
2012 Nevada caucus results

Nevada Republican caucuses, February 4, 2012
Mitt Romney16,48650.0% 
Newt Gingrich6,95621.1% 
Ron Paul6,17518.7% 
Rick Santorum3,2779.9% 
No Preference690.2% 


Nevada will head to caucus sites on Saturday to choose their preferred 2012 GOP nominee. Results should be expected sometime after 8pm ET once the results are counted and the tallies are confirmed.

Results: Expected after 8pm ET

Caucus Details: Nevada Republican Party

Report from

RENO, NV - After watching all the debates and contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Florida, it’s finally Nevada’s turn in the political spotlight. Our moment will be brief, but at least 50,000 Nevada Republicans are expected to show up at caucus locations around the state Saturday and make their choices.

For first time participants it can be confusing. A caucus is not a primary. The government's election apparatus plays no part. It is organized and run by the political parties.

By definition it is a meeting of local members of a national party with two major functions, selecting delegates to a convention and registering preference for candidates. Both will be addressed at this Saturday's caucus, but all the attention will be on that second duty. It's called a presidential preference poll.

Unlike the Democrats, Republican officials rejected the idea of same day registration, so, in order to take part, you must have been a registered Republican by January 20th.

Romney is heavily favored heading into this contest but I'd expect Ron Paul to do better than polling indicates meaning this could be a close race for second and third place.

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162 comments to 2012 Nevada caucus results

  • TJ7GOP

    We have to unite as Republicans. NO THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES! You should not worry about another war. Getting Obama out of office is too important.

    • Then better hope the Republican Party unites behind Ron Paul, because otherwise there is likely to be a strong pro-freedom candidate running outside the GOP.

    • Matt P

      You miss the point of many who support Ron Paul. They see Mitt, Newt, and Rick as so similar to Obama that it makes little difference if it's Obama or one of them. They're all just as bad. Sure they would have the gov't do things in very different ways, but in the end, they all believe that Gov't should be responsible for a lot of things. They want "different government", not "limited government". Paul supporters think gov't shouldn't be doing any of it at all. When they say "limited government", they mean it.

    • Sam D

      Ron Paul voters need to stay behind and video results before GOP can commit fraud.

      Here is a four-minute video showing exactly what to do:

    • Trvcampbe

      I support RP no matter where he runs. If he runs Third party,i will vote in that party. I don't see any other REAL conservative running.When Mitt and Newt looked into the camera and basically admitted to Floridians that they profited off of the 2008 housing crisis,that was enough for me..RP 2012

  • not the only one

    I love Ron Pauls educational approach. Before him I didn't have a clue about ANY of the major issues, and I think I'm not the only one. Now I KNOW what is right and what isn't, and I would put my vote toward PEACE, PROSPERITY, and PERSONAL LIBERTY. Anything else is just "words" and words won't cut it on this planet at this time there's too much at stake. Action is needed, and not the violent kind. We should stop being animals on this planet. VOTE RON PAUL …. Peace Prosperity Personal Liberty yeah !!!!!!!!

    • Comments like yours are encouraging and inspirational. So much of the public is still misled, but people are waking up. It's not just Ron Paul, it's a grassroots movement for freedom.

      • not the only one

        Yes you are so right ! Keep up the good fight for Peace Prosperity and Personal Liberty ! And and END to these disgusting wars !!!!!!! Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Manuel Little

      Ron Paul is funny :) So, i like to watch him. Nothing is essential hardly for Paul, except his own administration. Government out of most things sounds like a Presidential breeze, with the same salary. Ron Paul used to make sense.

      Now, i think he is senile.

    • Surfisher

      @ "not the only one" — Ron Paul has been saying this for 30 years (but the media kept quashing his statements — and still try to do). It is today's Internet that has finally given exposure to his spot-on views — thus the Ron Paul phenomena!

      Once Newt and Rick bow out, the main media will have to give near equal time to Ron Paul when debating Mitt — then the rest of America will see what you have deduced!

      ONLY Ron Paul can lead our nation away from the suicidal path taken under the current leadership of a Democrook in office, or the other side of the political coin — Republicon Mitt.

      • not the only one

        I sure hope so. It's SO important to get things on track now, and RP's message IS what needs to be gotten out. Even if he doesn't "win" , the ideas are truly winning, and causing a real change in hearts and minds everywhere. This is Great NEWS ! Been a long time since so many were so passionately interested in "politics" - he has brought a whole new level of intelligence and understanding. Others who follow (and there will be many) will continue to bring the message through loud and clear - I hope its fast, and I feel impatient, but for 100% sure it is and WILL CONTINUE to have a positive impact for decades and decades to come. For this we can all be happy that Ron Paul is doing what he is doing. The doctor is good medicine and that's just what is needed at this time.

  • TJ7GOP

    In this primary we should vote for our candidate of choice, but if they don't win we have to support the nominee. This election is too important to just stay home a be lazy cause we don't like the nominee.

