The four remaining GOP hopefuls gathered in Arizona on Wednesday night for the final debate prior to the Arizona and Michigan primaries coming up on February 28. This debate was sponsored by CNN and the Republican Party of Arizona. It was held at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona.
Original Air Time: Wednesday, February 22 at 8pm ET on CNN
Participants: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul
Alternate full debate video link:
Report from Fox News:
The Republican presidential candidates head back on the campaign trail Thursday after a debate in Phoenix, Ariz. that, while fiery at times, ultimately changed little in the race for the 2012 presidential nomination.
The debate, which took place one week before a flurry of voting begins with contests in Michigan and Arizona, saw Mitt Romney reaffirm his genteel but biting attack style. His main target was Rick Santorum, who faced a host of questions from his rival aimed at cutting short the would-be path of an emerging frontrunner.
Romney went on offense from the start against Santorum's record of spending while in the U.S. Senate, accusing him of raising the debt ceiling five times, funding Planned Parenthood and expanding the Department of Education.
In a searing first shot the Republican presidential primary frontrunner said during Santorum's watch, spending grew 80 percent of the federal government.
But in a quick retort, Santorum, seated next to Romney one week before they and candidates Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul hear from voters in Arizona and Michigan, said that while he was in office in Washington, the debt as a percentage of GDP went down from 68 percent to 64 percent.
No doubt that Santorum took a beating from both Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. Gingrich gave an endearing performance but I am not sure that will be enough to reignite his campaign.
Ron Paul actually seemed to come out looking the best after last night and it was due in part to letting the other candidates talk themselves into corners. Paul hammered Santorum on spending and it was a little uncomfortable watching Santorum attempt to justify certain earmarks over other earmarks.
Probably the two who benefited the most from Wednesday night were Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. The attacks on Romney have been played out time and time again in these debates so we didn't hear anything new. Santorum and Gingrich delivered the standard lines against Romney's Massachusetts health care law but those critiques have been heard time and time again.
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- watch full arizona debate
- arizona republican debate full video
- 2012 arizona debate full video
Romney talks — but no-one wants to hear him….
How funnily appropriate is the below….
Ron Paul supporters — the Ron Paul Fan Site is back on…so post there, too!
RON PAUL SUPPORTERS… Surfisher wants you to go to his posted web page. Please go there… and don't come back.
B Anderson
Are you by any chance a full-fledged, dyed-in-the-wool, Constitution hating, warmongering, Israel dominated Neo-Con? Just asking…
Why don't you move to Israel and you can "protect" them all you want. Maybe they'll even let you push their Red Button if you froth-at-the-mouth while you're "screaming" how much you hate Ron Paul and all the Muslims.
Sorry, Darryl, I've had a lot of respect for many comments you have shared, but this is not one of them. I think you are above that.
Perhaps. But I just get so "frustrated" when these Neo-Con, wag-the-fricken-dog War-Lovers get support from the "duped" and ignorant American People. They KNOW nothing will change, but they keep supporting them anyway.
Darryl, I can understand your being frustrated when you think people don't get it. But I think the reality is ALL of US CARE about this nation and the direction it is heading. It does us no good to tear each other apart because we share different points of view. Our nation is at a crossroads and if we don't want to end up in a wreck, we're gonna have to stick together and look for common ground. The two party system has certainly created an US against Them culture in our country. We certainly don't need to have in our own party. If we care about the country, then lets find common ground and move forward to reclaim our constitutional liberty.
I am a creation of God, just as you are. I know Whose I am.
Neo-Cons HATE this Song! I can just see the Romney, Gingrich and Santorum Supporters "cringing"!
Song: "END THIS WAR!" by Golden State
I can be sure of this
Memories are fading fast
A fragile heart of glass
That shattered once before
The walls start to break and crack
Nothing is built to last
Cuz Patience are running thin
But I know we can't give up
If we make the choice
To walk out the door
And let all we have
Become nothing more
Can we look at ourselves
And resist this
Moment in time together
Its not impossible
That we can End This War
Just let your heart explode
Not too late for a miracle
It's not impossible
I know we can resist
So many shots that missed
My heart can take a hit
Cause I know I can't let go
If we make the choice
To walk out the door
And let all we have
Become nothing more
Can we look at ourselves
And resist this
Moment in time together
Its not impossible
That we can End This War
Just let your heart explode
Not too late for a miracle
It's not impossible
No more fighting
No more crying
No more hurting
No deserting
No more lying
No more sighing
I'm still trying
Arms wide open
Its not impossible (End This War)
That we can End This War (End This War)
Just let your heart explode (End This War)
Not too late for a miracle (End This War)
It's not impossible (End This War)
I've seen the levy break
I've seen a lover take
I've felt the warm sun
It's there for everyone
I've seen some troubled times
But its not too late for a miracle
Its not impossible
Ron Paul stands alone in my eyes. Why is the media ignoring Ron Paul>>>>Because THEY ARE FRIGHTENED OF HIM! He actually stands a chance of winning!!
