
Video: Watch the full NBC News/Tampa Bay Times/National Journal Florida GOP debate

The four remaining GOP candidates reconvened in Tampa, Florida, on Monday evening for the first of two debates focused on the Florida primary. Monday night's debate was sponsored by NBC News, The Tampa Bay Times, the National Journal and the Florida Council of 100. The debate was held at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

Original Air Time: Monday, January 23rd at 9pm ET, 8pm CT and 9pm PT on NBC

Participants: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul

Here is the entire 97 minute video direct from NBC News:

Report from USAToday:

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, his one-time lead among GOP voters in Florida and nationwide evaporating, hammered Newt Gingrich as an influence peddler and disgraced politician in a debate Monday marked by the most heated and personal exchanges of the campaign to date.

At one point, Gingrich, who has been the master of the season's 18 debates, briefly fell in a frustrated silence as he responded to Romney's rapid-fire attacks for saying he was hired by mortgage giant Freddie Mac as "a historian" and for advocating health care policies while being paid by health care companies.

"You've been walking around this state saying things that are untrue," an irate Gingrich replied, saying he had advocated policy positions as a concerned citizen, not because of consulting contracts. That isn't lobbying, he said.

The two men faced each other in a forum at the University of South Florida, eight days before the state's crucial primary. At stake is not only Florida's 50 convention delegates — the biggest prize to date — but also a sense of momentum and command in the most tumultuous Republican nomination battle of modern times.

"The race continues with great doubts about the two leading Republican candidates," political scientist Merle Black of Emory University said before the debate. "Republicans haven't come close to closure."

Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum also participated in the debate, hosted by NBC News, National Journal and the Tampa Bay Times. Near the end, Santorum made an impassioned plea for his credentials as a consistent conservative. On issues such as health care, he said of Romney and Gingrich, "When push came to shove, they got pushed."

But the focus in Florida and the spotlight on stage were on the two men battling for the front-runner's mantle.

Unfortunately in this debate we saw another example of Rick Santorum and Ron Paul getting only a fraction of the time devoted to Gingrich and Romney. While it may be the case that polls indicate Santorum and Paul aren't likely to win Florida, the nomination process is far from over and surely they should have been given more time.

From the onset, the tone was contentious for the first 45 minutes as moderator Brian Williams seemed to take a hands-off approach letting Romney and Gingrich take their shots at each other. I don't know if we learned anything we didn't already know. Overall a seemingly mild debate compared to previous engagements but educational in the same.

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180 comments to Video: Watch the full NBC News/Tampa Bay Times/National Journal Florida GOP debate

  • Darryl


    Iowa - New Hampshire - South Carolina VOTE FRAUD coming to a Precinct Near YOU!

    • Surfisher

      Integrity counter — how do you personally grade the remaining four's Integrity?

      Ron Paul — 100%
      Santorum — 60%
      Mitt — 30%
      Newt — 3%

      Just for fun — post yours.

      • Julie

        Integrity is a good moral value to have and something worth respecting and having, but it not something any man can measure of another man. Your numbers are based on media information alone, which makes them very weak, considering how biased and perverted the media is. Furthermore, the integrity of a man's past, does not determine the integrity in his future. Everyone makes mistakes.

        • Joe

          You are right Julie. Let every man/woman who has not been immoral in the eyes of mankind be the ones to criticize. All others are just covering up their own wrongs. All in all (I can't believe I am saying this), Clinton turned out to be a decent President even if he was not a very good husband. Newt fits that mold.

          • Seriously?

            I agree that Newt fits the mold of a bad husband, just read my previous post to Julie.

            Regarding Newt fitting the mold of a good president we don't know but if you think being a good government worker is getting fired as Speaker by your own party or being fined for ethics violations, then he's aces!!

          • Julie

            In regard to the ethics violation, we really don't know what happened there (being only able to accept what we are told). They may have just turned Newt into the scape goat or maybe they just didn't like him because he thought for himself (God forbid anyone actually think for them self and not be a puppet for the Party.) Perhaps he was speaking the truth in the debate when it said it came down to one letter with an error. Perhaps, he just didn't want the job anymore after having everyone in his own party turn on him. That would certainly be understandable. In the end, unless you were involved, you really don't know what actually went on behind the scenes.

            Ultimately, this election is not about who is the most good or bad, its about who has the strengths and skills needed to win this election, inspire this nation and encourage the recovery of our economy and our confidence.

            Newt has the experience and many of his mistakes were made before he would enter the white house, meaning he has the potential to be an excellent president if he learned from his mistakes, which seems likely.

            In addition, we have only 4 options for nominee. None of the other other candidates have the speaking ability to draw in undecided voters or to beat Obama in a debate or to inspire the masses, except Newt. He may have baggage, but he also offers the most potential. Romney is still trying to project a perfect image because he does have any ideas or inspiration for anyone. In fact Romney is maintaining the same 25% of support he held last time he ran for president and lost. Romney is a face and a face only goes so far. Raul Paul has great ideas and is a good writer for the cause of liberty, but a terrible speaker and Santorum is genuine, but inexperienced, very emotional and not very shrewd, much like a teenager. Given the choices we have, the best option we can make,even with all the baggage, is Newt.

            (And in regard to Clinton, I never voted for him and do not agree with most his policies, but I never agreed with the media's focus on his private affairs. Sexual issues belong in the bedroom, its none of our or the media's business.)

          • Seriously?

            Interesting how I have replied to 4 of your posts but you chose to reply to the one where I was talking to someone else. Why haven't you replied to the ones about Newt and his affairs? You being a woman I would think you wouldn't put up with something like that unless you agree with him. BTW you say :

            "…he has the potential to be an excellent president if he learned from his mistakes, which seems likely…"

            Why does it seem likely that he learned from his mistakes? Because after doing it 3 times and now being so old he can't anything better he's stuck with his current wife? One thing is a mistake but when you do it again and again and again, and then for 6 years knowing it's wrong, THAT'S NOT A MISTAKE.

            I'm still waiting for you to explain how Newt could leave his cancer stricken wife for the 2nd wife then leave the 2nd wife who has Multiple Sclerosis for his mistress who he had an affair for 6 years, the current up to now, wife #3.

            Or are these the "mistakes' you're talking about :

            - Get married and vow "in sickness and in health" but leave as soon as they get sick?
            - Cheat on your 2nd wife for 6 years?
            - When he was Speaker he criticized Clinton while he was doing the same thing?
            - Criticize gay people for making a mockery out of the institution of marriage while he's been doing it for decades?

          • Julie

            That should say Romney does NOT have any ideas

        • Seriously?

          "…Furthermore, the integrity of a man's past, does not determine the integrity in his future. Everyone makes mistakes…."

