preemptive attack on Obama's jobs speech

Obama to speak the night of Sept. 7th GOP debate Update: Obama speech rescheduled

As a possible joust to the 2012 GOP contenders, President Obama is scheduled to address a joint session of congress on the same night as the next Republican debate set for September 7th. The White House has denied that the schedule was anything more than coincidence.

Report from ABC News:

President Obama has asked to address a . . . → Read More: Obama to speak the night of Sept. 7th GOP debate Update: Obama speech rescheduled

Lieberman: Perry makes "good first impressions"

One often sought after endorsement by both Republican and Democrat politicians is that of Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. His independent status in the US Senate and tendency to play with both sides of the aisle leads some to believe his endorsement can carry more weight than some. In 2008, Lieberman endorsed Senator John McCain and we . . . → Read More: Lieberman: Perry makes "good first impressions"

Poll: Obama loses double-digit lead with independents

According to the latest Pew Research Center poll, President Obama has gone from a double-digit lead with independents, when matched up with a generic Republican challenger, down to a statistical tie of a one point lead.

Report from the Christian Science Monitor:

President Obama’s appeal among independent voters appears to be slipping, and as a result, he . . . → Read More: Poll: Obama loses double-digit lead with independents

Mitt Romney ties President Obama in latest PPP poll

There has been much ado about a recently released Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll which shows President Obama tied with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The notable aspect of this poll is that it is the first time President Obama has been tied with any candidate in any PPP poll.

Report from the UK Daily Mail:

Barack . . . → Read More: Mitt Romney ties President Obama in latest PPP poll

Gay marriage initiatives in 2012 could galvanize like 2004

Back in the 2004 Presidential election, President Bush benefited from nearly a dozen state-level gay marriage initiatives on the ballot at the same time as the presidential vote. Many argue this was a strategy employed by the White House at the time to help bring out conservative voters motivated to vote against gay marriage while simultaneously . . . → Read More: Gay marriage initiatives in 2012 could galvanize like 2004

Rasmussen poll shows Obama 42%, GOP 46%

A Rasmussen poll out today should give hope to the potential GOP candidates and strike some concern into President Obama's 2012 campaign. The poll shows any unnamed Republican candidate beating President Obama in a hypothetical match up by 4 percentage points.

Report from Rasmussen:

A generic Republican candidate now holds a four-point lead over President Obama in a . . . → Read More: Rasmussen poll shows Obama 42%, GOP 46%

Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

When first-time candidate Obama was making the media rounds in 2007/2008, he was greeted with kid gloves, open arms and an eagerness by the media to help him win. While much of the same attitude remains in the major media outlets, many smaller local market reporters aren't giving him the same treatment he enjoyed last time . . . → Read More: Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

Video: President Obama Launches 2012 Campaign

President Obama today officially launched his 2012 re-election campaign by releasing a video to supporters on his website. The theme of the video seems to draw on the energy from his 2008 campaign which he will inevitably need if he hopes to capture lightning in a jar for a second time.

This is basically a "feel . . . → Read More: Video: President Obama Launches 2012 Campaign