Take it from a fence poster(i.e., Libertartian), I'll jump to your side if you vote Ron Paul!
Ron Paul Political Rap Song "Stand Up" by Mark Jankins
A lot of people don't realize that we're at the precipice of an intellectual war; where knowledge and wisdom is our ammunition, truth and understanding is our strategy, and peace and liberty is our goal.
We used to say the pledge of allegiance,
It said liberty and justice for all.
But ever since the departure of Clinton,
I've been witnessing my countries downfall.
I don't really know where we're going,
And this election's too close to call.
But if you ask me about how I'm voting,
I gotta stand up for Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
It's time to stand up for Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul.
Come on and stand up for Ron Paul.
Verse 1:
It all started in the Monica Lewinski days,
Newt Gingrich was screamin impeachment
But he's doing the same thing.
Cheatin on his 2nd wife with his 3rd wife
Claiming to be a man of God
But can't even live a moral life.
Now that's hypocrisy, way too prevalent in DC
He ain't even fit to be the VP
Think you better switch your vote to RP
Yep, that's Ron Paul, Champion of the Constitution
America's 1 solution, to rid the white house of pollution
We've been on the wrong path for way too long,
Thought we'd recover from the Bush era when Obama came along
I know, I voted on him to but I admit I was wrong
But now it's time to move on, and get this country back strong
But first things first, we gotta balance the budget
We're 16 trillion in debt, and that #'s only growin
We're spending more than we're making
And fighting wars we can't afford
Foreign aid to other countries, time to cut that umbilical cord!
Verse 2:
Attention Folks! The lamestream media's at it again.
Look out for Hannity, O'Reilly, and CNN
They want to tell you that a vote for Ron Paul don't count
They want to choke out his message, with a media blackout
Oh no, Hell no! We can't let that happen!
That's why we're all over the internet, and I'm up here rappin
Supporters down at the capitol, hold signs at town lake
Spreadin the message of liberty, for America's sake
But it's your choice; so pick heaven or hell
Pick good or evil; pick right or wrong; pick weak or strong
Pick yin or yang; pick Thomas Jefferson or Sadam Hussein
The choice is obvious to me, but it's up to you to decide
Don't base it on the media's lop sided view they provide
They're spreading lies, misinformation, and deception
Paid for by private groups that want to rig the elections, WAKE UP!
Verse 3:
Barack Obama, I thought it was time for a change
Barack Obama, your plan is looking kinda strange
Barack Obama, I know who you are
But charisma can only get you so far
This country needs a leader! Not another crooked politician
Ron Paul's got the balls to stand up to the opposition
That's the establishment, challenge the status quo
Brrrrrack, you got us up sh** creek without a paddle bro
Open up your eyes and your mind, and think for yourself
You can't continue wars and expect economic health
You can't have poor work ethic and expect to obtain wealth
You can't change the world if you can't change yourself
It's time to take back your righteous mind
Give liberty a chance for the sake of mankind
But enough of me, I'ma let the good doctor speak
And let the choice be yours…… Godspeed
Ron Paul "What If" speech
Ron Paul "What If" speech continued.
Political Folk Song "Ron Paul Free" by Carolyn Karger
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From the farm lands of Iowa
To the freeways of L.A.
Every day
You hear the people say
We've had enough and
We're too tough to take this
Sitting down -
Ron Paul
He's the one we want
Ron Paul
To take those lies apart
They told us
One too many times…
Ron Paul
He's the one we want
Ron Paul
It takes a patriot's heart
To make sure
That this will always be
The land of the Free…
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From the warm sands of Florida
To the campuses, where they pay to play
Every day
They do a double take
Who's this man who speaks the truth to the
Powers that be and the MSM?
Ron Paul
He's the one we want
Ron Paul
To take those lies apart
They told us
One too many times…
Ron Paul
And the time is now
Ron Paul
Because we know how to ensure
That this will always be
The land of the Free
We want to be FREE
We don't want war
We don't want pain
We don't want bloodshed
We don't want shame
We don't want debts
We don't want chains
We don't want theft
We don't want to be slaves
We don't want crowns
We don't want kings
We don't want pawns
Telling us what to think
We don't want hope
We don't want change
We don't want lies
Or more of the same
We are the people
Born to liberty -
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)
We want to be FREE! (Ron Paul)…
Every day
Somebody wakes up awake
From sea to shining sea and the
Purple mountains majesty….
We will be glad when we are free of Ron Paul's followers! They are the ones more mislead that he is.
B Anderson, Carmen, Simple Truth, Buckeye, Francis, MichaelReg, Nate-I think you might appreciate this website:, this is an excellent series!
