
Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri vote today - results tonight

Colorado and Minnesota will be holding caucuses Tuesday in order to pick a GOP nominee for President. Missouri will be holding a primary to do the same, however, no delegates will be awarded since the Missouri Republican Party will be holding a caucus on March 17 for the purposes of choosing convention delegates.

We'll have the results for each contest later Tuesday evening once the caucuses complete and the Missouri polls officially close.

Report from the Washington Post:

Three states hold early nominating contests Tuesday — and while none of those contests is as high profile as the early states that have come before (or the Super Tuesday states up ahead next month), the four GOP contenders are nonetheless hustling to make the rounds and make a competitive showing.

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) is holding two public events Monday, both in Colorado — a state he swept with 60 percent of the vote in the GOP caucuses four years ago.

Meanwhile, former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) starts his day in Minnesota and ends it in Colorado, while for former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), it’s vice versa.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is holding two rallies Monday, both in Minnesota — another state that Romney won in 2008, with 41 percent to Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) 22 percent.

Both Santorum and Paul have some hopes pinned on Tuesday with Paul hoping to do well in Minnesota and Colorado while polling indicates Santorum has a chance to pull off a victory in Missouri which will be more of a superficial boost than a delegate boost.


A new Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll out today shows the potential for a big Santorum night in Minnesota and Missouri. Report from PPP:

Rick Santorum could be headed for a big day in today's contests in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri. Missouri looks like a probable win for Santorum. He's at 45% there to 32% for Mitt Romney and 19% for Paul. Minnesota provides an opportunity for a win as well. Currently he has a small advantage with 33% to 24% for Romney, 22% for Newt Gingrich, and 20% for Ron Paul. And Santorum should get a second place finish in Colorado, where Romney appears to be the likely winner. The standings there are Romney at 37%, Santorum at 27%, Gingrich at 21%, and Paul at 13%.

Santorum's personal popularity is the main reason for his sudden reemergence as a relevant player in the GOP race. In all 3 of these states his favorability is over 70%- 74/17 in Minnesota, 72/17 in Missouri, and 71/19 in Colorado. He's far better liked than his main opponents- Romney's favorability is 47-60% in those states and Gingrich's is 47-48%. While Romney and Gingrich have hammered each other in recents weeks Santorum's been largely left alone and he's benefiting from that now.

Unfortunately for Santorum, a win in Missouri won't count for delegates but a win in Minnesota would greatly help his momentum in building a case for his candidacy. If Santorum wins at least one state tonight, coupled with his Iowa win, he will become the candidate just behind Romney in terms of primary/caucus victories.

136 comments to Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri vote today - results tonight

  • robbydawgs

    I support Ron Paul, but one way or another, he needs to start winning. All these devoted supporters of Paul that are so apparent in the comments sections of nearly every article about Paul need to better mobilize those who favor him but aren't turning out to vote.

    However, it might be that we are witnessing the beginning of a new view of our government by the younger generation, but just don't yet have the votes to change our course. The baby boomers are the largetst segment of our population right now, and I would venture to guess they see Paul's views on smaller government is a real threat to their foreseeable way of life from now and into their retirement. And clearly Romney gets the majority of those votes. Strangely, Paul doesn't seem to attract the senior vote.

    I think what Paul's campaign has done is shine a huge spotlight on the younger generation and future leaders of our country and their opinions of the role of government. Paul will likely not win the GOP candidacy, however all those young supporters are not going to just cease to exist and cease voting in the future. Once their generation becomes a larger voting block than the baby boomers and seniors, I predict we'll see a very real shift toward a more Libertarian government. It's like anythinig else, most major changes in just about anything seem to be generational.

    Paul may be before his time with regards to winning the presidency, but he will from here on out be attributed to the start of a real shift in our population's view of our government. The future leaders of the country have clearly spoken with their overwhelming support of Paul's political views, and will manifest themselves into those who are elected as Senators, Congressman, Governors, and ultimately President.

    • Tom

      Right behind you robbydawgs. The steady stream of "ronbots" makes me curious about actually how many Ron Paul supporters are blind followers (old-fashion way of stating Ronbots/Paulbots/RPbots)

      I have been supporting many Libertarian ideas since the 1970's and Ron's following is the largest support I have ever seen, gives me hope! However, his chance of being elected is almost nil.