          I completely agree. One thing is a mistake but when you do it again and again and again, and then for 6 years knowing it's wrong, THAT'S NOT A MISTAKE.

          I'm still waiting for you to explain how Newt could leave his cancer stricken wife for the 2nd wife then leave the 2nd wife who has Multiple Sclerosis for his mistress who he had an affair for 6 years, the current up to now, wife #3.

          Or are these the "mistakes' you're talking about :

          - Get married and vow "in sickness and in health" but leave as soon as they get sick?
          - Cheat on your 2nd wife for 6 years?
          - When he was Speaker he criticized Clinton while he was doing the same thing?
          - Criticize gay people for making a mockery out of the institution of marriage while he's been doing it for decades?

          If you're going to throw stones at other candidates please explain why your candidate is better? I'm still trying to figure out who to vote for.

          • Mary Griffith

            I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Julie

            Being president has nothing to do with being a good husband. My boss and president of the company where I worked, had been with three husbands and ended up divorced again. However, she was the best boss I ever had. She knew her business and she earned respect because of it. Its true I would never choose Newt to be a spouse, but I do choose him to be a president. Newt's love is politics and his family paid for that, but we can benefit from it and we should.

          • Seriously?

            Did your boss CHEAT on her husbands? Cheating is a value and Newt is running on a VALUES platform! Cheating for 6 years the 2nd time around, who knows how long he cheated on his first wife, is not something I want in an employee and even less on a President. Maybe your boss earned respect but Newt didn't. The people who kicked him out of the Speaker position were his fellow Republicans. That's a fact and and Republicans who served with him have said so. One that comes to mind is Joe Scarborough.

            If you can't see that then I hope you never get married and if you do then please don't let your husband see these posts. Don't complain later if he decides to have affairs and brings up your posts during your divorce settlement.

          • Seriously?

            What about a hypocrite for President? Do you want that? That's what you get with Newt but you haven't replied to that either.

            - When he was Speaker he criticized Clinton while he was doing the same thing !

            - He criticizes gay people for making a mockery out of the institution of marriage while he's been doing it for decades!

          • Julie

            Everyone has been a hypocrite at one time or another. Newt is a human being, not super man. He has the right experience, the right knowledge and the right skills for the needs of this presidency and the baggage although not ideal, does not disqualify him for the job. IN fact he is probably the best representative for America, considering the current morality of this nation.

          • Seriously?

            "considering the morality of this nation."

            What a nice touch. I wonder why the morality is at this point? Maybe because you keep justifying people like Newt? I still can't believe you can justify what he's done like it's nothing.

          • Julie

            By the way I am married. I have been married for 10 years and my husband is the only man I have ever been with. He cheated on me and I forgave him. I am not unsympathetic to the hurt his wives endured, and do I understand the difficulties of marriage and how much work it is, but, my marriage and my job are not the same thing. Newt put his energy into his job, and his marriage suffered. But we are not voting for Newt as a husband, we are voting for Newt in the job of president and I say job because that is all that it is.

          • Darryl


            TRUST between a man and a woman in a marriage can be likened to a "fine thread".

            When infidelity takes place, the "fine thread" snaps and a "storm" breaks out between the two. It's very difficult for them to tie this thread back together during this storm. It takes a very special couple to tie the thread of TRUST back together again. And if they do, the "knot" is always there serving as a reminder that TRUST has been (and, thus can be) broken again.

            Kudos to you and your husband for being able to accomplish this. But most couples can't. Some tie it back together, but they are always "looking" for the next break to occur. This makes for a very "tumultuous" relationship.

            Be very careful of Newt Gingrich. He's a great orator and a talented "Justifier". If he becomes President and breaks the TRUST of the American people who put him there, don't be surprised if he tries to "blame transfer" or Bullsh*t his way out of it.

            People like Newt, who cheat on their spouses, are technically "Mentally Ill". It's a Disease of their Moral Compass or Character. Some cheaters, when they "come clean" feel a sense of "Relief". Some cheaters, when they "come clean" feel an overwhelming sense of "Guilt" that may require Counseling.

            Newt may be changed or he may not be. He may still be mentally ill or he may not be. But whatever you do, don't be "cavalier" on Newt Gingrich's ability to break his TRUST once again.

          • Surfisher

            Seriously — stop it!

            Leave poor Julie alone — she is doing her best to justify her belief via "maybes, most likely, perhaps he was speaking the truth, even with all the baggage, possibly") to fantasize that Newt would change overnight and become a person of integrity once in the White House.

            Few people are logical — most live in fantasy land — the reason our Nation has reached its nearing end.

            One thing I've learned over the years — I can do just about anything, except put brains into a fool's head.

          • Seriously?

            Harsh but I agree. I'll bet you Julie wouldn't put up with her husband cheating on her another couple of times, or having a 6 year long affair, or maybe she is just that kind of gal.

          • Julie

            First let me say Newt is not running on a values platform, he has never claimed to have great values in all the debates he has been in. What he has said, which is true, is that first he has experience and he reminds people of it by specifically stating those things he has been involved with during every debate, since the 60's. A tremendous amount of experience and changes have occurred during this time and to assume that he is the same man he was is ridiculous. Are you the same man with the same knowledge and understanding that you were 10 or 20 or as in this case 40+ years ago.

            Second, Newt has run on the platform of "Ideas" Ideas that he has specifically offered up such as Repealing dod frank, (something Romney, immediately copies as he does all things) and so forth, and the idea allowing kids to work int he school system as well as vouchers (which as a mother of two boys, I really would love to see), and the Chile systems for social security which encourages investment with zero risk. These and and so many other ideas, that I believe to be very great for this Country. He has spelled those ideas out in detail.

            Unlike the other Candidates, like Romney with mostly spouting of general info that has little value, Newt is specific and has the specific experience to actually do the things he has said, once he gets into office.

            On the issue of ethics violations, I would say that if you read Newsmax, there is an article detailing the violations and they are meaningless. Its all just politics as I suspected and has little value regarding Newts character.

            On the issue of the three affairs and morality, I would say that morality was first put in place by God when he laid out the ten commandments. However, that same God, the God of the Christian Religion, which has influenced this country more than any other religion, also set up a King over Israel who not only had an affair, but killed the women's husband. Affairs and Murder, yet God himself retained him as King because of his heart, not his moral acts. Furthermore, Jesus, God's Son stated of the women caught in an affair, you who is without sin cast the first stone and of the very MOral and law abiding PHarisees, he called them a Brood of Vipers and White Washed Tombs. Furthermore, God Himself then created a new covenant with people based NOT on law, but on Jesus Christ who lived the perfect moral life fulfilling God's law in full and then dying for all of us so that we would not be bound by the law anymore. If the God who did all these things, including giving up his only son can forgive Newt, then certainly I can too.