    • Trvcampbe

      If the nominee is no better than we have now,then whats the use? There needs to be more third party runs.Both Repubs and Dems alike have mislead and lied to their followers for to long. Its time for a real change. I will not vote the party any more and i would advise you to do the same.

  • Crunk

    Just read less then 0% of votes. Romney, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum. I bet that will be the order. I hope my prediction is wrong, however.

    RON PAUL 2012

  • not the only one

    Ron Paul is a close second !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on we can do this !!!! yah !!!!!!

    • Paul Is A Nut

      Ron Paul is an idiot….enough said. A vote for Ron Paul is a waste of time.

      • your comment is a waste of time

        You have no evidence for this comment. It's people like you that need a serious wake up call if you think one of the other republican candidates are anything different from Obama.

  • Zapper

    Ron Paul is the only good choice for President of the U.S. However, if history is anything, anyone who does not pledge undying alliance to Israel, Wall Street, The Federal Reserve, The Military Industrial Complex, etc. has no chance of getting the Republican nomination. Money talks and bullshit walks !!!

  • Julianne Morris

    Thank God for Dr Ron Paul.

  • Charles

    I'm sure happy that South Carolina doesn't pick Republican Presidents anymore! =)

  • Bosco

    The GOP nomination is the easy part, but who can garner the moderate or Indy voters?

    I can't see Romney gaining any new votes when the jobs are in question. His Bain Capt. might of been good business but its not going to ply well with any new voters. Also if Romney gets the nod, his Mormonism is going to be played in the media like he has a dozen wives hiding in the closet.

    Gingrich did such a poor job as speaker the GOP asked him to step down, also with this next election in the hands of the moderate of Indy voter I can't see a disenfranchised Dem, or the mojority of Indy voters even showing up to vote.

    Ron Paul already has the swing voters, also does better against Obama in the National in most polls. Also he has the anti-war vote.

    I don't see what the problem is, I know for a fact, while Obama is a horrible POTUS the "anyone but Obama" isnt going to bring out any new votes needed to win.

  • Woody

    Truth b told, we the people of the U.S. will just replace the crook we currently have in office now with another one. If he is not a crook b4 he goes in office he will b soon thereafter.

  • George Stickney

    America, answer me why anybody would choose either Romney or Gingrich? How can any of their good out weigh their bad? Why the hell does a Mega rich Bastard like Romney want to be president anyway? All the drama and stress of president, he has to be on an ego trip. I guess with all that money what else is there to do other than screw up the American people lives some more. I hope the Economist, Constitutionalist Paul wins. I'm afraid if Romney wins more wars, more government and he will scratch those Corporate backs that helped him succeed in life. The only thing positive I see about Romney is that he is a business man and maybe give the Economy a fighting chance, other than that he is not a great roll model hiding his money in the Cayman islands. That is a wise thing to do but as a politician running for office? I don't think so. Ron Paul and Santorum are the only two that should be debating against each other. Romney and Gingrich have so much baggage it will make for an interesting debate against Obama if either should win the GOP.
    None of the candidates or president could even come close to touching Paul in a one on one debate. Even though he's not the smoothest talker his knowledge and truths would shut anybody down. With this Occupy movement, NADDD , SOPA, PIPA, OPEN, Annonymous and Dos I do know this current Administration has to go. I just feel Romney has some of the same ideas as Obama as far as health care and war. What the heck is going to change if know one will try to audit the Fed or try to go after lobbyist….Not a DAMN thing!! We will just keep voting and voting for straight up GARBAGE. If not one president, his staff and politicians will follow the law of the Constitution, then America keep dreaming of ever getting your country back.

    • James Johnston

      George —

      A few questions I would like to pose …

      You ask, "Why would a mega-rich …" Could it be that Governor Romney feels grateful for the fact that his country has enabled him to achieve material success, believes that he possesses the characteristics necessary to improve the situation (he did straighten out the 2002 Olympics), etc. Maybe he just likes a challenge. I know a little bit about the family, and my understanding is that Anne said, "Mitt, the country needs you." I agree. I think that his entire life's experience has prepared him to lead our country out the mess that it is in.

      You comment about Romney being a roll model elicited this thought … "Putting money in the Cayman Islands is common among people who are worth a couple hundred million. What is not so common is being married to the same woman all your life, being faithful to her, and standing for real family values." To me, that is very important, especially at a time when the family is under attack.

      As to Speaker Gingrich … I see him as being able to grasp big picture concepts and he seems have a very cohesive grasp of foreign policy. It appears that he would be an excellent Secretary of State or even a VP. One of Kennedy's shortcomings was that he did not utilize LBJ's mastery of getting legislation through Congress.

      Your final question seems to rest on whether it is reasonable for a person to change his mind over the course of time, and adapt his policies and viewpoints to the realities of the situation he faces. I think Romney has done this. Other leaders have done the same thing, with great success. Winston Churchill, for example, switched parties during his career, and everybody agrees that he was a great leader. For me, the question is not so much, "has he changed," but rather "does he have the goods to fix our problems and inspire our people."