And no, it is NOT in anyway a Ron Paul website.
I think there is common ground between both sides, wish more of that could come across. Ron Paul supporters make good points about his Constitutional knowledge and all, but sometimes the way they present their ideas certainly makes it hard to hear their POV. Personally, I will vote for whoever gets the nomination. No one's perfect and I think we'll have a better chance of reclaiming our Constitutional government with anyone OTHER THAN President Obama.
I went back and watched all the debates here…
Dr. Paul is the ONLY person who actually EVER answers the questions. Not only does he answer, he's the only one who answers intelligently.
Mitt Romney, I swear, NEVER answers the questions… the guy fricken monologues! Like he has this script memorized! It doesn't even matter what questions are asked, he just starts rambling! Sure, he's smart, successful, etc… But the guy is doing CLASSIC bureaucratic, political nonsense! He's Bill Clinton all over again. Bill was a master at this technique.
Newt kind-of answers. Rick seems like Mitt's puppy dog or something. Seems to me like he's trying to impress Mitt. Maybe he's looking for a job after he loses.
Ron Paul seems like he's the only person who is answering consistently. I've watched probably hundreds of TV spots on each candidate, and Dr. Paul is the only one with an actual message. It's like he sees what is fundamentally wrong. I can feel it in my bones when he speaks. He's TOTALLY unorthodox, and has this haphazard, whiny voice… but what he says cuts through all the B.S.!
I used to think it was good when candidates fought for what I believed in, moved to put in place legislation that supported my beliefs, vetoed bills that antagonized my persuasion; but NOW… here comes Ron Paul, saying, "You have it all wrong!" The government doesn't need to create more laws, more red-tape, more control… what it needs to do is GO AWAY!
I like it… I like it a lot!
Thanks for your post. Ron Paul's ideas on the constitution are quite extreme. He forgets that the constitution allows laws to be made and changed. Through the 250 years of our history there have been several attempts to keep in touch with the times. Even thought I do not agree with many of the laws, and some appear to be contrary to the constitution, we all must abide by them. Ron Paul will never be able to correct even one “mistake” of the legislation that opposes the constitution. He does not have a persuasive personality. Some of our laws seem to be unfair. Why do we need to drive on the right side of the road? Maybe I like to drive on the left. So isn’t it unconstitutional to require me to ride on the right? If it were a state rights thing, some states could have you drive on the right, some on the left, or some other section of the road. No, it is for the good of the masses. Ron Paul and his followers do not seem to grasp that concept. That, and his isolation ideals are the reason I will not support him. However, even he would be better that Obama.
Obama blatantly opposes the rights of individuals, religious based organizations, and our right to life. People have the right to purchase contraceptives for their lifestyle. However I have a different lifestyle. I should not be forced to support and pay for other’s elective lifestyle. The pill, when used as contraceptive, is not a health item. It is known to cause blood clots in women. Why has it become a health item to be paid by insurance or taxpayers? Since when is becoming pregnant unhealthy? I thought it was a natural body function. I think that is wrong for people and religious organizations to be forced to pay for them. Like alcohol, it is an item of choice. It is legal. I am not forced to pay for someone’s choice of drink. However I can see where NightQuil relieves cold symptoms, and could be covered under health care. The pill, also has uses for health care of regulating female body cycles. I could be covered for that, but not for elective purposes.
People think it is weird that I support abortion. However, I have a different take on the subject. The couple that wish not to have a baby, really are saying that they do not want to support the child after it is born. That is fine with me. As soon as the baby is born, the parents have the right to be aborted. The child can be adopted by someone who will love and care for it. That way, the couple have the fun of sex, and don’t have to face the consequences of raising the child.
B Anderson —
Lol… some more of your sciolistic prattle?
Seen any terrorists under your bed lately…?
You never answered how (under Ron Paul) those darn Muslims in the hundreds of millions are going to get here to wage war against us on our soil.
What was it again —- building thousands of rowboats or dinghies….?
I'm sorry, Surfisher, but is this kind of comment really necessary?
2_amazed —
No — you are correct.
Ridiculing his illogical mind is superfluous — he succeeds exposing it better in his own words….
P.S. No admonishing comment on your part to him: Was this post necessary…?
"B Anderson — February 25, 2012 at 8:24 pm — RON PAUL SUPPORTERS… Surfisher wants you to go to his posted web page. Please go there… and don't come back."
Just wondering if you are being selective….
P.P.S. Wish you luck in your polite engagement to compare ideas, in the hope he'll comprehend the validity of some and the disproval of others (but I think it's causa perduta — one can do just about anything, but put brains into a fool's head).