            Now apart from his platform and the meaningless ethics violations and the moral issues, I would add that Newt is the only candidate with the potential to beat Obama in a debate, to express his ideas and provide knowledgeable information that could sway the middle voters and draw in more people. Newt is very electable and this focus on his past mistakes and affairs is just a way to distract people's attention from the fact that he is the best possible Nominee for president.

          • Joe

            Well put, Julie. Your husband is a fortunate man to have a spouse who practices what she preaches. With regard to your dissenters, they have one purpose and you have already stated it, to distract voters from the solutions offered by Newt to potentially solve the issues facing us as a country. My experience has taught me that when people hit really hard at others about their immorality or wrong doing that there is something they would not like people to know about their own private thoughts or actions. It is easy to judge someone whose sins are known, isn't it?!! Again, we are trying to elect a President, not a priest or pastor or rabbi. No man is perfect. That is why we need a savior.

          • Seriously?

            You must work for Newt's campaign. Would you forgive your husband if he had an affair for 6 years cheating on you? I'll bet NO.

            Then how can you defend Newt? One large paragraph about God and Jesus and history. Please don't compare them to Newt, that's insulting !! Then you go all Old Testament in your speech. Please, give us a little more credit, we're not that dumb. You spend a lot of time blowing smoke and writing about how Newt has been forgiven Religion is very clear that you are forgiven if you repent but if you just go confess, are forgiven, then go back and do it again, you are NOT forgiven. Go consult that. He is however like the Old Testament when he finds a law or rule he doesn't like he just doesn't follow it. Like back when he was in high school was dating his teacher. She later became his first wife. He doesn't make MISTAKES like you say, it's a pattern from early on in life where he does what he wants no matter what the rules are and who cares who gets hurt in the process.

            Stop changing the subject and explain how he can be so conservative, because in every debate he says he's the MOST CONSERVATIVE of all, and still he

            - Got married and vowed "in sickness and in health" but left as soon as his wives got sick? Is this your idea of an honest caring rules-following man?

            - Cheated on his 2nd wife for 6 years? Would you put up with that? Is this following the contract he got into when he got married? Is this what your religion says is OK?

            - When he was Speaker he criticized Clinton for his affair? He participated in the impeachment because it was a legal thing, fine, but he also clearly spoke out many times against Clinton's infidelity and got on his high horse to criticize Clinton while he was doing the same thing. Is that honesty?

            - He criticizes gay people for making a mockery out of the institution of marriage while he's been doing it for decades by now following the rules of the game! Do you mean the traditional marriage is not "til death do us part" or "in sickness and in health"?

            You say he isn't running on VALUES but in every debate he says he is the most CONSERVATIVE. What do you think the conservative platform is? It's about VALUES !!! Have you even read the GOP Platform? Have you been under a rock these last months? EVERYTHING is about VALUES and the conservative movement in the GOP.

            "…apart from his platform and the meaningless ethics violations and the moral issues, I would add that Newt is the only candidate with the potential to beat Obama in a debate…"

            WHAT? Oh, just apart from those meaningless things? So what you're saying is you're SETTLING for Newt even though he isn't good?

            Don't answer by comparing him with Obama. Just because you think he MIGHT be better to beat Obama in a debate doesn't make him good.

            The more you write the more you just look like a fanatic who would blindly follow someone over a cliff. Do you also believe Jim Jones was a good guy because he gave kool-aid to his followers to quench their thirst?

          • Darryl

            If you want to see how the Candidates will RUN the Country, just look at how they RUN their Campaigns.

            ALL the GOP Candidates, except Ron Paul, are Running their Campaigns with DEBT attached. Ron Paul has stated that he WON'T RUN HIS CAMPAIGN, like Politicians RUN the Government!

            We have a "MORAL Obligation" to our Nation and Future Generations to vote for Ron Paul in 2012, otherwise NOTHING WILL CHANGE and they will "HEAP" MORE DEBT upon them. Right now, our National Debt is $16 TRILLION and Growing!

            Ron Paul LEADS by Example!

            Ron Paul -

            Mitt Romney -

            Newt Gingrich -

            Rick Santorum -

          • Julie

            First let me say Newt is not running on a values platform, he has never claimed to have great values in all the debates he has been in. What he has said, which is true, is that first he has experience and he reminds people of it by specifically stating those things he has been involved with during every debate, since the 60's. A tremendous amount of experience and changes have occurred during this time and to assume that he is the same man he was is ridiculous. Are you the same man with the same knowledge and understanding that you were 10 or 20 or as in this case 40+ years ago.

            Second, Newt has run on the platform of "Ideas" Ideas that he has specifically offered up such as Repealing dod frank, (something Romney, immediately copies as he does all things) and so forth, and the idea allowing kids to work int he school system as well as vouchers (which as a mother of two boys, I really would love to see), and the Chile systems for social security which encourages investment with zero risk. These and and so many other ideas, that I believe to be very great for this Country. He has spelled those ideas out in detail.

            Unlike the other Candidates, like Romney with mostly spouting of general info that has little value, Newt is specific and has the specific experience to actually do the things he has said, once he gets into office.

            On the issue of ethics violations, I would say that if you read Newsmax, there is an article detailing the violations and they are meaningless. Its all just politics as I suspected and has little value regarding Newts character.

            On the issue of the three affairs and morality, I would say that morality was first put in place by God when he laid out the ten commandments. However, that same God, the God of the Christian Religion, which has influenced this country more than any other religion, also set up a King over Israel who not only had an affair, but killed the women's husband. Affairs and Murder, yet God himself retained him as King because of his heart, not his moral acts. Furthermore, Jesus, God's Son stated of the women caught in an affair, you who is without sin cast the first stone and of the very MOral and law abiding PHarisees, he called them a Brood of Vipers and White Washed Tombs. Furthermore, God Himself then created a new covenant with people based NOT on law, but on Jesus Christ who lived the perfect moral life fulfilling God's law in full and then dying for all of us so that we would not be bound by the law anymore. If the God who did all these things, including giving up his only son can forgive Newt, then certainly I can too.

            Now apart from his platform and the meaningless ethics violations and the moral issues, I would add that Newt is the only candidate with the potential to beat Obama in a debate, to express his ideas and provide knowledgeable information that could sway the middle voters and draw in more people. Newt is very electable and this focus on his past mistakes and affairs is just a way to distract people's attention from the fact that he is the best possible Nominee for president.

            (This is the only commment that gives me the option to reply, just in case you were wondering my I didn't reply to other comments, I can only reply where I have the option to do so)

      • Surfisher

        I understand that after the ever increasing debt the government leeches, i.e. politicians (non-producers by definition — since these create nothing of intrinsic value, but are just peddlers of words) are creating, it would be a nice dream to eventually balance the budget.
        But why should we settle for a balanced budget? After-all, it means breaking even.

