With the more prominent Florida and South Carolina primaries now in the record books, the campaigns head into smaller caucus contests with a much different dynamic. Congressman Ron Paul and former Senator Rick Santorum are banking on these states to make a difference in their delegate count since they rely on a different cross-section of the electorate.
Report from Newsday:
Ron Paul is rolling the dice on Nevada and other caucus states like Minnesota, Kansas and Washington, hoping to keep his nontraditional presidential campaign alive by amassing Republican delegates rather than notching outright wins.
The presidential hopeful came in dead last in Florida's primary, fourth in South Carolina's primary and third in Iowa's caucuses. His strongest showing so far was in New Hampshire, where he placed a distant second behind Mitt Romney in the opening primary of the 2012 campaign.
Undeterred with just four delegates so far, Paul and his advisers say they are sticking to a strategy that avoids major commitments in expensive winner-take-all primaries, like Florida's and Arizona's, in favor of lower-cost states that proportionally allocate their delegates.
"Our goal is to win. And you win by getting the maximum number of delegates," Paul said at a news conference Wednesday in Las Vegas, where he is campaigning ahead of the Saturday's Nevada caucuses. "I'm delighted Nevada makes it fair, where we can compete for the votes. When we get the delegates and build up momentum, we can win."
It's a tall order for Paul by any measure, even though 46 states have yet to vote and just 6 percent of the delegates have been won so far.
A candidate must win 1,144 delegates to secure the GOP nomination. Romney's victory in Florida has already helped him jump out to a substantial delegate lead — he now has 87 delegates compared with 26 for Newt Gingrich and 14 for Rick Santorum. Those numbers include endorsements from Republican National Committee members who will automatically attend the party convention.
Ron Paul probably has a better chance at picking more up in these states than Santorum does. For one, Paul has the cash, and a lot of it. Santorum has seen some increase in donations but his finishes in Florida and South Carolina haven't helped. Paul's cash keeps rolling in despite finishing at the bottom in both states.
Ron Paul,best hope for our country,only hope!
Paul has some good ideas on economic policy and the federal reserve, but his radical liberterina ideas are too much for me. Santorum 2012
Paul doesn't want to force any of his radical ideas on you. He wants to let states decide these issues. Yeah, he thinks there's no need for drug laws, but he's not going to prevent your state from passing them.
And that's really more of a conservative ideology than a libertarian ideology which would say "no drug laws anywhere." As a conservative (with an admitted slight libertarian lean) I prefer that view over Santorum's "forget the 10th amendment" view.
Ryan Belcher
We can Pray it works for Paul and our country!
Ryan — The Alcohol War (even beer!) in the 20's and 30's created The Gangsters (they did not exist before, but filled the niche that HAD TO BE FILLED)!
The War on Drugs created the DRUG LORDS — history did teach Washington how to remove more freedoms…..
Radical libertarian ideas…. Comments like that make me realize that many people have no clue what the Constitution says. Ron Paul bases his "radical libertarian ideas". Radical would mean something completely different. Anyone that doesn't believe Ron Paul is right, does not believe in the United States Constitution and should probably go ahead and leave the country to make room for those of us that honor, and wish to see this country run by, the Constitution again.
Anyone who repeats the phrase: "Paul has some good ideas on economic policy and the federal reserve, but …" has most probably been brainwashed by the TV Screen. It is an effective device to dictate how to think on people that are susceptible. You think his foreign policy towards Israel is lacking, yet the people of the country themselves have endorsed Ron Paul. Ron Paul gets the more donations than ALL OF THE OTHER CANDIDATES COMBINED, which is pretty much a confirmation of his policies IMO.
Mr. Lundberg, I have not gained all my knoweledge from the TV and I haven't gained all my knowledge from Paul propaganda as apparently you have. I have researched all the subjects carfully and prayerfully and I simply think that Ron Paul is not right for the job. I do understand the consititution and realize that it has been twisted but I also think that Ron Paul's view is twisted. Is there something wrong with that? I would think that Paul could get a lot more votes if his supporters were not so annoying.
There isn't anything wrong with having your own opinion. See, not all Paul fans are annoying
I'm sure you meant to say Ron Paul would get a lot more votes if the "media" were not so annoying………… its the media trying to discredit him. Pathetic!
Buckeye You need to do more homework and stop thinking the media is telling you the truth.
Thank you Stephan, I appreciate the understanding.
No Darla, I meant to say that many Ron Paul supporters are annoying. However, the media is irritating too.