Ha Ha Ha Ha
B Anderson, thank you for taking the time to respond and for sharing your thoughts and positions with me. I too am a Christian, and so I can identify with the concerns that you have expressed. That is why I think you’ll appreciate the website I link I posted. BTW, I like your take on abortion.
I don’t agree with all of Sen. Paul’s ideas or stands on various issues. However, one thing I can really appreciate about him is his constant bringing to the dialogue the undermining of the Constitution and the national debt. I believe those are the two most pressing challenges our nation faces at this time. I am really concerned that if we as a nation do not change direction we truly will not be able to recover. President Obama has made it very clear he will not be the person to preserve, protect or defend the Constitution. From his statements, to his usurpation from the States the right to decide on healthcare as opposed to a nationally mandated system, to his most recent unconstitutional recess appointments. And to add insult to injury that the Senate Majority Leader would threaten those who would call the President on his unconstitutional conduct is unacceptable!
Your point is well taken about there being a limit to states rights as evidenced by the driving example. There do need to be national laws for some consistency. It obviously was necessary to adopt the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments since some states would have kept things as they were before the Civil War—not that it still didn’t take a 100 years and the Civil Rights movement to ‘finish’ the job.
As I am sure you have noticed, violations to the Constitution have been going on for decades. When the President sends troops into war without a declaration of war from Congress, he has violated the Constitution; when the Supreme Court writes a statute which amounts to binding law on all states, that’s a violation of the Constitution; when a Presidential agency such as the EPA creates regulations which amount to laws, again, it is a violation of the Constitution. Only Congress has the authority under the Constitution to make laws which are binding on the nation. They also do not have any Constitutional authority to delegate it to anyone or any agency! Furthermore, they also have the authority and obligation to call anyone on the carpet that does violate it. If we sign a UN Treaty that proposes to direct the internal affairs of the nation, as would the UN Treaty known as the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) would, it would clearly violate the liberties outlined in our Constitution. Yet, it would be binding on the nation. (If you haven’t seen anything on this, check out
I’m not 60 yet, but I’m quite near to 50 and for years I have wondered, why on earth don’t things seem to change when we get a new president, be he Republican or Democrat? It wasn’t until I watched this lecture series ( that the lights came on and the understanding took root. (I certainly never learned this in school!) We as a nation have not been constitutionally literate enough to demand change from Washington. We have allowed the politicians to be the experts in leading the nation, and it has been like the blind leading the blind! We need to have the kind of knowledge that allows us to know when the violations take place and hold our elected representatives- either presidential, or more importantly, congressional-accountable by the ballot box. I agree with you, no one president is going to turn this nation around. It’s gone on for too long and the obvious prevalence of constitutional ignorance among our political leaders is widespread—although for some I believe it is intentional violation as opposed to ignorant violation. Personally, I have come to believe the president sure can lead, but it is far more important that we have constitutionally literate and honest men and women serving as our congressional representatives.
The lecture series gave me an abundance of hope—we can turn things around when we as a nation (or at least enough of us that will vote), educate our friends, children, and grandchildren on the principles that will keep the Constitution as the blueprint for governing our nation. We can turn it around when we enter the discourse around us, make our points known, listen to opposing points of views, and find common ground.
If you haven’t seen the first lecture, I would so recommend you take the opportunity.
I’d really be interested in hearing what you think of it. Also, the one on the National Debt is excellent! If you like what you see, please let others know about it. (Unfortunately, only two of the complete lectures are on the website-there are 25 lectures in all and each is done just as well as the two available for free).
After watching the series and better understanding the ‘hows and whys’ of the crisis we are facing as a nation I am firmly of the opinion we need to spread Constitutional knowledge so we can stand together to take back our nation from those who would destroy it from within.
*sigh* Apparently, you are the one who doesn't "get it". I was sadden to read that you would support "whoever" the Candidate is that is nominated. I thought you knew better than that. I'm sure you read B Anderson's post. He's really "out there", but at least he's been honest about his feelings and where he stands. He's a Neo-Con. He's Pro-Abortion. He doesn't like Ron Paul. He could "care-less" about the Constitution. He's a Gingrich supporter. He's Pro-BIG Government. Oh. And he doesn't like Obama. Pretty strange, aye?
Anyway, Ron Paul supporters ALREADY KNOW that nothing will change under Romney, Gingrich or Santorum. B Anderson is the classic example as to "why". He knows nothing will change in our Government either. He WANTS it that way. He criticizes Ron Paul and his supporters for even "daring to suggest" change and "mocks" Ron Paul's message about returning to a Constitutional Government.
Common ground? Is there any Common Ground, 2_amazed? "Tyranny", under ANY Political Party, has NOTHING IN COMMON with Freedom and Liberty. You're only kidding yourself if you think that there will be any chance of "reclaiming" a Constitutional Government under ANY of the other GOP Candidates, other than Ron Paul. Their Motive, if elected President, is to take the "then" Bush Republican Policies, which are "now" Obama Democrat Policies, and make them "more Republican". In other words, NOTHING WILL CHANGE!