        No legitimate private enterprises can last losing money, or even breaking even — unless making a profit, they go out of business.

        Government that is supposed to be run by the People for the People must be held to the same standard as the rest — unless creating a surplus, close doors!

        Only Ron Paul has the true solution to our runaway government that is on a charted path to destroy our Nation — unless the people wake up and comprehend his message, we are The Doomed.

        • Julie

          Always critical, but never understanding. Its always easier to point your finger, than to take a look at yourselves. Perhaps if you did, you would not be so hard on Newt and others. Morality is not yours to judge, only from time to time when its against you personally, yours to forgive.

          If you want a moral nation then pray for the people, lawmakers don't create morality, the people do and as strangely as it sounds, morality comes through forgiveness, not through judgement.

          • Seriously?

            Pray for things to change? I guess that would be easier than to actually do something like not reward someone who is clearly lacking in morals with my vote. If you keep enabling people like Newt then he'll never change.

          • Darryl


            You stated: "Morality is not yours to judge, only from time to time when its against you personally, yours to forgive".

            Moral Relativism doesn't exist. It's a self-refuting argument that commits intellectual suicide.

            For example: When you hear about a pedophile who molested a child, do you "judge" that act to be morally wrong? When you read about a man who commits a home-invasion and kills a family, do you "judge" that act to be morally wrong? If you believe Morals are Relative, then you would have to say that because "we shouldn't judge" this type of morality to be "morally wrong", it's OK for society to "accept" this morality. It commits intellectual suicide.

            Lawmakers don't "create" Morality, but the LAWS that Lawmakers pass/create DO "legislate" Morality in our society. If LAWS didn't legislate Morality, then pedophilia and murder wouldn't considered "breaking the law".

            You also stated: "Its always easier to point your finger, than to take a look at yourselves. Perhaps if you did, you would not be so hard on Newt and others".

            Do 2 wrongs make a right? Just because Newt is Morally Bankrupt by committing "serial adultery"; are you saying that the other "serial adulterers" are the only people "qualified" to vote for Newt because they, too, are Morally Bankrupt?

            If someone "judges" that the acts of "serial adultery" as morally wrong, and the candidate up for nomination has committed these acts of "serial adultery", are you saying they should "compromise" THEIR Morality to elect this nominee?

            If you do, it doesn't say much for that person's integrity, does it?

          • Seriously?

            Nicely put so don't expect a reply from her. I'm still waiting for her to reply to my first post but since she can't excuse it she won't answer. Kind of like what Newt does.

      • Alicia

        I totally agree with your percentages!!
        *Ron Paul - 100% - from EVERYTHING I have researched, he is consistent and character has remained the same. He is someone who believes what he is talking about and considers the history.
        *Rick Santorum -65%- Hasn't been around quite as long, but knows his stuff! (but not as good as Paul!) I believe he has his heart in the right spot, but isn't very bold as far as policy and change goes.

        Mitt and Newt -0%!!!!! as far as integrity, I don't like their character at all. they have made this debate about who can be the best bully and who calls the other out. This has gotten ridiculous. To me it seems they are trying to hide their own skeletons by exposing the other one, how fitting that it would be those two at each other, being as Paul and Santorum probably don't have much to expose. America, we have to stop giving name calling and elementary school bickering so much credit.

    • Julie

      Darryl, for some reason your comments below do not give me the option to reply, so I am replying to you up here instead to both you and seriously.

      First let me say Newt is not running on a values platform, he has never claimed to have great values in all the debates he has been in. What he has said, which is true, is that first he has experience and he reminds people of it by specifically stating those things he has been involved with during every debate, since the 60's. A tremendous amount of experience and changes have occurred during this time and to assume that he is the same man he was is ridiculous. Are you the same man with the same knowledge and understanding that you were 10 or 20 or as in this case 40+ years ago.

      Second, Newt has run on the platform of "Ideas" Ideas that he has specifically offered up such as Repealing dod frank, (something Romney, immediately copies as he does all things) and so forth, and the idea allowing kids to work int he school system as well as vouchers (which as a mother of two boys, I really would love to see), and the Chile systems for social security which encourages investment with zero risk. These and and so many other ideas, that I believe to be very great for this Country. He has spelled those ideas out in detail.

      Unlike the other Candidates, like Romney with mostly spouting of general info that has little value, Newt is specific and has the specific experience to actually do the things he has said, once he gets into office.

      On the issue of ethics violations, I would say that if you read Newsmax, there is an article detailing the violations and they are meaningless. Its all just politics as I suspected and has little value regarding Newts character.

      On the issue of the three affairs and morality, I would say that morality was first put in place by God, not man, when God laid out the ten commandments. Man tries to create their own morality, which has little value, only God's morality means anything because it is constant. man's morality is always changing and thus relative as you say, which gives is little value. Therefore, I will answer your comments based on God. The God I will reference is the God of the Christian Religion, which has influenced this country more than any other religion. First, lets let me remind you of David a King over Israel who not only had an affair, but killed the women's husband. Affairs and Murder, yet God himself retained David as King because of his heart, not his moral acts. Also, God sent Jesus, God's Son, who spoke for God and said the following about the women caught in an affair, you who is without sin cast the first stone and of the very MOral and law abiding PHarisees, he called them a Brood of Vipers and White Washed Tombs. Furthermore, God Himself then created a new covenant with people based NOT on law, but on Jesus Christ who lived the perfect moral life fulfilling God's law in full and then dying for all of us so that we would not be bound by the law anymore. If the God who did all these things, including giving up his only son to free us from the laws can forgive Newt, then certainly I can too.

      Now apart from his experience and ideas platform and the meaningless ethics violations and the moral issues, I would add that Newt is the only candidate with the potential to beat Obama in a debate, to express his ideas and provide knowledgeable information that could sway the middle voters and draw in more people. Newt is very electable and this focus on his past mistakes and affairs is just a way to distract people's attention from the fact that he is the best possible Nominee for president.

      • Seriously?

        Again, read the GOP platform. Newt says he is the MOST CONSERVATIVE and that means VALUES. He doesn't even have to say the word VALUES. If he says he's running as a Republican or a conservative, which is doing both, then he is running on VALUES. How hard is this to understand?

        OK let's even go as far as saying he isn't running on VALUES for the sake of the argument. Do you want a person in the White House WITHOUT VALUES????

        Like a person who constantly cheated on his wives? No values!

        A person who is hypocritical on his views on others who cheat while he does it? No values!

        A person who criticizes gays and lesbians about ruining the idea of traditional marriage while he does it too? No values!