And Mr. Spurrier, I have done plenty of homework and researched the philosphies and beliefs of all the candidates. I simply conclude that Ron Paul has too many wrong beliefs to be president. I suggest you do some more homework and stop thinking all the Ron Paul brochures are telling you the truth.
Buckeye — seems you cannot distinguish between today's Liberals (the tyranny of the majority telling an individual what he/she cannot do for the "good" of "their mob society") and Libertarian (respecting the individual's rights (whose actions do not harm others)) over himself, over his/her own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.
J.S. Mill's 1859 treatise: "On Liberty" — obviously this great work (on which many of our original laws were based) is unknown to you.
I understand the libertarian philosophy, but I simply think it is wrong. The basic difference is as you said the libertarians believe "the individual is sovereign." I differ, I believe that only God is sovereign and the civil government should discourage immorality even it violates some individual's rights.
Soooo buckeye. What about your fellow citizens who do not believe in a god, or in a different god than yours (or the same god but in a different way)? Who decides what is immoral or not? Christians? Specifically, protestants?
Tell me, why should I have to live by the rules you have decided are moral, but that I do not support since I have a different belief system?
'Morality' is a personal choice we all make each day, not a Federal concern, not even something the Federal (or even State) government 'can' regulate. What are they going to do? Tuck us into bed each night to make sure our neighbor hasn't crawled through the window? People will do what they want to do. If we want to influence the morality of our nation, we need to influence it in our own homes with our own families.
"radical libertarian ideas"
I'm pretty sure revolting from the largest nation on Earth, with no professional army and with little chance of success was rather radical.
Chad — you and Darla….are not supposed to have such views!
Big Brother in control don't like it!
The Thought Police is on it's way….
I have heard them all talk over the last year and I have noticed how they are all sounding like Ron Paul now. So why vote for anyone other than Ron Paul. The others know he is right on the isues and the right man for the job. That's why they are all picking up on what Ron Paul has been saying for 30 years. Ron Paul is my pick. He is all about our Constitution, our Freedoms and our Libarties. Something this Country needs in the worst way. This is the man we have all been waiting for. He will save America. Don't let the Media fool you. They are all owned by the big banking, big corporation establishment and the establishment doesn't want Ron Paul in office. They know he will put a stop to them ripping off the American people. Ron Paul is the real deal….Wake Up People!
Ron Paul has been my heart-felt pick for at least 2 election periods. After being an Independent most of my life, I found out 7 years ago that I was actually a Conservative Libertarian. I don't agree about a good amount of foreign policy statements Paul has given. However, he has good fundamental points. Unfortunately, his foreign policy stance is from a general view far from what we see today ( i.e. the overton window ). Even though in the past, radical islamists have been our main foe in the world. It's a tough point to be honest and consistent. Though this weakens him, Paul should be offered Sec of Treasury or post such as that if he does not win. He is a strong asset that our country should not squander. Amen
I heard that Sean Hannity is having a "Hannity Forum" on his TV Show tonight. Romney, Gingrich and Santorum were the only ones mentioned for this Forum. Nothing was said about Ron Paul. I guess Hannity is still "pretending" Ron Paul doesn't exist.
Hannity seemed "beside himself" that Gingrich lost Florida on Saturday. I wonder if the Romney/Gingrich "Circus" will continue tonight. Maybe these 2 CLASSLESS CLOWNS will eventually come to blows.
I suppose you don't listen to Hannity. Last night he gave a big long lecture on how he offered Paul a slot on his forum but the campaign turned it down. Don't go around complaining that everyone is against your candidate when you don't the reasons. Hannity even had Sen. Rand Paul on the show. Ron Paul simply is not accepting Sean's invitations.
One of the classless clowns, as you call them, will be the nominee.
Classless clown, again as you call them, is better than a raving dictator.
Hope it isn't the guy that has said, "He's a nice guy, but he is in over his head"
You're military, aren't you, Darryl?
Hannity is a joke, just like the rest of fox news. I am a republican no doubt, but bias news bothers me tremendously. It is the same reason I do not watch MSNBC. Ron Paul may be behind, but at least he says what he truly means. I don't trust Romney at all and Gingrich isn't bad, but he doesn't really have any new ideas. We need someone who is willing to be radical and make some huge changes. China basically owns us and the main issue should be our gigantic debt.
Ron Paul 2012!
You hit the nail right on the head, sir!