It's not about "beating" Obama, like the MSM likes to report, and which YOU believe. Why? Because they're ALL THE SAME! It's about "restoring" the Government back to a Constitutional Representative Democracy where the People, and NOT Corporations - NOT Special Interests - NOT Israel - NOT Unions - NOT Wall Street - but the ONLY the People are Represented by those who we elect to Govern us.
And WHO is the only Candidate speaking this way? Ron Paul 2012 !!!
Darryl, actually I do get it, we just disagree on what ‘it’ is. Yes, I did read B Anderson’s post—and I think you misunderstood his/her position on abortion. I understood that the position was anti—it was a play on words by using pro-abortion.
The neo-Con label doesn’t sit well with me. I think when we resort to name calling to eliminate a point of view from the dialogue it just doesn’t help those of us who are truly concerned about how far our nation has strayed from the Constitution, as you and many others have expressed.
Yes, I will vote for the person who gets the nomination. If Sen. Paul is not running, what else would I do? Not vote—perish the thought! Throwing away my opportunity to vote would be the last thing I would do. It certainly wouldn’t help in the least of stopping a president who is clearly bent on destroying our liberties and our Constitution. Besides as you argue, voting for anyone else than Sen. Paul would be maintaining the status quo, well not taking part in the general election certainly will do the same thing! You see no difference between anyone else and the GOP and Pres. Obama, but there I am willing to agree to disagree.
I respect your point of view as I do many others. I know you are very politically savvy and probably know quite a bit about history to understand that those who wrote our Constitution argued over many points—some were violently opposed to creating such a document and then trying to actually agree on what should be in it was certainly a tedious process. But they persevered, listened to each other, presented their opposing opinions and finally came to common ground to adopt the document we now have.
I see the point we are at now in history as much the same. We all have different ideas, and some of will violently oppose ideas presented by those they see as the opposition. But we are, I believe, united in a common goal. The goal is to get back to a Constitutional government, and I am sorry, but it will take years to really do that. We need more than just a president, because you know as I’ve said before on other blogs, the president is not King. He’ll have to work with Congress and if Congress doesn’t follow the Constitution then we’re in trouble. So I see this as a defining moment in history. Do we only align ourselves to one candidate, or do we at least get someone in there other than who we currently have and at least begin the process?
I think this divisiveness within the party only supports Pres. Obama’s agenda and re-election. I think if we are truly concerned about liberty, then we’d better vote him out office or move to another country. I for one don’t plan on moving—my money’s tied up in this economy and my house—I can’t afford to go anywhere else!
I’ve made allusions before, but personally, I like Gov. Romney. I know most of you hate him, but I think Gov. Romney is an honest man who sincerely wants to lead this country to a brighter future. I know I may be in the minority, but I do trust his integrity. Is he perfect, no, but I don’t think any of them are. I’m not really swayed by the over-dramatizations and character assassinations about him—or any other candidate, for that matter. Just as you are not swayed by others same response to Sen. Paul.
Question, and I am honestly asking this, how will Sen. Paul stop the special interests, Unions, corporate donations & corporate influence in politics? I agree that it certainly is a corruption in the system, but what is the plan to stop it?
You may decide to write me off, but I will still respect your right to support whom you will and respect your thoughts and opinions without derision. I would hope you would do the same for me (and others).
Good night!
As we both know, the President wields most the Power coming out of the Executive Branch (against Congress) with the veto pen. Yes, vetos can be over-ridden, but this would be the beginning of the "change" that must take place in the 2 party system, of which they are BOTH in "collusion" AGAINST the American Taxpayer. The "exposure" alone, to the American People, of these "Wasteful and Crooked" Politicians that "cater" to the Special Interests would DIRECTLY come from the Bully-Pulpit at their own peril. As Ron Paul has stated if he's elected President, he'll use the "mandate" of his election and take his case DIRECTLY to the American People.
Firstly, Government SPENDING is the MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE facing our Nation. The National Debt is now over $16 TRILLION and Growing! A Balanced Budget may be implemented years from now and President Paul does have the "Plan" to accomplish this. If Romney, Gingrich, Santorum or Obama are elected President, the BORROWING will continue and the National Debt will GROW to over $20 TRILLION 4 years from now. That's a "Mathematical Certainty", if "Actual" Spending Cuts aren't made to the Federal Budget. However, as I have previously stated in other Blogs, the "Millstone" around the Government's Neck, is the MASSIVE $16 TRILLION DEBT! In order for there to be a Balanced Budget, the Debt must be either Liquidated or Paid Down FIRST! If "Politicians" are "promising" a Balanced Budget, WITHOUT Cutting "Actual" Spending, then they are LYING to us!