        • Julie

          Conservative refers to his political history and the issues he has stood up for, not his morality. Morality is a personal issue between God and Man, Politics is a public issue between the people and their president.

          • Seriously?

            Really? Doesn't Newt mention the word REAGAN every 10 seconds every time he opens his mouth? He's always saying he follows the Reagan model and Reagan Era this and Reagan that. Well Julie riddle me this :

            From Wikipedia on "Conservatism in the United States" :

            "In the 1980s President Ronald Reagan solidified conservative Republican strength with tax cuts, greatly increased defense spending, deregulation, a policy of rolling back Communism (rather than just containing it), a greatly strengthened military, and appeals to family values and conservative Christian morality. The Reagan model became the conservative standard for social, economic and foreign policy issues, and that period of American history became known as the "Reagan Era".[8] After the fall of Soviet Communism in 1991, key conservative domestic issues become what conservative columnist William Safire calls "God, guns, and gays". Conservative voters tend to oppose abortion, gun control, and gay marriage"

            Did you notice where it says FAMILY VALUES and CHRISTIAN MORALITY? So when you say :

            "Conservative refers to his political history and the issues he has stood up for, not his morality."

            Are you saying it's because he USED to have morality and stood up for morality (when nobody was watching him cheating on his wife with his mistress) and now he doesn't stand for morality, only conservatism the way you see it?

          • Joe

            All right! "SERIOUSLY" enough of your paid for crap. Yeah, you want us to believe you are trying to make up your mind who you should vote for. However, all you do is slam Gingrich's moral character. Why aren't you discussing the issues? I'll answer for you. Because you are just trying to destroy Gingrich for reasons other than the issues. And about your monicker, Seriously. That pretty much sums up who you appear to be. Someone who knows best, who is better that the rest of us, who is on their high horse. Get real. Get a life. You and the rest of the die-hard over committed Paul backers are the most close minded people I have read on this site. I am turning you off because you have turned me off. I have more important things to do than to read the same tripe from you and others, over and over again. Till the next debate. Oh, good grief, that is tonight.

          • Seriously?

            Paid for crap? What does that even mean? When this all started I really was trying to make up my mind but when I saw how passionately Julie was defending the undefendable I thought there might be more. The more I kept looking things up the more I realized that Newt is NOT the person who I'll be voting for.

            Why am I not discussing the issues? Are you for real? This IS an issue or do you also believe that Newt's lack of morality is not an issue?

          • Darryl


            Sorry Joe. But because you support Newt Gingrich, this just shows people that you don't have ANY REAL GRASP of the Issues. You probably don't know what they are or which one is the MOST important.

            For Gingrich supporters, the Most Important ISSUE is what Rush Limbaugh described in a monologue on his Radio show. (I believe it was Monday 1/21, but I could be wrong on the date) The link for the transcript is below. Rush DESCRIBES PERFECTLY why Conservatives are now "flocking" to support Newt Gingrich. They (Conservatives) just can't help themselves. They let their Emotions (NOT the ISSUES) "drive" their Support for this guy.

            They IGNORE his Record. They IGNORE his Moral Character. They IGNORE his Campaign Debt. The IGNORE his stance on the Constitution. Conservatives, who support Newt Gingrich, are TOTALLY IGNORANT on the Economy, a Balanced Budget, Government Borrowing/Spending and the National Debt. Why is this? Because Newt Gingrich DON'T TALK about these Issues. All Gingrich "talks about" is Jobs which he CANNOT create and how Romney is Liberal and the Media is attacking "Conservatism". (which he "supposedly" represents)

            Gingrich Conservatives REALLY could "care-less" what the Issues ACTUALLY are, so long as they have Newt Gingrich "speaking up" for them against the Liberal Media. THAT'S the REAL ISSUE to them and it's so sad that they can't understand what REAL CONSERVATISM is, in a man like Ron Paul.

            The Rush Limbaugh Transcript is really a "slam" against the Republican "Establishment", but it really "drives home" that Gingrich Conservatives have NO REAL GRASP of the Issues which are MOST Important. (Besides a "casual mention about Government and Spending, the REAL ISSUES are NOT even mentioned in the Transcript) - In other words, the Economy, a Balanced Budget, Government Borrowing/Spending and the National Debt.


          • Seriously?

            Joe Scarborough, a super conservative everybody knows, has also spoken out against Newt saying he's not a conservative no matter how much he says he is. But like you say Darryl, fanatics will not agree.

            To prove Rush Limbaugh's point, Look what Julie wrote about Newt :

            "…Now apart from his experience and ideas platform and the meaningless ethics violations and the moral issues,…". How sad, apart from the important things he's alright.

            So Rush is correct (oh my God I almost gagged when I just said that because I don't like Rush Limbaugh but he's correct) when he says :

            "…They let their Emotions (NOT the ISSUES) "drive" their Support for this guy. They IGNORE his Record. They IGNORE his Moral Character. They IGNORE his Campaign Debt. The IGNORE his stance on the Constitution. Conservatives, who support Newt Gingrich, are TOTALLY IGNORANT…"

          • Julie

            Poor Seriously, so passionate to convict Newt. Wikipedia is just another man made operation. When it comes to morality, I really don't care what people think, they are just like me, totally human and imperfect. God is the only true voice on morality because he instituted it and he fulfilled it, therefore his words supersede wikipedia and all others changing ideals put forth my the flawed human being.

            Oki Doki, I am done reading replies and debating this issue. We are both welcome to our perspectives and at least we still have that liberty! Good luck to you seriously.

          • Seriously?

            It's easier to be condescending than to reply to the questions. Good for you.

      • Julie

        Joe, I do not see a reply button next to your comments above, but wanted to thank you for the support and say like wise to your comments, they are also very well put!!!

        • Aaron L

          Newt's clear lack of respect for American values is a deal breaker… You can try and water it down all you want, but the fact remains that Newt is a scumbag. Seriously is correct when mentioning the clear difference between a mistake and bad character. Once a cheater, always a cheater; if you think time has changed him then you better be able demonstrate how he has changed… rather than taking that assertion on faith.

          • Julie

            Aaron, well put! But keep in mind we are all putting our faith in somebody to some degree in order to vote for them, its not like any of us have ever actually met or had a personal relationship with these people. Our perspectives about life and the information we have on hand usually leads us to lean towards or away from certain candidates and we take the rest on faith. I assume everyone has their own perspectives for their own personal reasons. I do not discredit them, I simply do not always agree and vice versa!