      There is no question that Ron Paul has a lot going for him, but I do not think he would be a particular success when it comes to foreign policy. Like it or not, this world must be viewed as a global unit, and I fear that he would find that, when he occupies the Oval Office, that the pace and geo-political realities would demand attention. We can't just 'pull out.' His insistence on returning to the gold standard is all well and good, but it is certainly not anything new. This idea has been kicking around for several decades.

      All that said, I see Romney as being able to do what President Ronald Reagan did. Reagan was a master at building consensus. So is Romney. He has had to. Each of the other candidates have spent their careers in DC, and I think that brings a lot of baggage with it. The net of all this is that they should all be included.

      From the standpoint of reality, I don't think Ron Paul has what it takes to win a national election. Finally, if you really want somebody with a new perspective, Romney is the only one that has not made his chops in Washington. Personally, I think he can, as you say, "help us get our country back." That is what I want too!


      • George Stickney

        Do you think Romney has any intentions on auditing the Fed?

      • Surfisher

        James Johnston—

        I'll cut across your post with prioritized answers:

        1) Principles are immutable (when Winston Churchill, and Ronald Regan, changed parties, it was not because they chose to change their principles, but because they deemed those Parties to have failed measuring up to their principles).

        Romney has not done so — he changed his PRINCIPLES to accommodate the prevailing political wind. This alone, makes him a person of no merit. (File this dictum as a litmus test for any politician's trustworthiness: "A Government that does not trust its Citizens to own guns, is a Government not to be trusted").

        2) Your first paragraph: "You ask, "Why would a mega-rich …"; etc." — is a non sequitur (since it contains: could it be…; believes that he…; maybe he just likes…; I think that…). These terms are just speculations on your part — not logical conclusions (as such, they have no merit).

        3) The rest of your paragraphs are plain rhetoric supporting Mitt (there isn't a single instance where you make a syllogism).

        Overall, interesting reading — shows the mental abilities of Mitt's supporters. Thanks for posting.

  • Fred

    you no why Romney wants to be president ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, he will screw the American people and turn his buddies from bain capital from millionares to billionares, remember Chaney and Haliburton?

    • George Stickney

      I see it exactly like you do, but so many others are so naive.

    • ok

      Someone who has made millions on their own and continues to make millions off of investments really wants to take on one of the hardest jobs in the world and be under the spotlight to… make money?

      • George Stickney

        I've seen it over and over, rich politicians perform favors for Corporations that have scratched their backs in the past. It's a big money game. Look how much lobbying goes on…politicians make money off this. It is a conflict of interest and in no way of interest to the American people and should be outlawed. If you think Romney doesn't have Bain Capital and other companies in mind when he becomes president…do you truly think he's any different? He's already taken advantage of all the tax loop holes, why not help the banks out who helped him out.

      • your comment is a waste of time

        yeah, just look at the bush's

  • hangtime55

    Someone said " We have to unite as Republicans. NO THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES! You should not worry about another war. Getting Obama out of office is too important."

    NO ! Ron Paul supporters are devoted to Ron Paul and Ron Paul alone . Romney is another Obama . They both are members the 3rd Party and that consists of a alliance of high ranking Republicans and Democrats. Call me crazy but isn't that what we said in 2008 when Bush was leaving office ? Obama just coninue the Bush administrations agenda so what makes Bush , a Republican and Obama , a Democrat any different from one another ? The parties name ? No people , we have a alliance here that many of you don't see.

    I am sticking with Ron Paul and WHEN he runs as a 3r party candidate , I will prouly vote for him and if that splits the vote and Obama gets his 2nd term , then don't blame the people who voted a 3rd party , Blame those who voted the Business as Usual Republican party !

  • Fred

    I hate to bust you Ron Paul supporters egos but these two wars are the only thing keeping our economy from going totaly bankrupt, the billions of $ and the thousands and thousands of jobs involved in the military effort is the main reason that's keeping the economy going, it's sad but it's the truth.

    • Chris

      What about young adults. What about college? How can young adults find jobs when college cost a 100 thousand a year? How do you expect them to live on part time jobs ( since that's all to find ) and provide college? What about social security? We should be able to opt out. It's not fair for the young to not end up getting it. Oh and so your saying we all have to join to military and risk our lives for the Corrupted Elites? This whole thing is a sham. Obama going to get re elected if they continue to ignore Ron Paul. Than Romney will lose & our dollar going to crash because Obama gonna go full throttle once he wins second term. Will it be Obamas fault? Not really, partially, but it's really the Federal Reserve. That is why they block out Paul. Because the FED is really the power in this Country. They control everything, including media. And Paul is the only one talking about the FED. Newt said he would audit it, but we all know he would do that secretly and appoint his Pal instead of bernanke. Had enough? Fuck Politics. Stand up for your rights and lose it all!!!!!!!!!!

    • George Stickney

      AUDIT the damn FEd!!! And get a team together and start busting up the Congress and their lobbying ways. It can be done, but only one individual is even talking about that. Majority of people on the boards do not discuss this. It is far the most important issue we are facing and politicians won't discuss how to accomplish this task, now why is that? Maybe it's a money maker!!