It's the DEBT of $16 TRILLION that is the "Millstone" around the Government's Neck. Thus, our Country can and will NEVER Economically Recover until the Government STOPS "Borrowing and Spending". But the "Millstone" will PREVENT the Government from "Borrowing and Spending". It's a "Catch 22" situation and the Government has painted themselves into a corner.
Very shortly, it's going to become a Mathematical Impossibility! - a Quagmire of Economic Quicksand! - the Point of NO Return!
Ron Paul's "Plan to Restore America" is the ONLY Viable Economic Solution! And People don't realize how SERIOUS of a problem this has become to our way-of-life. Thus, they "Vote" like their choosing the winner for American Idol.
If Ron Paul isn't elected, it's Game Over!
Yeah, we need to drastically cut spending. Raising taxes may help, but the big problem is, the government is just like the typical American. They buy on credit that they know they won't really be able to pay back.
Tell me when and how can high we taxes help? The higher the taxes the less money we the tax payer has that they can spend thus a weaker economy. tax money is a mortgage on our hard earned pay check. Higher the mortgage the less in the bank account for us to spend this the mortgage is our tax dollars.
It is time Congress's stops spending money we do not have and that we the tax payer need to be heard loud and clear!
You didn't understand my sarcasm I guess, lol. I was saying raising taxes would help the government's situation technically, but cutting spending is the real solution to the problem.
joke or not ron paul had an opportunity to talk about the issues and he didnt in my mind that makes him the joke its gingrich and romney for now santorum may gain some ground in these other states but ron paul will never get enough delegates because of his foreign policy
So, antiromney, who do you like then?
Indeed Antiromney you may be right. As we saw in the SC debates, a large group of backwards republicans prefer murdering everyone that doesn't do what america wants!
The worst part about this is that if America wants to not be hated by the rest of the world (even its european allies have a growing dislike for america) is to follow ron paul and not attack everyone that looks at you the wrong way. (as if you can force democracy with force >.< )
Yeah Robin. Sure… If the Christian Right in the South Carolina Bible Belt "booed" Ron Paul when he invoked the Golden Rule, what makes you think that it will be any different elsewhere in the Country?
The success of the Neo-Cons to permeate the Christian Church with "HATRED and Intolerance" is going to be very difficult to overcome.
Christians need to WAKE UP out of their TV Induced Coma and come to realize that Ron Paul is the ONLY Evangelical Christian in the Race. He tries to "connect" with them by speaking the language of the Gospel, but he gets "booed". It makes you wonder if they were around when Jesus was here on Earth - would they have "booed" him, too?
What would you do about our enemies? Newt says simply, "Kill them." And in the process of killing our enemies, how many of our own would he consider it acceptable to be killed, maimed, and psychologically scarred for life?
When was it that Ron Paul had the opportunity to talk about the issues? I've listened to every debate and he wasn't given much opportunity to say anything by the time Romney and Gingerich hogged the debate to sling snot at each other.
This 2 party system is weak if not broken. The Donkey Democrats against The Elephant Republicans. We need a Rhino Independent Party. Now to find someone with the eloquence of Obama without the socialism, the heart of Santorum without the naivete, the business savvy of Romney without the out-of-touchness, the conviction and historical understanding of Newt without the grandiosity and scandal, and the common sense in-touch-ness of Ron Paul minus the lack of charisma and folksy-ness.
Anybody? Anyone?…. hmmm.. its a tough job… its a tougher job actually running for this very tough job. We all sit back and poke fun at the foibles of a Rick Perry or the wives of Newt. Wow, our glass houses must be so solid, huh? That's what i thought…
All i have to say is the amount of money collected during political campaigns which is largely used to bash the other candidate via TV ads while we have people in this country who are hungry, and roads and bridges that need re-built, and loans that need to be given out by banks that don't need to charge extra fees… why can't we demand campaigns to give back to society rather than just 'giving it' to the other guy in the race. Its shameful.
Lastly, Ron Paul needs to put his money where his mouth is. He has creative ideas that need to be tempered by sane people who understand balance and reality, but i think he should be given a place in the next administration where he can be a champion for some of his credible ideas that would actually help the country, eg. closing foreign military bases, bring troops home and rebuild America, not Afghanistan. Rebuild Detroit, not Jalalabad…
Well. I too am a Ron Paul supporter. It seems as though the Ron Paul fans are the majority in many of these blogs. I sure do wish his message would reach more people. Every where I go, I see more Ron Paul signs and bumper stickers than any other candidate…even in Florida! It just isn't translating into votes and delegates…YET!
