
Santorum wins in Minnesota and Missouri, leads in Colorado

Rick Santorum has won the non-binding Missouri primary Tuesday night and was just declared the winner of the Minnesota caucus as well. Results are still coming in for the Colorado caucus but early results show Santorum with a reasonable lead. Sometime around a midnight eastern time we might expect a winner declared in Colorado.

Results: Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri

Report from MSNBC:

Rick Santorum scored victories in Minnesota and Missouri nominating contests Tuesday night, winning him no actual delegates, but allowing the former Pennsylvania senator to stymie Mitt Romney's bid to keep alive a streak of victories in the Republican presidential primary.

NBC News declared Santorum the projected winner of the Missouri primary and the Minnesota caucus. NBC will not be allocating any delegates from Missouri or Minnesota to Santorum in its projected count.

Santorum won the distinction of having upset Romney in the last nominating contests before the campaign enters a three-week break before Michigan and Arizona's Feb. 28 contests. Tonight's results virtually ensure the GOP primary will extend through early March, while Romney will have to answer fresh questions about his ability to win over conservative primary voters.

"Tonight's victory should put to bed the idea that the Republican nomination for Mitt Romney is inevitable," said Stuart Roy, an adviser to the pro-Santorum super PAC, the Red, White and Blue Fund.

We'll have the updated numbers on Wednesday but right now it looks like Santorum will be picking up some seriously needed press and publicity from these wins, regardless of whether or not he can carry Colorado. Should he perform the trifecta and take them all, this will look like a different race Wednesday morning.

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24 comments to Santorum wins in Minnesota and Missouri, leads in Colorado

  • Joe

    I'm a little confused. What does it mean when they said Missouri and Minnesota is non-binding?

    • Neville


      Minnesota and Colorado are non-binding in that the precinct/county delegates are chosen after the caucus votes are taken at the meeting, and totally independent of the vote. For example, if Romney takes the precinct vote, but only Gingrich supporters stay around at the end to be nominated and selected as delegates, then Gingrich would effectively own all the delegates from that precinct regardless of the vote outcome. That's why these non-binding caucus votes are said to be straw polls, just as it was in Iowa. Nevada used to be the same, except the 2008 delegate allocation didn't turn out the way the old-guard GOP wanted it. Romney won, Paul came in second, in the vote. Paul had better delegate turnout, and then Romney ended up dropping out. By the time it got to the state convention, Paul delegates were in the majority. Mid-way through the delegate-selection voting, the balance was clearly in Paul's favor (vs. McCain, who was by then the presumptive nominee) so the convention chairman adjourned the convention and hid in a side room with the other McCain supporters hoping to reconvene after the Paul supporters left. But the Paul supporters didn't leave, the whole thing blew up, and the old-guard GOP ended up choosing delegates on a conference call because they couldn't reconvene the convention. To avoid all that this year, Nevada changed to "Early Binding" for their delegates, which means that regardless of whether Romney, Paul, or anyone else gets a better delegate turnout meeting at the precinct meetings, the state's delegates will ultimately be bound to vote (at the national convention) according to the original caucus vote percentages. This is only for the first ballot - if the national convention nomination vote goes past one ballot, then Nevada's delegates will be unbound and can vote their conscience. In Minnesota and Colorado, they are unbound from the very beginning, meaning you could end up with one candidate winning the (straw) caucus vote and a different candidate owning the state's delegation to the national convention.

      In Missouri, the state GOP got greedy for attention and moved their primary earlier into February, but then ran afoul of the national GOP rules that said they could not do that. Unable to get a bill through the MO legislature in time to move the primary date out of February, they opted to have no delegates at all selected in the primary (today) but to have the delegates selected March 17th at the caucus instead. Gingrich was not on the ballot for today's primary in MO, but may be on the ballot for the caucus in March (I found conflicting information on this). So today's vote in MO is good for nothing except headlines.

      I hope that helps…

      • Surfisher

        Just saw this of Ron Paul — what an apodictic statement!

        "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country" — Ron Paul, Speech at CPAC 2011

    • Surfisher

      Voter Fraud — claimed many after the results (inconceivable that Ron Paul got so few; will actual ballots be counted, or depend on electronic machines, that may be rigged to give a casino-like split….?)!

      Here is a solution to prevent Voter Fraud:

      1) Have Donald Trump create the voting machines like an One-Arm-Bandit slot machine — when you pull the lever, you’ll see two lemons followed by a picture of the candidate you voted. Then hear the sound of a Slot Coin (bearing the supposed picture of that Candidate) drop in an enclosed box…this should make you feel secure that your actual vote counts.

      2) Have all these boxes carted to the Federal Reserve Board in DC, to be taken to a dark room in their basement, and have each slot coin (to simplify, let’s call it: Shekel) be counted by them.

      Once the Feds announce the results of these Shekels counted in secret, there could not be a question as to the election's validity….

  • Marlene

    Congratulations to Mr. Santorum. This hurts Gingrich more than it hurts Romney Gingrich is the one that always said Romney was the one to beat and Santorum should step aside so the conservatives could come together for Gingrich. However, since Gingrich isn't a conservative, it's not about the conservative alternative to Romney — it's about which of the 4 remaining candidates the voters in each State prefer. Maybe now Gingrich knows what a mistake he made making it all about Romney.