    • Mae in dollars: Iraq $800,831,810,900 Afghanistan $498,591,125,759

      If you check it,the figures will be much higher, because the ticker keeps ticking. The cost of war keeps going up. How far do you think this money would have gone to create non-war jobs in the U.S.? Better education for our kids? Better medical care for all of us?

      Is 'war' the only way to keep our economy moving? I think not!

      • Mae How many 'people' are, maimed, psychologically damaged as a result of these unconstitutional, undeclared wars? How many children will grow up minus a parent because of these wars? How many of our freedoms have unconstitutionally been stripped away in the name of 'homeland security'?

        Do you think the cost of human lives, the loss of our freedoms, the trampling of our Constitution, the dollar cost is worth it? The truth is that these wars contributed heavily to the economy we face today! We would all be much better off without them.

    • Rav

      what a bs? These wars and this bad foreign policy are the main reason of your financial troubles. Do you think that your ruling politicians lead only 2 wars? <Really? They lead 3 active wars ( Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, a few months ago- Iraq ) and they lead additionally a few civil wars backed by them thanks to your national money ( Lybia, Syria, war on drugs, war on emmigration, war on pirates ), what an idea is that it brings profits for your country. it is just the main reason of your financial debts. By the way, if it gets about political issues, thanks to politics of aggression, you produce enemies everywhere all over the world, irritate big, well organized countries like Russia, China, you try to attack their ally Iran, how do you think what a consequences have such politics for your future? Global world war, you can be completely destroyed as country, it is a problem with your imagination. It is really very dangerous. And these bilions for so called foreign aid - it is the second reason of your debts, can you explain, is it duty of your politicians to support and maintain all possible regimes? You have no more the biggest economy of the world and you have 14 trillions of debts and if you elect the next globalist like Romney, Obama ( evidently less evil and clearly that he will win with this Romney and it will be probably end of this republican party, if Romney would win, it can be the end of your country at all financial and it can be that he will unleash a global world war, what can be understood after his speech and after looking for his records during work in this your parliament ).
      You have normal candidate R. Paul, good, intelligent, who knows what should be changes to restore and protect your country from damadges. He is not corrupt, he is hoonest, he candidates for his country ( USA ) and for US-nation and not for his private profits or for profits of speculators or lobbysts. He has chance to win with Obama, because his proposals are better. He will have completely another government, no more clique, which has led your country to financial and other disasters. Maybe you are adult people and it is already the last chance to have normal president and normal government.

  • Trav

    Definitely voter fraud going on in Nevada! I have a buddy who just called me and he runs a well known casino in Vegas and in the past 6 months, every conversation he's had with someone about the elections, not 1 person talked to him about supporting Newt Gingrich. Everybody that he knows in Nevada is supporting and plan to vote for Ron Paul. But here, we see Newt in 2nd with 35% . I might be jumping the gun because I've been excpecting this but my gut tells me, he's getting skrewed and they will say he finished 3rd. I get the overwhelming feeling that he won Iowa, NH and prob SC but they would NEVER let that happen. Im sure Romney truely does have Nevada just like he had Florida but there is not a chance in hell, Gingrich has this much support! How is a guy with a campaign so unorganized getting this much support? He's NOT! I guess Id rather them cheat Ron Paul in the elections than Assassinate him as President. That's freedon for ya. Ill tell it like it is and if it scares you, don't be. The are ppl in this country right now, that are sick of what is happening to our country because of the corruption and the LIES! Americans have been far too patient and have let the lies and the criminal get away with this for too long but the patience have run out. Mark my word, if Ron Paul does not become the president and things get worse through a Newt as president or Romney or Obama, then you're going to see this group of people rise up and make a stand against this government. I'm not talking about a stand, like standing in the street like that stupid pointless uneffective occupy group. I'm saying, people are going to make this attempt through force and they will be the greatest heros will will ever witness. The feds know what's coming and that is why you're seeing bills being past like NDAA so then they can call these people that are trying to take the country back terrorists! What's going on in this country the past 100 yrs is not what a free country is and it's sure and the hell not what our founding fathers died for.The men of 1776 would be soooo ashamed of the “men” today because they are too busy gaming on their laptop or too busy being a real man and watching the football game on TV. Yes, this is a shot at those who call themselves men because I want you to know, the true spirit of America IS GOING TO NEED YOU and so will those that make the first attempt. Look at this number for a sec. 158,000,000 That's a big number and one hell of an army, that also happens to be how many people in this country own guns and will fight and die for liberty and freedom. So listen men, the end of this year, we all have to unite so we can take our country back from the tyrants. I care about my 6 year old girls future in America and I will DIE fighting for change because I know, the America we have right now, is NOT the America I want her to inherit from Me. That's what it's all about Men! Do you want to be remembered by our children as the generation who sat around gaming and watching football and let Freedom slip through our hands because we did nothing about it which resulted in our kids lives enslaved by hardcore tyrants. If you don't own a gun, do yourself and your family a favor and go buy one. I'm a law abiding citizen, never spent a single night in jail of all 34 yrs on this planet and I am armed to the teeth. This is how sure I am that it's going to get crazy in America, last week, I just purchased my 10th AK-47 and 7th AR-15. I have over 100 guns, they are all legal and registered and you know what? Nobody is going to touch my family. The will not come close, if my 125 lb English/American Bulldog and German Shepard don't get those who come onto my property first, trying to do my family harm then I swear on everything holy, after 1 warning, I am prepared to blow holes into anybody trying to hurt my family. And I mean anybody! America WILL BE turned upside down very shortly down tbe road so listen, Men. When the attempt is made, all hell is going to break loose everywhere as this group of patriots will inspire millions more to fight. Sadly, with these presidents failing us when they get in office and slways doing the opposite of what they promised in campaigns, this has to happen.We are tired of being lied to, stole from, spied on, told what kind of milk we can drink, etc. It's reached it's tipping point and You will witness a civil war/revolutionary war in this country in your life time. We're counting on you, men. And men, if you flee the country and go to canada while this is going down, DO NOT come back because you are a coward! Since the cowards in DC will thrown out of office and into jail cells, this country won't have time for anymore cowards that could possibly end up in a public office, so stay where u run to. Ok, so Im saying this, how many on this board have this feeling deep down inside that something is going to happen. I already know, many people in general have had this feeling in tbe pit of their stomach for the past year that they necer had before and it's been constant. Well, now you know what that something is that is going to happen. Take care people and keep your family extra close to you this year. We WILL win and the America will be back where it belongs, in your hands, my hands, our neighbors hands in the American ppls hands.