Congressman Paul does have a number of excellent messages. I honestly agree with everything he says. He does need to work on presenting better in the debates. And yes, the media needs to give him fair opportunities and stop feeding the "reality TV" crowd that enjoys Romney and Gingrich (and sometimes Santorum) bashing each other.
If Ron Paul get elected (and I sincerely hope he does), stand by for real change. It will take some time for many of us to adapt. Though Ron Paul in the White House is what we need. **Why make Mitt Romney move into a smaller house than he has ever lived in?
Ha, I loved your comment on moving Mitt Romney into a smaller house. But yeah, I really hope Ron Paul gets voted in too. I think one major problem with Paul not getting votes also has to do with the demographic that supports him. It seems he has gotten a lot of support from the younger crowd, sadly a lot of the younger crowd doesn't vote. I am 22 myself as is my wife, and although I vote, she could care less about voting no matter what I say and I think that is a problem with many of us who are younger. I am not saying the older crowds don't support him, but he needs to do more to get that older crowd on his side too. Maybe he should publish a few attack ads on Romney and Gingrich, not because I think attack ads are good, but because apparently it is what gets people to vote for you.
Stephen, as one of the 'older crowd', I agree with you that Ron Paul needs our support, too. You made me think about when I was 22 - and had no idea how our government influenced my daily life. I was more interested in polishing my nails, to be honest, and in acquiring the goodies I wanted. But don't believe that wisdom comes with age for a minute. The truth is that we of the older crowd have pretty much heard it all before, so much so that we're jaded. While I personally am fascinated and thrilled that we finally have Ron Paul, a candidate of integrity, the same is not true of most of my friends. They will vote, to be sure, but they will vote primarily for whomever the Republican party or Democratic party offers them. Still, I have found that I am never alone. There are lots of others out there like me already supporting and driving their family and friends crazy with Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul. Maybe we will win some votes for him.
When has Ron Paul been given the opportunity to present better in the debates? We are not just imagining the rudeness and bias of the media. It is absolutely real. The difference in his delivery is amazing when you watch the videos of him speaking to Congress, to his supporters, or just when explaining his stance on the issues. There are many You Tube segments, and still others on his campaign website. He's a very eloquent speaker - when given the opportunity to speak.
To a commenter on this site somewhere going by the name RON:
You stated, like so many have, that Romney is the only one that can Beat Obama!
You make the mistake of being led by the mass that keep telling you this.
Romney, speaking of Obama, "He's a good man but he is in over his head"
You have to be kidding! A good man? That has to tell you something.
He's over his head? The power behind Obama will tear Romney up!
Obama isn't over his head. This is his planned agenda. What a dumb comment.
Romney has said in his campaigning, "I will get people back to work"
How profound. That is what all the candidates plan to do.
If Romney thinks this statement will be what it takes to beat Obama, he is sadly mistaken. That is kids play.
Finally, take a look at this link. A man thats very name stands for Conservatism.
Rick Santorum is my PICK as of today… If everyone would just really listen to him…they would see that he is soooo down to earth…been in congress…knows the ropes………and is very fair…understands the people and what we all need..BEING… jobs. less goverment, reduce spending…ect…AND i wish we could take the best of all four and make one…well we can't…so maybe it is true that we just don't have that person that lights up this country…Like the tea party did and does…I really like of course chris christy and really stating to pay more and more attention to ALLEN WEST!! that guy is going to be someboby in high goverment soon and i must say not soon enough….Donald Trump was a big disapointment…..hate that he choose Romney…Really wish he had seen that he will not win against obaama!!! Newt or Rick have the best chance…One Bull#%@* to another Bull#%&* will not ger the job done…obama and romney are just smooth talkers…as we know from 2008…
My only problem with Santorum it my same problem with Gingrich and Romney, and that's his policy on war. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he still won't trade with Cuba and would be willing to fight Iran. One reason I like Ron Paul so much is because he is willing to open up to Cuba. True, their leader may not be the best guy in the world, but trading with them would greatly benefit us. Think of all the exports we could send to that country.
LOL — you got the Mutt Pack right (Newt, Mitt and Rick); trading with the largest Communist nation on earth — China), but not with the smallest one (Cuba)…..
Just 4 Delegates 4 Ron Paul? Anything wrong here? what happened with the iowa caucus where Paul gained 7 delegates??? Am I missing something? The total for Paul should be 10 delegates!