President Paul would implement these "Actual" Spending Cuts to the Budget. His "Plan" cuts $1 TRILLION in spending during the FIRST YEAR of his Presidency. He will "eliminate" five (5) Cabinet Departments (Energy, Commerce, HUD, Interior, and Education), saving BILLIONS of Dollars. He will ABOLISH the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and return the responsibility for security to private property owners (The Free Market Solution). He will ABOLISH corporate "subsidies" (Corporate Welfare). He will STOP ALL foreign aid, including to Israel. This will actually BENEFIT Israel because Israel's Arab neighbors receive 7 TIMES MORE than Israel receives. He will END the Foreign Wars and STOP the subsidizing of other Foreign Country's security and border control. He will also make a 10% reduction in the Federal Workforce. He will "slash" Congressional "pay and perks" and curb "excessive" Federal travel. What is MOST TELLING is that President Paul will "stand" with the American People! President Paul will take a salary of $39,336, approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker. By doing ALL this, President Paul will return most of the Government Spending to 2006 levels.
Although, President Paul wouldn't have the "Absolute Authority" to repeal Obamacare, as Romney and others have so falsely stated, he would have the "Power" to set the agenda on the road toward repeal. He would also set out to repeal Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley in the same manner. He will implement the "Mandates REINS-style" approach to these repeals by requiring a thorough congressional review and authorization BEFORE implementing any new regulations issued by bureaucrats. President Paul will also "cancel" all onerous regulations previously issued by Executive Order.
President Paul, being the Commander-in-Chief, will have the Authority to Bring the Troops Home. Yes. There's always the "danger" that a "false flag attack" may be in the works by "Special Interests", but "declaring war" would be placed "back" onto the Congress (the people) to investigate and decide.
President Paul would also honor our "promises" to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to "opt out" of these Programs. He would "Block Grant" Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps and other welfare programs to allow the STATES the flexibility and ingenuity they need to solve their own unique problems without harming those currently relying on the programs. (10th Amendment)
President Paul will INSIST that Congress conduct a FULL audit of the Federal Reserve and he will DEMAND Congress to implement "Competing Currency Legislation" to strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation (the supply of money). Whether that is returning to a Gold Standard, is yet to be determined. The FED must be audited FIRST. But it's a FACT that the "Interest" that the American Taxpayer "pays" for the use of Our OWN Money and what is used (through Borrowing) to facilitate our MASSIVE DEBT will soon overtake the Revenues collected through Taxation. Then what do we do?
President Paul is the ONLY Candidate who "Tells the Truth" regarding the Issues facing America. He knows there will be "Pain" associated with Government Spending Cuts. However, if implemented ASAP, the "Pain" would be short-lived and NOT as Painful if we continue down-the-road to eventual "Austerity". And BELIEVE ME, President Paul"s Plan is Much Better than Austerity. Just ask the People in Greece!
I forgot a VERY IMPORTANT puzzle piece to President Paul's Plan for Economic Growth and Job Creation. TAXATION.
Ron Paul's "mantra" throughout the Debates has been: KEEPING MORE OF YOUR MONEY! However, because this has been used as a "Sound Byte" by so many "Politicians", the "Meaning" falls on deaf ears.
As stated on his website:
"The Power to Tax is the Power to "Destroy", which is why Ron Paul will NEVER support higher Taxes".
Our National Debt is currently over $16 TRILLION, with the Government Spending nearly $2 TRILLION "more per year" than it collects in Taxes. The American people should NOT have to pay for Washington's reckless and out-of-control appetite for DEBT! People will analyze Greece and say that the Greek People "spent" all the money, thus should pay it back. It's FAR MORE COMPLICATED than that. First, Goldman-Sachs, who is the LARGEST CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTOR to Mitt Romney committed FRAUD by "hiding" the Greek Debt so they could be admitted to the Eurozone. Secondly, the Greek People NEVER Spent the Money! All these Bail-Outs are going DIRECTLY INTO THE POCKETS of the Bankers. The Greek People see none of that money. Thirdly, because the Bankers are so CORRUPT and GREEDY, they are DEMANDING the Natural Resources and Infrastructure "as payment" for their Debt. It's NO WONDER the Greek People are "rioting" in the streets.
Anyway, back to the USA, it's a FACT that High taxes "stifle" innovation, "prevent" saving, "destroy" production and "crush" the middle class and the poor. This discourages the investment of Capital into the Free Market Capitalist System. Ron Paul has said over and over again: "Every American is entitled to the fruits of his labor, especially during these tough economic times."
Lowering taxes will leave Americans MORE Money to take care of themselves and their families. It will also allow businesses greater opportunities to hire new workers, increase current salaries, and expand their companies. INVESTMENT OF "CAPITAL" IS THE KEY!