            Honestly, I am sorry Seriously for being condescending, I did not intend to be, only to say that the debating had gone stagnant and as I said earlier morality is not the issue in my mind. It plays a small role in trying to determine character, but is not a deciding factor, since we cannot look at any man's heart. In my mind, Newt is applying for a job, not asking to marry me. In the end if you cannot accept Newts morality as you say, then you should vote according to your convictions. It is your vote to do with as you please.

    • Surfisher

      Demand of the media — Name the actual Persons that have earned enough money to finance our Nation's huge debt!

      Can anyone explain how it is possible for ANY Entity to have Legally earned the monies needed to finance ALL GOVERNMENTS on earth (and still keep them all in Debt)? A simple calculation will show that if all the humans in the last 50,000 years (since cave-men till now) worked for a living wage, no such amount could have been EARNED, that can finance every nation on this planet!

      The conclusion must be — that these Few, World Money Lenders that finance Nations, have made this much profit by PURE THEFT.

      GIVE US THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THESE MONEY LENDERS, so all American People know who owns the mortgage of our Nation!

  • Darryl

    Ann Barnhardt (look her up) - Mitt Romney is a SCUMBAG!

  • cosette

    I totally agree with Minnie:
    Plastic Romney keeps attacking, attacking-we do not care what he is saying he always spends time attacking but not what he will do to resolve our problems.

    Newt is ready to be our nominee and we will vote for Newt for President.

    Newt has shown to be the candidate with the Big Ideas
    for America's future, and ways to get out of the mess
    that Obama has put us in. We're voting for Newt-
    Gingrich in OHIO rocks!

    • Julie

      I agree too. "Plastic Romney" is a perfect description. He is an imitation of what looks good but he isn't the real deal. Continually imitating everyone, I always get the feeling someone is pulling his strings for him and that he doesn't think a whole lot for himself. Where is the passion. His words always put me to sleep. Unlike Gingrich, Santorum and Raul Paul, who are currently running for president regarding the issues and their disdain for the direction Obama has taken this country in, Romney has been running for president for a while. The presidency is all about him, not about the issues.

  • cosette

    Romney's bragging that Ted Kennedy had to "mortgage his
    house" to keep up paying for ads against him just shows
    what Mitt is—ALL about his OWN MONEY. He could care less
    about anyone/anything else. After learning about his hiding large amounts of money in the Caymen Islands, the Bahamas, and recently "closing" an off-shore account in
    Switzerland—-what does that tell us?? And paying 13.9%
    tax rate—far lower than most Americans whose incomes are at the poverty level compared to "Mitt money bags". Romney is interested in two things—Romney
    and his "money." He is NOT in touch with any Americans
    I know. We will not vote for him even if he is the
    Rep. nominee—just can't do it.

    Go NEWT—you're the best answer!

    • Seriously?

      What do you mean when you say "hiding" the accounts? The only reason you know about them is because he has declared them on his IRS Tax Returns and has paid taxes on them. I don't know what your definition of hiding is.

      Another thing all of his money was made working. He didn't inherit it or win it gambling. He worked hard so as a Republican you should embrace capitalism and encourage others to work hard and make lots of money too.

      You might say Romney has money all over the place but it's all his and declared. Last night in the debate Newt said he didn't work inside Washington but HIS COMPANIES had contracts. Interesting since he owns those companies so it's him. I'm not saying it's illegal because it isn't but it sounds more like Newt is trying to hide his income more than Mitt.

      Finally when you say Romney is all about money well I prefer to have someone like Romney helping America get back to the top. I know that if I have a question about a diet I don't ask a fat person, I ask someone fit. If I have a question on how to make money I'll call Romney before I call anyone else up there.

    • Joe

      Last I checked people who are at the poverty level do not pay taxes, i.e., none, nada, zero. In fact, if they have children, they receive subsidies, as in they are given money instead of paying money. Oh, and 14% of a million is $140,000. How much in taxes did you pay? Multiply the $140,000 by how ever many millions Mitt made and then figure how much less in taxes you and the rest of the 99% had to pay because the 1% was paying way more in absolute terms.

  • -Tesla

    Mitt Romney is way to loose with his words. People in Iraq and Iran see this shit, expecially the Radicals. I wouldn't be so Fond of Americans if this is how they're leader speaks.
    Ron Paul has the Honor and Integrity we need.

  • Mandy

    I shouldn't be surprised but seriously…im so sick of the media not even mentioning ANYTHING Ron Paul has said. His answers were the only mature, straight to the point, truthful consistantly throughout the debate. He believes in the constitution and has always been committed to what he believes. I practice communications and im absolutely disgusted with the outrageous bias that ALL of the outlets have been practicing. Ron Paul supporters- DO NOT buy it! Keep on keeping on :)

    • Surfisher

      As of 2010 is has been estimated that there are over 500,000,000 (that is 500 million, or 1/2 billion) Laws on the books in our Nation! Of these over 99.9% are Negative Laws — stating what 1/2 billion things an American Citizen CANNOT DO upon threat of punishment. And each month tens of thousands more Negative Laws are passed!

      All have heard the phrase; "Ignorance of the Law is no excuse…" (judges' favorite expression).

      If one finds oneself in a Court of Law (and states: "I wasn't aware I could not do this" and the Judge states the above — hope one will have the guts and say: "This is pernicious sophism — since the absurdity, that one person can memorize over 1/2 billion laws, makes it A PERNICIOUS SOPHISM!")

      Only Ron Paul is aware of this castration of Liberties by our Big Brother Government — and wants to reverse this tyrannical trend. No wonder the main media is trying for a "black-out" on his message of TRUTH! The fear the Controllers have is obvious — prevent the American People from hearing what Ron Paul has to say (is their solution)!

      Will we allow them to do this to our Nation — or will we take a stand and bombard the main media with unending requests that they play fair — equal time and same questions to be answered by ALL during the debates!

  • Tony

    Ron Paul is being ignored and NBC is disgustingly bias towards their new top tier. I am sick of the media endorsing their favorite candidates and tired of listening to their irrelevant, unimportant, useless questions! Let's focus on the issues. Ron Paul 2012.

  • Marie Holt

    My take on things:
    1. Rick Santorum. Most reliable, most sensible, answers to a higher authority so most likely to follow through with campaign promises. Experienced in successfully facilitating negotiations on both sides (Republicans and Democrats). Patient. Good listener but not afraid to act when the data comes in. I'd believe him when he made a State of the Union Address.
    2. Three-way tie for second place.
    - Ron Paul. Doesn't expect to win-running to give voice to his positions on the military and government sprawl. His withdrawal strategy makes Obama's withdrawal look like a slow motion event. Radical, but not in a way that would prevent another US attack like 9-11.
    - Newt Gingrich. Most intelligent but with the most baggage (divorces/affairs/enemies/public failures)and historically focused. Believe that he and his former mistress/wife don't present the best of America. Seems very smug and isn't building any bridges during this campaign.
    - Mitt Romney. Holds himself apart from the common man/woman. This election is nothing more than big business to him. Promoted by the National Republican Party who have him in their pockets. Don't for a moment believe he would make tough choices for America. Think he would cave to pressure. Wants to be liked/successful too much. More talking than doing.