      But…it is good that he remains in the race if only to spread his ideas around. And all you RPbots out there, get his ideas into the discussion!

      Pauls age is going to become a factor, soon he will be too old to run. His supporters need to look for a young person to take up the banner. Someone tall, handsome, and articulate.

      • Surfisher

        Just saw this of Ron Paul — what an apodictic statement!

        "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country" — Ron Paul, Speech at CPAC 2011

  • The comments on here have been very interesting. I'm as Liberal as they come, hence the moniker, but I have a Libertarian streak. I understand why Ron Paul has such a devoted group of supporters. He's the most honest up there. Yes, that includes Obama. He says exactly what a lot of people have been thinking but won't admit - especially when it comes to our foreign policy.

    I have no doubt that he would push like crazy to make the changes he proposes a reality. Given a choice between Paul and Obama, this Liberal Democrat would have a lot of thinking to do.

  • AC

    I think all you non-paulbots should STFU and go join the military like I did 3 years ago and paul did a ways back. See how much you like getting sent to Iraq and Afghanistan year after year after year while your kids grow up without you. At least during WWI/WWII/Vietnam the war ended and the troops came home. You warmongers who've never served are voting for dudes that never went when their country called. Marriage, gays, and Iran nukes are not the issue. One day we won't have money to pay the troops. Heck I've already gone without a full paycheck because we're so in debt the gov't shut down. You just go to these polls blind without ever looking at what it's doing to your "real" one percent…that's why Ron gets our (military) money and I could get you a squadron's worth of guys to back me up and make you eat your BS.

  • Julianne Morris

    Dr Paul is the ONLY constitutionlist. He is brilliant. The anti Paul people just have not awaken yet.

  • Finished

    Its really nice that so many people want to vote for Romney. He paid about 15% tax… the government owned only 15% of the fruits of his labour… how much of yours do they own? 30? 35%? You poor people. Your kids are out fighting cave dwellers in some desert, your corporations are running away from your country to China. You've borrowed so much that your kids will be the citizens of a bankrupt nation. Your old age will be pretty shitty since your social security pots have been raided to fund the wars.

    Your freedoms… the thing that made America the beacon of the world… well, you were so PATRIOTic you threw those away. aNDAA, you millitary can now execute you without trial if they suspect your a terrorist (but its fine, thats only a worry for the muslims or dark skinned amongst you- the whites only have to fear the hordes of immigrants from your open borders).

    I pity you, I really do. You have a savior presented to you in the form of a Veteran, a Doctor who's life was dedicated to the service of others, of his country, in uniform and in government, a man who stuck to his principles…FOR DECADES… The man that would safeguard THE CONSTITUTION, the document that WAS the soul of your nation… the man that would lift the burden of over taxation from your backs, the man that would not spread fear and tyranny abroad in YOUR NAME…

    You have that man, in front of you. You have the collective power to carry him to office… and you still vote for Bush/Romney/McCain… one form of dick or the other. HOW, WHY… your watching the decline of your nation… LIVE on FOX news… can you not smell it, can you not see it… the old politics is what got you into this shyt…

    I pity you. I really do. Standing on the precipice of the fall of your great nation you can think of nothing else but voting for the slick looking moralist who rants against gays.


    how do people not see who can try and get america somewhat back on track. Lets think who has spent the less and made it work can we say Rick that speaks volumes on aleast getting us out of a welfare state and debt. I pledge to the republic for which it stands under God he really is a true person no more fakes vote for Rick.

  • Will

    Santorum is indeed a war monger that snapped, at one of the debates, that he would "not cut a nickel from defense" which seemed to mean from the undeclared wars and American military outposts in 130 out of 190 countries in the world. He seems to want to take us to war with Iran and fight a war on Moslems just like those medieval catholics. He also claims that old people are the richest people in America, and snaps that "The money's gone". He referred to the 2.5 trillion dollar surplus that we were forced to pay to a Social Security system that he and his ilk then raided and wasted on wars. What a gem!