As President, Ron Paul will support a "Liberty Amendment" to the Constitution to ABOLISH Income Taxes and Death Taxes, BOTH of which are Unconstitutional. He has stated that he "will be PROUD to be the one who finally turns-off-the-lights at the IRS for good! But I don't think People "realize" what this would actually do to our Economy! Once these Taxes are ABOLISHED, the "influx" of Capital and JOBS would be unlike we've never seen before in our History. If you thought "Trickle-Down" or "Supply-Side" were good economic approaches to Recessions - then >b>THIS ALONE would create an "Economic Tsunami" of Wealth, Capital and JOBS into the United States!
Ron Paul would also work toward repeal of the Capital Gains Taxes, which "punishes" people for success. Again, INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL IS THE "KEY" FOR JOB CREATION! Ron Paul would also work for eliminating Taxes on "Tips". Struggling college students and those working hard to support their families would be greatly benefited and receive an "immediate pay raise".
As a US Congressman, Ron Paul has "consistently" endorsed legislation to let Americans claim more tax credits and deductions. This includes credits and deduction on educational costs, alternative energy vehicles, and health care. He also believes it is IMMORAL to tax senior citizens TWICE by requiring them to include Social Security benefits in their gross income at tax time. He believes a FIRST STEP to eliminating that requirement would be to repeal the 1993 increase in taxes on Social Security benefits. Then we must ABOLISH that tax ENTIRELY!
Ron Paul has said that a Flat Tax or a Fair Tax would each be a "better alternative" to the Income Tax system. Congressman Paul believes we would have to "guarantee" the 16th Amendment is repealed to avoid having BOTH the Income Tax and one of these systems as an ADDITIONAL Tax.
But there is a better way! "Restraining" Federal Spending by "enforcing" the Constitution’s STRICT LIMITS on the Federal Government’s POWER would help result in a 0% Income Tax Rate for ALL Americans! Wouldn't that be something?
The "answer" to "Spending and Debt" is to return to a Constitutionally-Limited-Government that protects liberty – NOT one that keeps "robbing Peter to pay Paul". (no pun intended)
Darryl thanks, it must have taken quite some time to write your reply and I appreciate what you have shared. Unfortunately, I won't have time today to respond to anything as it is my Sabbath and I have things I need to take care of for Church, and I won't be able to burn the midnight oil again tonight. As usual, you have expressed your points quite well.
I have never read so much claptrap in all my life. Some people need to get a life or at least put it to good use.
I am wondering what country you live in. Didn't you learn American history?.. were you in another country? How did you get here? (Please don't answer, we don't want to read another of your rude blogs.) Muslims built ships back in the 1700's. How did they get here for 911??? They probably bought tickets on commercial transportation. They were trained in commercial piloting in the USA. They will do anything they can to destroy any one they consider infidels. Don’t keep asking me for information. Do your own research.
B Anderson —
You ask me questions: "…Didn't you learn American history?.. were you in another country? How did you get here?".
Then dictate to me not to answer… "(Please don't answer, WE don't want to read another of your rude blogs.)"
LOL — what a nice little Nazi you'd make…and who is "we" (do you have the approval to speak for the rest, or just have split personality (thus speaking in plural…).
You have had plenty of opportunities to come up with a sensible explanation of your support of Ron Paul. You have few, so you resort to name calling. This demonstrates a lack scholarship, and forum courtesy. People who have read your blogs have developed a low opinion of you. You have caused readers who may have voted for Ron Paul, to change their mind. I guess I should thank you for that. You will come up with more name calling no doubt. It will get you nowhere.
Who do you think you are? Who are you to try to speak for other readers on this site? Are you holding little gossip sessions someplace where you discuss others posts on this page?
Anybody that would change who they vote for for something as extremely important as president of the United States because they don't like some guy's online post (?!really?!?) has no actual opinion of their own anyway and will likely change their mind a dozen times before reaching the bottom of this page!
These 'everyone else says/other people think' tactics trying add legitimacy to your statements by tring to say they're not just yours doesn't fool anyone. High school tactics.
Speak for yourself, not for me, and if other readers share your opinions let THEM say so!
Above is an EXCELLENT VIDEO that will help explain why RP supporters feel as they do…PLEASE WATCH!
FOX aired this show: "Illegal Everything" — well worth watching!
Shows how Americans are breaking the law daily, without knowing it, because of the hundreds of millions of rules and regulations. And how cops are using this as an excuse to arrest anybody for just about anything!
FOX aired this show: "Illegal Everything" — well worth watching!
Shows how Americans are "breaking" the law daily, without knowing it, because of the hundreds of millions of rules and regulations. And how cops are using this as an excuse to arrest anybody for just about anything!
I think the below link works:
Surfisher, sounds interesting. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to check it out.
