
Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, Santorum holds 2nd

Mitt Romney walked away with two victories Tuesday night in distinctly different parts of the country winning in Arizona and Michigan. Rick Santorum held a strong 2nd place in Michigan but was trailing at a very distant 2nd in Arizona. Ron Paul took the number 3 spot in both states followed by Newt Gingrich rounding out . . . → Read More: Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, Santorum holds 2nd

Voting underway in Michigan and Arizona

Republicans will be heading to the polls today in Michigan and Arizona to choose a preferred GOP nominee for president. Polling data in Michigan indicates the race is very close between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney while Arizona tells a different story where Romney leads significantly.

Poll Closing Times:
Michigan - 8pm ET
Arizona - 7pm MT (9pm . . . → Read More: Voting underway in Michigan and Arizona

Michigan now tied while Arizona remains strong for Romney

With just one day to go before Michigan and Arizona head to the polls on Tuesday, it appears that Mitt Romney is making a comeback in Michigan while maintaining a strong lead in Arizona. In recent days, Michigan had been trending hard for Rick Santorum, however, it appears that his momentum is slowing considerably as new . . . → Read More: Michigan now tied while Arizona remains strong for Romney

Video: Watch the full CNN/Arizona Republican debate

The four remaining GOP hopefuls gathered in Arizona on Wednesday night for the final debate prior to the Arizona and Michigan primaries coming up on February 28. This debate was sponsored by CNN and the Republican Party of Arizona. It was held at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona.

Original Air Time: Wednesday, February 22 . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full CNN/Arizona Republican debate

CNN Arizona Republican debate tonight at 8pm ET

CNN will be broadcasting a Republican debate Wednesday night from the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona. All four GOP candidates will be participating in this crucial shootout just six days prior to the Arizona and Michigan primaries on February 28. This will also be the final debate prior to the Super Tuesday contests on March . . . → Read More: CNN Arizona Republican debate tonight at 8pm ET

Video: Newt Gingrich on Fox News Sunday - 2/19/12

Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace this weekend to discuss the 2012 nomination and his path to rebuilding his lost momentum. Here is Gingrich's entire interview from Sunday, February 19, 2012:

Watch the latest video at

Report from the Chicago Tribune:

Amid news reports that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is preparing to spend another . . . → Read More: Video: Newt Gingrich on Fox News Sunday - 2/19/12

Video: Rick Santorum on Face the Nation - 2/19/12

Rick Santorum appeared on Face the Nation Sunday to discuss the 2012 GOP nomination and the recent controversy over President Obama's contraception mandate on insurance companies. Here is Santorum's entire interview from Sunday, February 19, 2012:

Report from CNN:

The government shouldn't make health care providers fully cover prenatal tests like amniocentesis, which can determine the possibility of . . . → Read More: Video: Rick Santorum on Face the Nation - 2/19/12

Gingrich knocks rivals over March 1 CNN debate cancellation

The CNN GOP debate originally scheduled for March 1, 2012 has been canceled due to decisions by Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul to skip the debate in favor of Super Tuesday campaigning. This left only Newt Gingrich who had previously committed to the March 1 debate and the former Speaker wasted no time blasting . . . → Read More: Gingrich knocks rivals over March 1 CNN debate cancellation

Maine GOP says it will not release updated caucus results

The Maine Republican Party is rebutting efforts calling for inclusion of the remaining caucus precincts that were not counted in the "official" caucus results released last Saturday, February 11. Maine GOP Chairman Charlie Webster says he will not release any other results to the public and claims that the results would still show Mitt Romney the . . . → Read More: Maine GOP says it will not release updated caucus results

Questions remain surrounding Maine caucus results

The 2012 Maine caucuses have left several questions surrounding the integrity and straightforwardness of the caucus process. While it is true that many voting precincts held caucus events around the state between February 4th through the 11th, not every precinct in the state participated in the official results and some precincts were delayed due to inclement . . . → Read More: Questions remain surrounding Maine caucus results