This website is not sponsored by any candidate, PAC or any other election-related entity. That said, objectivity is always in the eye of the beholder but please don't take any story or lack of story as an endorsement or censoring of a specific candidate or campaign.
In 2007, I started the website You Decide 2008 ( as a hobby which quickly turned into a near-full-time occupation during the 2007-2008 time frame in the 2008 Presidential Election. Following the success of the site, it morphed into You Decide Politics ( for continued political news, commentary and information.
In an effort to provide a site dedicated solely to the Presidential Election, I have created this site, 2025 Election Central (, as part of a continued hobby of covering the Presidential Election cycle and collecting the complete debate videos.
Have a comment, suggestion or question? Please use the contact form.
- Nate
Auto-Generated Tags:
- 2012 election website
- 2012 Presidential Election Timeframe
- 2012election website
- election 2012 website
- election 2012 websites
- election website 2012
- the election 2012 website