  • Poohrona

    Seriously.. They are told they each have 30 seconds to answer a question yet only 2 were given a chance and then they also get a few more questions before moving to the others on stage. THERE ARE FOUR RUNNING FOR THE GOP NOMINATION NOT 2!! Some of us would like the chance to hear from all of them.

    • Surfisher

      Obama — the next new host of Family Feud (can anyone give a total count of the women he kissed after his Misstate of the Union)?

      Afterwards — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels neutered in a very diplomatic way all the demagoguery Little Hussein parroted!

      Not strong enough for me — but still kudos to Mitch!

  • Peon #317,529,039

    The Media coverage of these debates has been Pretty Good.
    Better than their 9/11 coverage - which consisted of synchronized audio/video tampering.

    At least they're allowing Ron Paul to speak.
    Better than their Osama coverage - which consisted of out-dated, audio-tampered videos.

    You gotta admit, it's pretty decent.. seriously.
    Better than their Internment coverage - which consists of Germany's Internment Camps as magical "Death Camps", while America's Internment Camps magically "never happened"

    The Media has been more behaved lately.
    They are like an Abusive Uncle.. who still hits you.. but not as hard.

    Enjoy your Voter Fraud.

  • Carla Corman

    Santorum is still living in the cold war era, with his let's bomb them ideal. BS Rick! Paul is still miles away from these dinosaurs. He has common sense, the rest are in dream land.

  • Cliffy44

    A vote for "Captain Video" (ron paul) is like a vote for the kenyan Usurper-In-Chief; who, according to Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of The United States Constitution (all 57 states that Soetoro says that he has visited), as there has never been a question that Papa-Bama never was a US citizen; thus making the A$$HOLE-IN-CHIEF a non-Natural Born Citizen; and therefore ineligible to seek or to hold office of US president.

    AND, in addition, the brain-dead morons at NBC have proven that their parents did a horrendous job of raising them; and I guess that the male commentators slept with the Faggot-In-Chief, in order to secure their position at NBC (Next Bama Channel)

  • Yohon

    JFK really tried to warn ALL OF US.

    "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." -Galileo


    JFK "The President and the Press," before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961

    Ron Paul 2012

    Since 1913 (98 years) we all have been enslaved with illegal income taxes!! There is NO LAW we have to pay them. Along with illegal income taxes The Federal Reserve is a SCAM created by foreign bankers on U.S. soil which is NOT part of the U.S. Federal Government!!

    Guess what else? JFK figured it out and set to end The Federal Reserve 5 months before his murder with Executive Order 11110.


    Recently people including former IRS agents have been found NOT GUILTY of either failing to file or not paying income taxes. How can this be? No juries asked to see the law before!! They found “NO LAW” and a 100 YEAR SCAM!!!

    Watch Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism:

  • Anna

    Haha, "Izrul" and "libruls"

  • Nan Greene

    Iowa, New Hampshire & Florida DO NOT represent the rest of the country!
    General consensus on the west coast is.. If romney is the personification of
    the 1% then gingrich and santorum are the lobbyiests!!

    Ron Paul is not dangerous. Ha! These other clowns including obama are the truly dangerous!
    Wake up folks! Dr.Paul just introduced (last week) new legislation to reverse the
    "American citizens" language from the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)! HELLO! He has put the ball in motion to help get our freedom back! Dr.Paul doesn't believe the president should have that kind of power! We don't have a king, but a president!
    What are these other clowns doing..? Nothing. And..Obama signed the bill!

    And.. Paul comes in 4th in S.C…? Go figure!
    Check it out folks! Turn the T.V. off and READ!

    Heck. I'm tired of defending Ron Paul. He is the BEST candidate!
    Can you imagine Dr.Paul and Obama in a debate..?
    Two intellectuals with experience. Heck we haven't had that in the U.S.
    for 20 years!
    Sick and tired of main stream media ignoring Ron Paul and buying instead
    into the propaganda corp. machine!
    So arrogant!
    People are not that stupid folks!
    Geeze! If I hear romney the rich elitist talk about getting people back to
    work.. One more time! Mind you..He has no idea about how to do that. He's a venture capitalist! Doh!
    Gingrich simply would rather tell a lie..when the truth would do. 84 ethic violations! Look it up. It's all there.

    Santorum is a narrow minded, ignorant religious nut! His stupid comment that obama is more dangerous than Jimmy Carter..?! What..?
    You mean THE Jimmy Carter..? The one that added more jobs, each year of his admin. then any other president since roosevelt..? The one that didn't have any wars..? Oh there was some inflation. But.. Finished his administration with a balanced budget!

    Now..Obama IS more dangerous then Jimmy Carter. WAYYYYYY more dangerous.
    But.. A more realistic comparison might be.. More dangerous then Bush Senior. Perhaps..? (Pretty dangerous) Maybe even more dangerous the George W. Bush? Yikes! Scary!
    But..Wait. They're both republican…!

    Hey Republicans! Bring back the party! Make it cool again!
    Let it stand for something other than: No taxes, pro life, Christianity )please. separate the church and state!Stop using Christianity to manipulate the masses) and beating obama!
    If you embraced and backed Ron Paul or even Buddy Roemer.. The party would be a brand new party that would have millions of new members!
    As it is.. You are more boring then the brain washed liberals!

    Obama is not a socialist! Don't buy into that propaganda! Obama is a corporatist!

    RON PAUL 2012!!
    It is possible!
    Just remember..When "they" say Ron Paul isn't
    electable.. Remember, he has been elected to congress
    12 times! And..Thank God he has!

    • Joe

      Very passionate, Nan. Please do list Paul's accomplishments during the 24 years he has been in the House. The other three candidates cannot do anything because they are not being paid by Washington right now but would like to, which is why they are running to be President. Speaking of being employed and paid, Paul is the only one running while being paid to be a public 'servant'. The others are running on their own 'time'.

  • Rav

    Ron Paul is really the best candidate, the most normal, the wisest and he is really honest and he loves USA.

  • mathew peterson

    funny how Newt compares himself to Reagan.

  • Mark O'Brien

    Agree or disagree on on his positions….There is no doubt….None….That Newt Gingrich is one of the most gifted speakers and debaters in our countries history. He is more prepared, more articulate, has more substantive knowledge on government, than any politician I have seen. And that Mitt Romney guy, wow! Talk about a successfull man….I would love to see the two of them pair up in November…..Go Republicans….Save America!!!!