  • Trav

    @Fred I would rather see the American economy collapse ten times over than to see another innocent child in the middle east lose a leg and orphaned because of these wars based on lies! Are you that insensitive to make a comment like that? Seriously, we NEED to stop looking at these people as an enemy and start looking at them as our fellow human. We are all on this planet together. It's our government creating this divide so they have an enemy to fight. The number 1 reason I believe we should be making our choice for who we will vote for, is the candidate that does not want war. The most important thing that needs to take place, is a president that will stop the slaughter of the innocent in these wars. It NEEDS to stop. Stopping this, is WAY more important than fixing our economy. And if the killing does not stop and we are dragged into more war, then people are going to come to the defense of all humanity and pummel these war lovers into tbe ground. Count on it!

    • Mae

      I agree with you, Trav 100%. Why do people of other countries hate us? Because we go on their soil, establish military bases in places we don't need to be, we bomb them - 'shock and awe' - kill their children, kill the parents, roll over anyone who dares to defy the bully U.S. We even send our own to die and orphan their own children. The human cost of these wars is too great, can not be justified.

      The money spent (and still being spent) on these wars is a major drain on our economy, but it's the human cost that truly counts.

  • CDW

    Ron Paul or NOTHING!

    Obama has no hope in running a negative campaign against Ron Paul. You can go personal, you can attack policy, you cant attach his track record. And oh, when asked to serve he went.

    Wake up America! Its not Rep vs Dem, its Ron Paul and US vs them.

  • Well the Zealous Ron Paul supporters evidently seized this site for Ronnie. Hopefully, his financial backers will see the light and know that Mr. Magoo has no shot of even coming in second place. But Mr. Magoo knows he isn't going to win, and just wants to cut a deal so that he can speak at the Republican convention for five minutes before they yank him off the stage, not wanting to hear his passive military approach and endorsement of Gay marriage. Please Ron, go back to your psych ward!!

    • Mae

      Actually, you're going to have a hard time finding a site that isn't for Ron Paul, unless you go to the crazies on the conspiracy sites that are still whining for Gore.

  • Sublime1

    Ron Paul was getting 3/5 of the votes I saw being annouced on CNN in the last county until they cut the feeds and went to rebroadcasts.
    Anything short of a virtual tie with Romney and Paul would smell of foul play to me.

    • George Stickney

      We all know foul play is going on, how the hell do we think Bush won. This is a complete mess, that's why we have the Occupy and Anonymous movements and and increase in the Militia. The government would rather continue to become rich and pass bills to bust up these groups than safe guard Middle America from all of the corruption and complete nonsense going on in Congress. Wake up America, why else for these movements. Whatever, I will just plan accordingly because nothing will changed with government it will only take a movement of such drastic measures to accomplish anything. It would be nice if I were wrong but I doubt it. I will just ride it out and see how the government will react to all the movements. I feel better knowing that there are groups out there that really care for this country. It's just sad that the government will keep cheating us out of elections, liberty and money no matter the consequences.

  • Romney=Devil

    If Romney wins and Ron Paul doesn't go third party, I am voting for Roseanne!!

  • Liberty

    I will vote for Ron Paul and Ron Paul ONLY!
    Its not too late… yet..
    Romney = Destruction of America.
    Obama fears Ron Paul… the polls say so.