    Gingrich cannot even be trusted by his two ex-wives apparently and he is an admitted "Progressive" who admires Woodrow Wilson and is weak on illegal immigration.

    Romney just doesn't have any plan to cut spending anywhere near enough to make a real difference. There is not enough in current discretionary spending, even if it was all cut, to liquidize the Debt, unless you tackle the horrendous spending on policing the world and paying "Aid" to Israel's enemies and then giving Israel about a fifth of that sum to Israel. Israel would be much better off if we ended all "Foreign Aid" which is what Paul wants to do.

  • BW

    I firmly values the loyalty of Paul supporters to their the good DR but when you look at non republicans and there are many of them in a general election, one must take into account how well a candidate will come across as being able to relate to them or not. Dr Paul is a dedicated and highly valued American but while I am not taking sides I do step back and wonder can he relate to decline to state voters, independents, and even angered democrats as well as his fellow challengers? I'm not giving my thought on it because I believe firmly and without a doubt that any and every Republican will back the man who wins the nomination in August. It may be the good DR it may not but i urge every voter with a passion for the Grand Old Party to stand united behind the candidate that is chosen yes there will be people who are sad or even angry but if we do not stand together against Obama behind that nominee and his choice for vice president then we are accepting another four years of a president whose answer to the current condition of this country is "it could be worse". Stand strong GOP and stand united.

  • Adam

    I confused how people say Mitt Romney has more experience when Ron Paul is 78 years old

  • Hiro

    Mitt Romney's got values! That's what America and the world needs. Go Mitt!!!

  • Adam

    Ron Paul is much better than Newt. I will give you "Ron Paul" supporters that much. And I do like a lot of his policies (especially the economic policies). But that being said, he will not be able to beat obama. You would be crazy to believe he could get independents and moderates. Im not saying he is a bad choice but as far as winning is concerned, he will not be able to bring it. He will probably be the first to drop out. And stegemann your questions on the "future of our nation" and getting a "GOP elected" are one in the same if you really think about it. And for republicians, which i am assuming most of us are on this site, isnt getting a republician in office our overall goal.

  • Josh

    It is painfully obvious that Ron Paul and his libertarian ideals are too simple for people to grasp onto. The solution is not, nor has it ever been, to add more "stuff" like gov't has done over the years. We need to clean up and get back to basics. I realize however that this may not be easy. Especially true for those with a vested interest into where we are going currently, even though it looks like a journey to disaster.

  • Eet

    Liberatarian Ron Paul can not and will not win the REPUBLICAN nomination. if you want him so bad write him in, though he wont win the election either. He needs to go to Greece with his policies and see if they work there, because thats what we would be headed for with him in office…. FAILURE!

    • FederalFarmer777

      I've read many convoluted comments, but yours is near the top of "alltime incoherrent posts". If you would have read books instead of mind-numbing football every weekend, you would know Greece's economy is failing because they (like rest of word) have been using Our Dollar as their reserve currency (i.e. like gold). You see, our Fed.Govt. and it's poor policies (i.e. idiot presidents & Congressmen you keep electing) have severely devalued Our Dollar… hence Greece's economic havoc. So ironically it's due to your Presidents that Greece's failure policies ARE headed toward us. However, Ron Paul has been against bad economic policy for 30 years in Congress, but your politicians didn't listen and created a mess. So, who do you support again;
      is it Romney- the creator of obamacare in Mass. before obamacare was even a thing;
      is it Gingrich- the guy who lobbied for Fannie & Freddie who stole your tax money;
      or is Santorum- the guy with all the deficit spending votes, and unapologetic illegal war and bailout supporting?

  • Robin

    Ron Paul seems to have a good night in minnesota (*knocks on wood*), but of course CNN is completely ignoring that. It's getting really old really fast.

  • Legit

    F all of you nonbelievers, RON PAUL R3VOLUTION 2012

  • I had the privilege to teach alongside a government funded history teacher who insisted his student learn from original sources. As a history buff, it pains me to see American History massacred in political discussions. Labels and dictionary definitions are nice, but they aren't ideas nor truth.