In my opinion, Ron Paul makes huge mistakes when he passes up the opportunity to go on these one-on-one forums. I very much dislike Hannity, and haven't yet been able to bring myself to watch the 3 videos, but I'll get there, although I might skip the Gingrich one as I hate to see grown men drool over each other. If Ron Paul can't face the Republican nay-sayer media types, how in the world is he going to stand up against all of the liberal media if he becomes President? Believe me, they are not going to cover up for him like they do for Obama.
I, too, would like to see him in some one-on-one forums. Have you watched the You Tube videos and the ones on his campaign site? He can do it. There's one where he corners Bernanke, others where he's explaining his 'policies'; others speaking in Congress. He's really just as eloquent, if not more so, than Romney and Newt. And there's one that made a believer out of me when he spoke in 2002, I think it was, about the things that were going to happen and have now happened. If you haven't watched any, forget Hannity, go see Ron Paul. I think you'll agree he 'can'. The question is why isn't he doing it?
Kay, At least Trump was consistent — he chose a successful businessman because he's consistently stated that a successful businessman is what is needed. Unlike Cain, who was my 1st choice, said consistently that an outsider, successful businessman is what is needed, and even publicly stated of all the people on that stage, he would gladly be Romney's VP because their views are the closest, and then he endorses the insider politician. Or Perry's contradiction — choosing the insider to endorse when he also said that what is needed is an outsider, a governor. Cain and Perry are hypocrites, and Cain has lost all of my respect.
Marlene — since when have professional politicians warranted merit?
You seem to be one — so hope you change and become a GENUINE PERSON (like Ron Paul) and not a professional one (like the rest).
Wish you all the best in your political career — you have a good mind, let it not be compromised!
I can see it now. Trump telling Romney, Just let the U.S. go into bankruptcy. Quote: "I've used the laws of this country to pare debt. … We'll have the company. We'll throw it into a chapter. We'll negotiate with the banks. We'll make a fantastic deal. You know, it's like on 'The Apprentice.' It's not personal. It's just business," Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos last Thursday.
A business declaring bankruptcy is nothing new in corporate America, where bankruptcy is often sugar-coated as "restructuring debt." But it might seem alarming to everyday Americans who can't get a bank to restructure their home loans."
Who in their right mind wants an endorsement from Donald Trump?
Two of the 4 years Newt claims he balanced the budget, he wasn't even in office. And all of the years he did claim it, it was done by raiding Social Security. So two more lies.
ONLY MITT CAN BEAT OBAMA MARK MY WORD vote other just give more vote to crony capitlaism president
Why all these Ron Paul supporters? He won't win a single state! He dodges the high profile opportunities needed to get mass exposure needed to win an election. Why?…so he can blab a crazy isolationist agenda that could never get past either houses of Congress. He is a noise maker, a carnival barker in the truest sense and will soon be banned from the debates. I can't wait until he disappears completely from the scene.
All this talk about Rep Allen West. I knew him while in the Army. Very good mild mannered guy but he's much different, even surprusing, as a Congressman. I don't think he's currently presidential material and doubt he'd consider running considering his background. He does have some skeletons. He could test the waters and run for governor somewhere. If he could build a leadership record outside of his time in Iraq, his pros would help him overcome any negatives. But he needs to have a place somewhere. He will have a tough time keeping his seat in Congress after redistricting has happened.
Ron Paul is the only candidate with a Military background hum..
Tis a sad day for America. Romney and his Super PAC's have successfully fooled the Conservatives again. Although Mr. Romney supported the TARP Bail-Outs for the Banks which have increased our National Debt to more than unsustainable levels, he still wins in Nevada.
America is definitely in decline and the People are more than willing to let it continue to decay. They have demonstrated, through this GOP Primary Race, that they ZERO understanding and comprehension of Economics and Debt.
And by choosing Mitt Romney to run against Barack Obama, they have so ignorantly and unwisely chosen NOTHING; only that they would like to have a "different warden", bind them with the chains of their own "self-appointed" slavery.
This is what's coming to the United States very very soon. Goldman Sachs is Mitt Romney's and Barack Obama's LARGEST Campaign Contributor. You see… It DOESN'T Matter which one of these Plutocrats are elected to the Presidency.
Greece is being pressured to give all control of the Greek budget to the European Union, which it says threatens its national sovereignty. This is coming to the United States!
Wake Up and Educate Yourself!
Ron Paul is the ONLY Candidate who will NOT let this happen to the United States of America!