  • Vernon

    I see a lot of comments saying that Ron Paul can't win, he rambles to much when he speaks, someone even said that they "hate to hurt the egos of Ron Paul supporters but the two wars are what's keeping our economy going." It really depresses me seeing that people really are missing his points and can be that incompetent. It's so easy to see that all of these candidates with the exception of Ron Paul can do nothing to fix this country. They believe in this broken system, and so do the masses. It's easier to believe the lies of the media and corrupt politicians than to accept the truth. If you believe in liberty, then Ron Paul should be your only choice. Why wait until this war and welfare addicted country hits rock bottom before we say "Hey Ron Paul was right" like we're doing right now because he forewarned us of our situation 30 years ago. Educate yourselves and stop being pawns of propaganda. Wake Up! Ron Paul 2012.

  • Vernon

    Who is verifying the electronic votes in the primary? How do we know that the votes are being reported properly? Is Newt really beating Ron Paul? Is Mitt?

  • Dirty Durden

    Vote Paul in VA only!! Take VA from Mutt!!

    • Mae

      That would be so cool! The State of Virginia would really wake up the media - and - America by giving Ron Paul their votes! Freida, Jerry, it's me - Mae. Get those kids of yours out there (my guess is they're for Ron Paul anyway) and get the rest of the family out there spreading the word. Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul!

  • Ron Paul for President!!!2012!!!!!The Real American Patriot!!!!

  • Trav, I love your words so much you're touching my heart. Fred, actually, your reasoning is misplaced. Hemorrhaging money that does't exist doesn't create jobs. Opening up free trade with the people we bomb would create more jobs than your claim. By the way killing 3 million Middle Easterners doesn't do much for capatilism.

    Trav, I wish to send you my book, Wrongly Blamed. If you email me your address, I will do so n/c. My website is By the way since the Muslims did not commit 9-11 that makes the murder of them and their children particularly vile.

  • Adam

    Im more than damn sure we had more than enough support to take Nevada. WHERE ARE ALL THE RON PAUL SUPPORTERS?!

  • Ryan

    Ron Paul wins again with the conscious, free, brave, and the loving members of our recovering society. What a wonderful group to take over this sick country and join the world in it's journey back to sanity. Thank God for PAUL!

  • Sublime1

    All you have to do is watch this video, and keep in mind that for some reason we still don't have the Nevada caucus totals.

    CNN's partial coverage of the final precincts clearly showed Ron Paul getting no less then 3/5's of the final votes. So with only 45% of precints reporting at that time, Paul's approximated total of the remaining 55% would be about 11,000 votes.
    The 2 of 5 votes not going for Paul were being split Romney 60%, Gingrich 30%, Santorum 10%.

    Final Results should look something like this.

    Ron Paul: 16,000
    Mitt Romney: 13,500
    Newt Gingrich 7,000
    Rick Santorum 4,500

    If you're seeing any results that do not closely match my numbers, you need to be screaming FRAUD !
    The man in the video laying hands on the Paul delegate needs to be identified and arrested promptly. He and the folks he was working for need to do some serious jail time.

  • Butler from Colorado

    In following the blogs on the results pages of this Caucus/Primary website, one thing is obvious: 95% of the comments come from Ron Paul supporters, and Ron Paul is the only worthy candidate in the minds of his supporters, period. End of any intelligent discussion. So my guess is that they will vote for Ron Paul in November as well, regardless of whether or not he wins the Republican nomination.

    So who will be the President of the United States in January 2013? That is the real question. The answer is clear… it will ether be President Obama, or the Republican candidate. It will not be an independent candidate; that’s reality.

    So from the remaining three candidates, who is the candidate with the greatest leadership skills to deal with the most pressing issues of our time? Who’s lifestyle best sets the example of a man with Christian family values which is a core part of the Republican Party platform? Who best understands the free enterprise system and the types of incentives that American businesses need to return to the USA? Who has sufficient experience in the real world of business successfully running organizations that were in financial trouble and was able to turn them around? Who has absolutely nothing to gain financially from winning the Presidential race? Who’s supporters are so narrow minded that they will in the end refuse to support the Republican candidate in November?

    I like Rick Santorum, he holds a lot of promise for the future. Newt Gingrich has the gift of gab; he’s great in a debate.

    Fortunately we each have the freedom and opportunity to make this critically important decision for ourselves, and we have three good candidates to choose from, four if you include Ron Paul, but as we all know, he will ultimately be running as an independent against the Republican nominee and that’s the only reason I am counting him out.

    So God bless us to choose wisely!
    I think JWJ pretty much got it right.

    • Sublime1

      Interestingly enough, it's impossible for Ron Paul to "win the Republican nomination" because of an obviously fraudulant nomination process, and your now asking me to pick from one of the other candidates who are incapable of representing my interests or views ?

      Ron Paul most likely won the nomination in Nevada. It's just a mad scramble to try and cover it up. No oraganization even attempted to cover the results after they had you go to bed thinking Romney had won by a "landslide" with only 45% of the vote being counted.

      • George Stickney

        I will continue to vote Paul all the way through regardless, if it means a write in so be it. I will be demonstrating my vote for change, a vote for the other candidates and current president is clearly a vote for the current status quo.