  • Neville

    I haven't dug into it myself yet, but from the language used in all the Missouri reports, it sounds like they used the same ballot registrations for the primary as for the caucus, which would mean Gingrich still won't be on the ballot next month when the real contest happens. Does anyone know if this is true?

  • Elizabeth

    Let's not forget that it was legal in Missouri to kill Mormons un til 1976. Its a no brained that mitt didn't do well there.

    • k webb

      Legal to kill Mormons ? ( or Morons ) j/k … that is wild ..
      how could that be 'legal'?

      Rick won in Minnesota too and is leading in Colorado too
      Where are you from? me, Ohio

      Not sure who to vote for at this point
      as they say, anyone but Obama


    • antodav

      While that is true, sadly, I doubt that that really had anything to do with the outcome today. Mitt Romney just sucks as a candidate, regardless of his religious beliefs (and I say that as a Mormon myself). Voters are finally starting to see through the façade of his candidacy.

  • Chris

    Tonight means that a good many conservatives in the Republican Party can't stomach Mitt Romney as the nominee. Yes, these were beauty contests and the GOP nominee will have a hard time winning Colorado and Minnesota in the fall but Missouri is one of those indicator states that can go either way in a presidential election. The fact that Romney got hammered there tonight should pose some worries among the Republican establishment. He hasn't closed the deal yet and it's beginning to look like the GOP will have a long, protracted battle well into the spring.

  • guy

    On the ground in Colorado:
    At my precinct caucus. the straw poll "beauty contest" - was 15 for Santorum, 3 for Paul, and 1 for Romney. For delegates we elected 3 for paul and 1 for santorum. Up until last week Ron paul was the only candidate with a campaign on the ground in colorado. That is how he is winning delegates.

    CNN and other big money media would have you believe that the delegates are determined by the straw poll, and that mitt has it in the bag. Don't believe everything you hear on TV.

  • geri

    Skrew M-Moronic S-Sardonic N-Neurotic B-Barack C-Channel

  • Phil

    what about Ron Paul? When does US electorate understand that only Ron Paul is the most optimal candidate and the only chance for USA?

    • Darryl


      It will just be a matter of time. It's the Delegates that matter! Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are the only 2 GOP candidates who will have the "staying power" and the ability to battle for the Delegates because of their Organizations.

      This video was made when there were only 4 states who voted. Since then, we've had "Beauty Contests" where Santorum was the most victorious, but they actually mean NOTHING. This video explains that Ron Paul will eventually wind-up being the ONLY Conservative option verses Mitt Romney by the time the Convention rolls around. A BROKERED CONVENTION is inevitable and Gingrich and Santorum won't have a chance to compete for the Delegates. It's just a matter of time and keep on supporting Ron Paul.

      • Neville

        As a long-time-and-still-serious RP supporter, I will ask this again…

        PLEASE, PLEASE, stop propagating this "564 delegates where Gingrich and Santorum are not even on the ballot" nonsense!!!

        I spent a lot of time researching this right after Doug Wead gave this interview, and could not find any support for it. I asked Doug Wead, and he didn't even offer any support to back it up. It's a ridiculous generalization that, at best, will make RP supporters lazy in those states (if they can even figure out what "those states" are supposed to be).

  • Doug

    Ron Paul would be winning if it weren't for his naive approach to foreign policy and national defense. His foreign policy stance would work well in a time prior to the invention of the steam ship. But in a world where weapons of mass destruction can be lobbed through the sky at jet or rocket speed, we just can't ignore the threats of rogue nations like North Korea and Iran. I think that scares the hell out of a lot of people who otherwise like what Ron Paul is saying.

  • Jele

    The primary in Missouri actually meant very little. It wasn't publicized. Most citizens were unaware there was even a primary election scheduled hence a very low voter turnout. All of the original candidates were listed except for Gingrich so there were actually many choices offered (albeit worthless since most of the original candidates had already pulled out of the race). Missouri is home to a strong evangelical community which is decidedly anti-Mormon (it is true that Missouri had an "extermination" order in effect against Mormons until 1976 when rescinded by Gov. Kit Bond). I doubt that the populace in general is anti-Romney if religion were left out of the equation. This bias may have influenced the vote in favor of Santorum. When the delegates are chosen in March hopefully clearer more constitutionally based reason will reign & religion will not be an issue.

    My personal belief: A President should not be chosen based upon his or her religious convictions which are guaranteed sacrosanct by the 1st amendment rather they should be chosen based upon their personal integrity, business acumen (govt. unfortunately has become BIG business), diplomatic skills, insight and judgement, support for the constitution of the US, and other executive skills. Would they be faithful to us as voters? Integrity begins at home. We need to ask ourselves - Are they faithful to their spouses? Supportive of their children? Actively serve in their communities? What is their motivation for running for office? For power, for gain, or to serve the common good and to safeguard liberty? Can they hold their own under pressure? Are they articulate and would they represent our Nation well in the global community?