    "Majority Rule" The American Revolution was initially supported by a vast colonial majority. However motivation was not political ideology but economics. Example: when the British tried to dump surplus tea on the Boston market, wealthy tea merchants figured a way to dump it in the harbor instead. Parading behind the patriotic banner was a convenient method.

    "Not Majority Rule" and "based on religion" After the initial anti-British economics, a group of educated, mostly wealthy men (elites?) infused ideas from the Englightment into a possible system of government. Values from science, reason, and philosophy but not organized religion. Organized religions had mostly proven autocratic and repressive, the antithesis of democracy. Deism prevailed; one God/Creator but no dogma. (eg. no Bible, no 10 commandments) Read T.Paine, W.Wollaston

    For early American history, try studying only documents written before 1799, you just might be disappointed or amazed but hopefully gain knowledge to pass on to the next generation.

    Pax dominus y'all

  • Tristan

    This is pretty much what we have left against Obama: A highly hypocritical and highly unstable individual wanting to do away with child labor laws, a religious fanatic (Santorum), a mormon who not only made a living destroying people's lives but also was born without a personality, and Father Time himself, who is really only in it to be mischievous. I think I'm pretty safe to say Obama's got this won and the election hasn't even started…
    By the way the only candidate who really stood ANY CHANCE of going toe-to-toe with the prez, he's gone: JOHN HUNTSMAN!!!!

  • frank

    Rick Santorum could be the nominee.

  • Tom

    Back for more…I have yet to fathom a consensus description of "liberal" or "conservative" People hurl these terms back and forth, but it seems like some people are heaving rotten tomatoes, others rotten apples, others good oranges, some kiwi fruit and a smattering of potatoes.
    Has anyone written down an objective description "a liberal is …." "a conservative is…" ? It would really help to understand the political debate. (wouldn't it be nice if the news media did the same?)


    Never underestimate tall, good-looking, and articulate in a popular election.

  • Tom

    3rd round, glutton for punishment I guess…

    Sorry to tell you, your candidate doesn't matter. And neither does the Democratic candidate. …well, they matter some but not much…

    Time and again candidates promise yet fail to deliver. Why? Its not commitment, dedication, or intentions. The problem is inertia.

    The next president inherits ~600+ departments, staffed by over 2 million workers, and a US Code over 200,000 pages long. Only superman could work against that much inertia. Health care? insignificant, social issues? not important, for the long term sustainability we need a miracle: a president AND congress devoted to condensing, trimming, and consolidating the US Code and govt depts to something streamlined and efficient. A huge multi-national company like Apple gets by on ~20K employees, even with 3rd party contractors counted they use less than 10% of the federal workforce. And I'll bet all their company policies stacked together don't come close to 200,000

    I'm not talking hack and slash, we need efficiency, streamlined procedures and reporting, eliminate redundancy, reduction by attrition and retirement,

    People say "gridlock" and "partisan bickering" like they are bad things. When congress and the president do things, it always costs more than we know and stays on the books forever and a day. Do we really need another couple thousand pages of new regulation? You go Gridlock!! Bring on the Partisan Bickering!!

  • It is time for Newt to go bye-bye and let Rick Santorum challenge Romney head-to-head. That's where the real race for the GOP nomination is.

  • Surfisher

    Just saw this of Ron Paul — what an apodictic statement!

    "“Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country”" — Ron Paul, Speech at CPAC 2011

  • Surfisher

    Voter Fraud — claimed many after the results (inconceivable that Ron Paul got so few; will actual ballots be counted, or depend on electronic machines, that may be rigged to give a casino-like split….?)!

    Here is a solution to prevent Voter Fraud:

    1) Have Donald Trump create the voting machines like an One-Arm-Bandit slot machine — when you pull the lever, you’ll see two lemons followed by a picture of the candidate you voted. Then hear the sound of a Slot Coin (bearing the supposed picture of that Candidate) drop in an enclosed box…this should make you feel secure that your actual vote counts.

    2) Have all these boxes carted to the Federal Reserve Board in DC, to be taken to a dark room in their basement, and have each slot coin (to simplify, let’s call it: Shekel) be counted by them.

    Once the Feds announce the results of these Shekels counted in secret, there could not be a question as to the election's validity….

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