    • Mae

      "It will not be an independent candidate; that’s reality."

      Oh, I don't know about that. When JFK was running for President, people said he would never be elected because he was Catholic, but he was elected. When Clinton went for his 2nd term, people said he would never be re-elected, but he was elected. When Obama was elected, people said he would never be elected because of his skin color, but he was elected. And now people are saying Ron Paul will never be elected. And an independent candidate will never be elected. I wouldn't bet on it. The American people have a tendency to vote for 'change' when fed up with the status quo.

      I think a whole big bunch of us are fed up with seeing foreclosure signs on the homes of our neighbors. Fed up with one in every five children living in poverty. Fed up with unemployment undermining the lives of our friends and families and the future of our children. Fed up with the government killing off our families and friends by sending them into undeclared wars. Fed up with rising food costs. Fed up with rising gas prices. Fed up with outrageous utility bills. Fed up with the government intruding into our lives and stealing our freedoms by ignoring our Constitution. Fed up with not being able to get on a plane or into public buildings without being felt up by people we don't know and don't want touching our bodies. Fed up with watching our nation, OUR nation, have its credit rating lowered because of politicians insane spending. Fed up with greedy criminals stealing our life savings - with the apparent blessings of our government. Fed up with politicians shoveling b.s. down our throats and telling us it's oatmeal.

      I think we're a nation of people who are just plain fed up with our government. It's time for a real change, for a return to our roots, the Constitution of the United States of America. I think that whether Ron Paul is elected or not, there's a whole big bunch of us who will continue to sing his/our song of freedom; a whole big bunch of us who will continue to watch every move our government makes, and shout from the rooftops what we see. So whadda ya think of that?

      • George Stickney

        I wish more and more people were open minded and really understood the corruption within our government. Makes me feel better knowing their are hawk eyes watching that truly care about America and it's people.

  • Trav

    Make this video go viral. This was a live feed on CNN last night and they were counting ballots outloud on camera with witnesses. The ballots are from part of a Jewish community in the biggest county in Nevada and RON PAUL absolutely destroyed the rest of the candidates. If these ballots were counted at an undisclosed location in secret, do you think these ballots would have come out lime this? RON PAUL is geting support like this all over America and we ARE BEING LIED TO. It's time to het pissed off and stand ul for ourselves. This is a slap in the face!! They are treating us like dummies blatantly lying to us. Spread this video far and wide.

  • kem

    The polls can very easy be rigged but when it comes to election time that is another story but still can be rigged. every one I know is voting for Ron Paul, I'm 100% sure the polls are rigged but there is nothing we can do about it. what the people need is a secure non bias web site to cast there votes, one vote only and that way every one would know if an election is rigged or not and who actually won. sadly that will not happen either.
    If Ron Paul does not win the presidency then at least the ones that did vote for him tried. and we would know the truth. personally it would be the last time I and my family ever voted again.

  • George Stickney

    Sadly I feel you

  • Windisea

    Ron Paul does not need to win the republican nomination to win the presidential election nor does he need to run third party.

    I will write him in and millions and millions of his supporters will be doing the same thing. I vote for the president not the party and I choose Ron Paul and no other!
    Ron Paul is the only candidate running who represents "we the people" and our country's
    best interest. Ron Paul is US!

    But we must actively monitor the ballot counting. Voter fraud is well-documented and not all of the states have added a paper trail receipt to the insecure electronic voting machines.

    Find out what you can do to protect your vote here:

    Diebold electronic voter fraud confirmed:

    Lou Dobbs interviews Bev Harris:

    Clinton Curtis Software Programmer testifies:

    Yes Trav, I too have had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach for too long now……

    Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul!

  • PGM

    Everyone you know is voting for Paul? Small circle of friends.

  • Goethe Behr

    In 2008, Romney got more than 51% in Nevada-and lost the nomination hands-down.

    In 2012, Romney got LESS than that-and it's supposed to be a success to LOSE support??

    Fully HALF of his support was Mormons. If you subtract them, it was a neck-and-neck race.

    • Conservitive Ticker

      Why would you subtract Mormons. Do they not have a voice in their communities. Other religious and racial communities unfortunately vote in blocks. If Romney wasn't a Mormon his percentages would be much higher based on values and character alone. I Like Ron Paul for the most part, but because of his stance on Drugs, Porn, foreign Policy I can't vote for him, even Paul himself said he doesn't expect to win. I will stand behind whomever wins the nomination and hope that they give Ron Paul the Secretary of the Treasure Position where he will benefit this Country the most.