    What makes the United States special is its diversity of culture including race, religion, creed, and national origins. Romney's religion may not be everyone's cup of tea but the man himself reflects what has made America great. Simply put he is Presidential.

    • Darryl


      You stated: "What makes the United States special is its diversity of culture including race, religion, creed, and national origins. Romney's religion may not be everyone's cup of tea but the man himself reflects what has made America great. Simply put he is Presidential."

      Because Romney's TOP Campaign Contributor (Goldman Sachs) is the SAME ONE as Obama's TOP Campaign Contributor (Goldman Sachs), one can pretty much deduct that NOTHING WILL CHANGE if Romney is elected President over Barack Obama. In fact, if Romney is elected President, we can surely expect the SAME continued "Decimation" to our Economy that is currently happening to the Nation of Greece. Our continuing "Out-of-Control" National Debt, coupled with WHO is Contributing the MOST MONEY to Romney and Obama, should give EVERYONE a CLUE just WHO will be "calling-the-shots" in a Romney or Obama Administration. (Goldman Sachs)

      Ron Paul is the ONLY Candidate who will NOT let this happen to the United States of America. If people vote according to how someone "appears" (as Presidential), then people will vote for having Goldman Sachs "Take-Over" the Nation's Resources and Infrastructure through "Privatization". It's all about the Wall Street Bankster "Take-Over". I wish people would "Wake-Up" to this Reality!

  • Darryl

    Since we NO Longer have a (By the People) "Representative Democracy", the question now surrounding these Primaries/Caucuses should be WHO each Candidate will ACTUALLY REPRESENT. Their Campaign Donors tell us WHO they are:

    According to the Disclosure of Mitt Romney's List of Campaign Donors, Mitt Romney will REPRESENT the Wall Street Bankers, Crony Corporatism and the Defense Contractors who promote MORE War in the Middle East. Currently, the Wall Street "Financial Terrorists" of Goldman Sachs are in the process of "Bringing-Down" the Nation of Greece and the Nations in the Euro-Zone. War against Iran and Syria are being Lobbied FOR by the Defense Contractors and Israel which will be "funded" by the Wall Street Banksters. Thus, Mitt Romney will REPRESENT Israel and NOT the People of the United States of America.

    According to the Disclosure of Newt Gingrich's List of Campaign Donors, Newt Gingrich will REPRESENT Crony Corporatism related to the Real Estate, the Gaming Industry and Insurance Lobbyists. He will REPRESENT the Defense Contractors who promote MORE War in the Middle East. Jewish Business Moguls, Sheldon Adelson and Terry Jodok Kohler want a Candidate who will "send" Americans to FIGHT FOR ISRAEL against Iran and Syria! Thus, Newt Gingrich will REPRESENT Israel and NOT the People of United States of America.

    According to the Disclosure of Rick Santorum's List of Campaign Donors, Rick Santorum will REPRESENT Crony Corporatism in the Insurance Industry and the Real Estate and Energy Sectors. He will also be supported by Defense Contractors who promote MORE War in the Middle East. War against Iran and Syria are being Lobbied FOR by the Defense Contractors and Israel which is also being "promoted" by the Anti-Constitutional Neo-Conservative Movement. Thus, Rick Santorum will REPRESENT Israel and NOT the People of the United States of America.

    According to the Disclosure of Ron Paul's List of Campaign Donors, Ron Paul will REPRESENT the Private Sector Businesses which "actually" MAKE SOMETHING that will help the Economy. He is supported by the Veterans and Active Duty Military by more than 2 to 1. Ron Paul favors that Israel be allowed to make it's own decisions to defend it's Borders and it's National Security WITHOUT the "permission" of the United States. Ron Paul also wants to STOP all Foreign Aid which the Arab Neighbors of Israel receives 7 Times as much as Israel. Thus, Ron Paul is the ONLY Candidate that will REPRESENT the People of the United States of America FIRST, but will also SUPPORT Israel making it's OWN DECISIONS.

  • Alice

    Could someone please explain the difference between a caucus and a normal primary? Thank you!

    • Neville


      I a caucus, everybody sits around together and talks about the candidates, some people make speeches, they discuss some more, and finally they vote. The vote may be secret, but is sometimes by a show of hands. Usually, after the caucus is over, the die-hard supporters stick around for the delegate selection meeting, where they volunteer and are voted/selected by each other to act as delegates (to the next level of caucuses or conventions). Usually, the vote and the delegate selection are totally independent on each other, except that to be a delegate you must have voted (for anybody). So for instance, say, in Colorado, candidate B may get 60% of the vote (straw poll, really), but may only get 10% of the actual delegates in the post-caucus delegate meeting. Caucuses may be a few hours (Nevada) or a whole week (Maine).

      A primary is where voters show up, vote, and go home. Da lazy bums :-)

  • Sidney

    Let us all do write-in in 2012 elections: Ron Paul. This way, both parties get good feedback.

  • Surfisher

    Just saw this of Ron Paul — what an apodictic statement!

    "“Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country”" — Ron Paul, Speech at CPAC 2011

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