    • Seriously?

      I agree but with the big egos both have they wouldn't fit in the White House. Don't get me wrong I think a President must have a big ego so other country's leaders don't set all over us, but it must be also tempered with humility and that's something I don't see Newt having.

      Yesterday I was leaning toward Newt but thanks to Julie's comments I had to do more research and after reading who Newt really is I'm now leaning toward Romney and Santorum. It seems like we need someone like Romney who knows how to deal with the economy and Santorum seems like a well rounded candidate but some ideas are little too radical for me at this time, until I research them a little more. I also like Dr. Paul in the majority of his ideas but as a retired US Air Force member his foreign policy scares me a little.

  • Unknown One

    Mitt Romey is a LIAR, he is consantly attacking Newt with untrue information concerning his record as speaker of the House,I've have seen video's where Mitt was once pro-choice and now he is pro-life. He has never been a true conservative,he is not to be trusted at the helm of the Presidency. Newt Gingrich is the only conservative on stage that I truly believe has a chance to defeat obama. Obama record is terrible,concerning high unemployment, and some of his radical policies he has put in place. Obama care being one of them. In January of this year he signed a piece a legistlation into law that americans can be detained indefinitely without due process or probably cause. Don't believe me you can go online to find and view this information. Why is obama not allowing the key stone pipe project to go forth, why is obama is allowing oil exploration in the Gulf Coast now, but no drilling, think about it, his domestic polices, is destroying this country, economic growth,THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREATE JOBS, THEY CREATE THE CLIMATE FOR THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO CREATE JOBS!!!! National deficit is over 15 trillion, if we don't cut government spending and stop with all the heavy regulation that government is putting on the private sector businesses with higher taxes, this country, want be recognizable in 10 to 15 years to where we are today.

    • Seriously?

      Interesting you would say that. Tonight Ron Paul showed how Newt has been lying all this time. Newt has been saying that when he was Speaker they balanced the budget during the 4 years and Ron Paul told him he was lying and he had no choice and ADMITTED IT !!! There never was a balanced budget. How do like them apples?

      • Neville

        Did anyone else notice that Santorum stopped referring to Gingrich as "The Speaker" and started calling him "Congressman Gingrich" ??

        It really jumped out at me, and I wondered if he was trying to set a trap for Gingrich. It's a great idea. Either Gingrich says mum, accepting his demotion at the hands of Santorum, or else he corrects Santorum, guaranteeing media-wide comparisons to Barbara "Call me Senator - I earned it" Boxer.

        If it wasn't a trap, but an accident, then I don't want to know. I don't support Santorum, but I'd still prefer to believe that he was brilliant enough to come up with this idea.

  • Katie

    Darryl-GREAT Post. And, I'm afraid you have it right. It seems that Americans will not see it before it's too late. Somehow we are still blinded by politics as usual-looks, personalities, electability, speaking ability, superficial issues, etc. while we argue about the space program because this primary is in Florida! We simply don't understand the deeper ideas behind many of these issues they barely touch on. But Ron Paul has it right.

    You should hear the Europeans talk on some of the blogs. I've read them… saying how we are so lucky we have someone like Ron Paul in our presidential election and we are crazy not to elect him! They utterly understand the kind of financial and freedom principles at stake here because they are already loosing more of theirs at a faster rate than we are. And their economy is already cracking BIG time. The euro is done for. Greece has started the ball rolling… and Italy and Spain have begun their first clear signs of economic collapse. There has already been a run on one of the big banks of Italy…and there will be more. Once these country's economies go down, as Nigel Farage has said over and over to the European Union Council, there won't be enough to bail them out and it will all go down the toilet!

    Do some research people instead of sitting on your duffs, watching Super Bowls and eating chocolate chip cookies. All is not well in Starnesville! And, Romney, Gingrich, nor radical Rick will move us one inch toward solving the mounting problems. Ron Paul's ideas are the best chance we got. They are the only ones that make economic and political sense.

    And we need to stop being so paranoid about Al-Queda-its a tit-for-tat tennis game that never ends!

    Like Darryl said, we have to make MAJOR budget cuts, or balancing the budget is just some pie in the sky talk.(Please read his post by the way, it's spot on-and he knows economics.)

    When we all wind up with our 401K's wiped out, the government owning our mortgages when the banks transfer them after the collapse, and the door slamming shut on what freedom and privacy we have left, don't say someone didn't warn you.



    Go forth and let your voice be heard!!!

    • Darryl

      Amen Katie

      The IMPORTANT thing is that we ALL should be getting PREPARED for what's coming! How much time is left? No one can be absolutely sure. But it won't be long.

      This Spring/Summer there will be unprecedented Civil Unrest and massive Protesting. Food and Energy Prices are already in Hyper-Inflation Mode. War with Iran seems to be imminent. Once that happens, there will be NO TURNING BACK.

      We are on the "Vertical Portion" of the "Hockey Stick" when "Time Gets Short"!

  • Katie

    The post of Darryl's I am referring to starts: Overview of Ron Paul's CONCERN about a Balanced Budget, Government Borrowing and the National Debt (Things NOT being discussed during the Debates) READ IT.

  • dodacrazy

    Unity,how simple with respect and a common goal.That's called common sense.Debate ,well I'm not here to judge.

  • Surfisher

    Valid observation — someone said the more you listen to Newt, the less you like him.

    And since he's been talking endlessly, he should lose big in FL today. Without Newt in the running, Ron Paul's message will have to be accorded greater exposure (instead of the Newt-Mitt dog-and-pony show that preempts air-time).

    Floridians — it's up to you to make a difference today!

  • Ray

    LOL. What's most funny is reading these compositions of verbal kung-fu where everyone is trying to sound full of wisdom and sage. Elect Newt, Elect Romney, Elect Ron Paul….elect a monkey. It doesn't matter. They're just the bag man. No candidates (or the current President)can force a fix in Senate & Congress, where the REAL problems are located, so they're stuck being nothing more than a media interest. Here's a fun fact: With Congress's overall approval rating as low as it is, the approval rating of supporters of specific Senator & Congressman districts average in the 80th percentile. In other words, it's "everybody else's Senator or Congressman" that's the problem. So, go ahead and believe YOUR boy is the solution if you want to. Go look up philosophical & religious rhetoric to prove your points. The truth is: If we don't vote the current President & our district Senators/Congressmen out, it's OUR FAULT.

    • Seriously?

      That sounds interesting and I agree all the way until I got to the last sentence. If we have a President and we see he can't do anything due to the opposing Congress, why get rid of them all? If we get rid of them all we end up in the same mess. We need to get rid of one or the other. Change the President and leave a low approval Congress or leave the President and change the Congress, your call.

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