TERRORISTS? Who are the TRUE Terrorists? Iceland knew - and they did something about them! Question: Where is the Tea Party on this? Oh yeah. I forgot. They were "hijacked" by the Republican "Establishment" after the 2010 mid-term elections.
I'm a Conservative but we all should give a BIG Ole' "Thank You" to Neo-Cons like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and others. The Bankers owe you all a Debt-of-Gratitude for "hijacking" the Tea Party Movement, while Americans will just OWE THE DEBT!
Greece is on fire. Europe will soon follow. Iceland did something about their TRUE Enemy, but it took a lot of Courage.
Cute Commercial Announcing the "Tea For Two" Social Security Themed TV AD for Ron Paul.!
Ron Paul is really the best, the wisest US politician, who candidates. he is completely normal, tolerant, peaceful and has conservative values. He would be really optimal president, naturally with normal government, not with Romney or Santorum or Gingrich.
He is as the only politican proUS - nation, he will really fullfill his promises and restore USA.
Ron Paul WILL become President in 2012 — IF, Romney becomes a Patriot, and forgoes his ego, for the Good of the People!
Mitt Romney could become one of the greatest Statesmen in US History! He'd be the Savior of our Nation — the one that generations to come would tell their children: "Look at this statue, this is Mitt Romney, he saved America"!
Or, he can reduce himself to just a tiny footnote…what is amazing is that his fate rests in his own hands (a very rare occurrence throughout the history of the world)!
All Romney has to do, is to take advantage of this rarest of historical moments, and make a SINGLE DECISION!!!
Withdraw his candidacy IN FAVOR of Ron Paul, with the following grandiose and heart-wrenching patriotic speech (to save his political skin):
"I, Mitt Romney, will sacrifice my political goals for the Good of the People. Now I understand that only Ron Paul can save our Nation. I agree with all he stands for, therefore, I have deemed that our Nation's salvation can only be accomplished when Ron Paul is elected as President of the United States of America. Without regret, but with joy, I do the most honorable and patriotic deed I can — I withdraw myself from this election, and give my full support to Ron Paul!"
One honest person is needed to bring these logical conclusions to Romney's PERSONAL ATTENTION (not the myopic sycophants surrounding him and stroking his ego by chanting wishful thinking as 'fact': "You gonna win Boss, you gonna win Boss….).
Regardless how egotistical, arrogant and narcissistic Romney may be, some semblance of reasoning of what's best for him, should still remain in his skull. The instinct for self preservation dictates that even the smallest of minds will chose the path that leads to safety, not the one leading to disaster.
An honest realist needs to talk to Romney one-on-one — and explain the following to him, so Mitt can comprehend it:
1) If you don't win the nomination, than your political career is over (you'll become just a tiny footnote in US History as a failure).
2) If you win the nomination, and don't defeat Obama — which is the most probable outcome (you'll become just a tiny footnote in US History as an even LARGER failure).
Therefore, Dear Mitt, whichever gamble you take from the above, may lead to total disaster for your political career (and probably will)!
However, here is an action you can take, Dear Mitt, that guarantees you'll become immortalized in the annals of US History — becoming the 21st Century Savior of America (surely this carrot of success will entice Romney's egotism to go for it — over the probable political beatings he'd receive otherwise)!
All one needs to do, to assure Mitt's Historical Greatness of Sacrifice for the Good of the Nation, is to present the above to Romney's eyes alone! I urge all able to do so, to place this document in front of him!
Send this to Mitt Romney — as an Open Letter, e-mails, etc. — the more you send, the greater the chance he'll get to read it!
Once an American Voter's eyes are opened to the FACTS that the Republicans and the Democrats are essentially the SAME - and they see that their ONLY CHOICE is to Support Ron Paul, the whole Media Spin and Political Landscape becomes so obviously skewed.
It's almost like being "Born Again" to where a person begins to say "I can't believe I voted for Republicans and Democrats for all these years. That's a Life I will never go back to."
Stop being depressed, people. There is a chance that in 2012 a Frankenstein Candidate like Gary Johnson or Ron Paul will run all the way to November. This is a candidate who would rather be forthright than President…politics will never be the same again after that.
Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum reference 'the auto industry' which took bailout money. They completely ignore Ford, which took no bailout funds, and is doing just fine. I find that absolutely disgusting.
Mitt Romney = Judas Goat
If not aware of this olden days' meaning — here it is:
When sheep are led to be slaughtered, they instinctively feel something is wrong. So, mill around and bleat, but won't enter the gate leading to the one waiting to smash their heads with a sledge hammer. So, a Judas goat is placed in the pen. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them through the gate, and passing it safely — while its own life is spared, the ones flowing get their brains bashed!
Mitt will lead us — and at the end of the gate, Bama will wield the sledge hammer….