      • Mae

        Conservitive Ticker – Ron Paul's stance on Drugs, Porn, foreign Policy – Look, I don't like drugs and porn either, but we do have a Constitution that tells us what we and our government can and cannot do.
        So, first, let's talk about his foreign policy. It's pretty simple, really. Ron Paul is anti-war, but does recognize that war may be necessary in the event of a direct threat to the United States. In that event, he has said, in accordance with our Constitution, Congress must first declare war, that our military 'only then' is sent to deal with the threat – go in, get it over with quickly and decisively. This make sense as it prevents one person, the President, from getting our nation into wars by the decision of one person. He believes the money spent on maintaining military bases in something like 130 countries would be better spent here at home, where the military would spend their pay, thereby stimulating our economy, which in turn stimulates job growth as the demand for products increases. He further believes the United States can improve international relationships more by establishing trade with them, which would also stimulate our economy and job creation, than we can by bombing or threatening to bomb them. Yet, a lot of Americans have been slaughtered in 'unconstitutional, undeclared' wars. So, I ask how is getting involved in these unconstitutional, undeclared wars working out for us? Do you feel this is a path we should continue to follow?

        Porn? The federal government, nor the state government, has constitutional authority to come into the privacy of our homes. That is well established by the U.S. Supreme Court. However distasteful we, as individuals may find it, it's none of our business, or our government's business, what our neighbors do in their homes, anymore than it is our neighbor's business what sexual positions we favor or whether we use birth control, or whether we get an abortion. For that matter, it's none of our business or our government's business, or our neighbor's when same sex relationships are practiced -according to our Constitution. If watching porn leads to a criminal act, the States have the authority under the Constitution to enact laws, in fact already have laws in place, to deal with those who violate the laws.

        The War on Drugs isn't working out very well either. So is legalizing drugs the answer? It was the answer to bootlegging of moonshine during Prohibition. The fact that drugs are currently illegal hasn't stopped people from using drugs anymore than it stopped people from drinking moonshine. The laws haven't stopped drug dealers from selling drugs anymore than it stopped bootleggers, or kept drug traffic off our highways and out of our neighborhoods. Again, the States have the constitutional authority to enact laws, and in fact already have laws in place to deal with drugs and crimes committed under the influence of drugs. There are also laws against the manufacture of drugs like meth, crack, etc. at the State level. It remains, however, that the use of drugs by individuals is not illegal under our Constitution, and just as it's none of our business what our neighbors do in their own bedrooms, it's none of our business, or our government's business, what they do in their own living rooms.

        • Brendan

          Under your "it's none of our business" logic many laws that are currently in place would not be. Should bestiality be legal? Its none of our business what someone does in the bedroom or farmhouse for that matter. What about child abuse? Molestation? Is it none of our business? You say they would only have authority to place laws if it lead to a criminal act. What is a criminal act? Isn't it up to the people to decide what constitutes a criminal act? Or is that none of their business?

          The war on drugs is not necessarily something I would rush to defend but just because drug use still exists doesn't mean legalizing it is the answer. You can't say for sure whether or not the criminalization of drugs deters a percentage from participating in it.

    • Brendan

      Not if you subtract all the Catholics who voted for Gingrich and all the Baptists who voted for Paul.

  • Lana

    Here is a link to the live Clark County coverage on youtube.

    If having so much favor in the ballots in the largest county in Nevada did not boost Ron Pauls standing, then something must be wrong.

  • Trav

    So if it ever did get to the point where other big countries decided to attack America, hopefully those countries do their recon and find out where all the underground bases are at in this country because the people you want, will be hiding in those. It will never come to that, however, because some US citizens WILL overthrow the government anyway they can if it looks like our cities will be attacked because our military is following orders to attack Iran. But, our military, as a whole is also waking up. I get the feeling if they are told they need to go fight in Iran, hundreds of thousands of US soldiers are going to take a stand together and say “no more!”
    The leaders in the US are so arrogant they don't even realize they are turning the whole country, including military families against them. They are provoking another otential civil war in America where they WILL NOT stand a chance. Oh yeah, IT'S going to happen. Whichever way it happens is still up in the air and I know some of you feel it in your gut. Buy guns and ammo for your protection and your families protection..That's the best advice you'll get all year long because with this NDAA bill that was recently passed, they have got plans for us, they would have NEVER passed a bill like this if they didn't want to round Americans up. You just need to figure out if your going to let these tyrants take you and your wife and your kids off to some FEMA camp or are you going to do something else. Don't think a NAZI Germany situation could NEVER happen in America because it IS happening NOW! The paralells of America NOW and Nazi Germany in the 20s and 30s are so close. If you know history and see what is happening in America today, you know what Im talking about. The concentration camps are much closer than you think. Alot of us see this and Im telling you, we are not going to stand around much longer. You will see.

  • Anthony Williams


    Wake up!

    Mitt Romney's top donors: Goldman-Sachs, Bank of America, etc.
    Barack Obama's top donors: Solindra, Goldman-Sachs, B of A, Etc.

    Newt Gingrich's top donors: More corporate B.S. (Hearth foundation, Las Vegas Casino Tycoons, etc.)

    Ron Paul's top donors: Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces

    The fact is, OUR MILITARY supports Ron Paul for President. OUR MILITARY understands humble foreign policy better than civilians ever could. The other candidates are Pro-bailout, Pro-croney-capitalism, Pro-war, Pro-1%. The continued corruption and war mongering must come to an end. Please, reconsider real change! Consider Ron Paul for President, I implore you.

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