
Video: Watch the full CNN Southern Republican Debate

Sparks flew Thursday night as CNN's John King opened the last GOP debate before the South Carolina primary with a pointed question to Newt Gingrich on the recent allegations leveled by his ex-wife. Gingrich, in typical form, took the opportunity to scold King and CNN for choosing to open a Presidential debate with such a deeply personal subject. The audience hung on Gingrich's every syllable clearly reacting positively to his campaign against media bias. This debate was held in Charleston, South Carolina and was also sponsored by the Southern Republican Leadership Conference.

Here is the entire debate video via YouTube:

Alternate debate full video link:

Original Air Time: Thursday, January 19 at 8pm ET on CNN

Participants: Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul

Report from CNN:

The four remaining GOP candidates played to their individual strengths on Thursday and tried to leave a lasting impression in a final, boisterous debate two days before South Carolina's pivotal primary.

In a campaign cycle where debates have had direct consequences on the ebb and flow of the race, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich turned his contempt for the media into one of his strongest performances yet. When CNN Chief National Correspondent John King opened the debate with a question about open marriage, following an interview by Gingrich's ex-wife that he had sought one, the Republican chastised him.
"To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine," Gingrich told King, the moderator of the debate.

Gingrich's response elicited loud applause from the audience.

The debate came at the end of a ground-shaking day that saw former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum being declared winner of the Iowa caucuses more than two weeks after his apparent second-place finish to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry dropping out of the race and throwing his support to Gingrich.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul was the fourth candidate in the debate.

As near as I could tell, Gingrich did the best he could to seal the deal and try to overtake Romney in South Carolina. Ron Paul performed well though he did not get the same strong reaction Gingrich did and neither did Rick Santorum. Romney played a lot of defense again and seemed to miss on a few questions, especially regarding releasing his tax returns which should have been a simple answer but instead turned into a drawn out discussion. Romney did take the opportunity to lay out a defense of capitalism and free markets when asked about his tenure at Bain Capital. It appears he was much more prepared for these questions and that was his strongest reaction of the evening.

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123 comments to Video: Watch the full CNN Southern Republican Debate

  • Brandon

    To address the issue that the other candidate is adopting some of Ron Paul’s ideas being a good thing??? I don’t think so… The reason this is not good is that they just say it because they can see RP has a lot of the overall vote more so than the media releases and RP is the only candidate that actually as American’s best interest at heart. Please please do not fall for this Political sham.. As I have said before do your research go back and research each one of these guys and you will see the only consistent one is RP. All the others are in my opinion a joke, and support big government. Let’s wake America up and give the “Crazy man” the chance to turn this country around. GO RP 2012

    • Surfisher

      Obama — the next new host of Family Feud (can anyone give a total count of the women he kissed after his Misstate of the Union)?

      Afterwards — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels neutered in a very diplomatic way all the demagoguery Little Hussein parroted!

      Not strong enough for me — but still kudos to Mitch!

      • SHERRON


        I've kept my mouth shut up to this moment. I haven't posted a single political comment to this point; but I've just about seen all the moronic Obama bashing I can take. Why can't you people see what these candidates really stand for? They are a party for the rich and nothing more. They have been spewing lies since they started campaigning for this election and every other election for as long as I can remember. And it boggles my mind how many people in America fall for it.

        Do you not take any pride at all in your own intelligence? Do you just take someones word for everything they tell you? If you would take the time to look around, to verify just a handful of the things you're being told you'd realize that they just assume that you are too stupid to know when you're being fed a mouthful of lies. And apparently where republican voters are concerned they're right.

        Everything the republican candidates have said in every debate, campaign add or interview is a flat out bold faced lie and you are buying into it. Just a few examples:

        Mitt Romney claims that Obama is killing jobs with his regulations. The truth is Obama has eliminated over 500 regulations in the past three years; most of which were set in place by a republican president. He's also had 22 consecutive months in PRIVATE sector job growth. The unemployment rate is not where it is because of Obama, you can thank the Bush administration for that. The fact is that Obama's policies are either directly created or saved over 10 million jobs; 3 million jobs have been created in the past 22 months. The auto industry bail out alone saved or created 300,000 jobs; your republicans wanted to let the auto makers go out of business. That would have cost the country millions of jobs. Now GM is the number one auto maker in the world.

        Romney also likes to say that Obama is trying to divide America. That is absolutely the most moronic notion I've heard yet. This country is divided; it has been for decades. It's divided by money, into the top 1 percent and the bottom 99 percent. What Obama is trying to do is bring this country back together after the republicans drove a wedge between corporations and their workers.

        Do you realize that we have lost our AAA credit rating because of the debt ceiling debate? Do you understand why that debate happened? The republicans refused to raise the debt ceiling just so they could blame it on Obama. And to justify it they played on the ignorance of people like you. So let me educate you: raising the debt ceiling has absolutely nothing to do with spending more money; I know it sounds that way but no. Raising the debt ceiling simply means the country has the money to pay it's past and current bills. That debate was about America paying back money that was spent by Bush, not money that Obama wanted to spend in the future. And the republicans lied to you about what the debate was about and you bought it. You should be offended and insulted by the way the republicans simply assume you're stupid enough to believe anything they want to tell you.

        Republicans don't care about you; they care about the rich, the largest corporations, that's it. Consider this; the republicans want to cut social security, medicare, medicaid, and raise taxes on the middle class. Meanwhile they are fighting to extend the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest 1 percent. They want CEOs to get a tax break while a senior citizen chooses between groceries and prescriptions medication. Think about that:

        There are CEOs in this country that earn millions of dollars in a year. So let's do some simple math shall we. Last year the average income for CEOs of large corporations was about 11 million dollars. So let's just look at how that breaks down. Now I'll explain the calculation as I go so it doesn't just leave you behind okay; stick with me here.

        11 Million dollars in one year. How much is that for a week? Stick with me here:

        11,000,000 dollars divided by 52 weeks = 211,538 dollars each week.

        Now, let's give them the benefit of the doubt okay; let's say they worked 60 hours in a week. Not just 40, 60.

        So, 211,538 divided by 40 hours = 5288 per hour.

        YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT!!! Five thousand two hundred eighty eight dollars per hour. Now, how much do you think their workers make in an hour? They're lucky to make 25 dollars per hour, 25!

        Let me just say this; I don't care who you are, what you do, how educated you are, NO ONE, I mean NO ONE on this planet has earned the right to make 5,200 dollars per hour while their workers have to choose between buying food for their kids and paying the light bill. It's shameful. And the republicans want to raise my taxes while giving them a tax break? Why can't you people see what they have in stored for us; more poverty, more war, more lies; that's all they have to offer.

        For the first time in decades this country is finally on the right track. Please tell me you're not still stupid enough to vote for a republican and throw it all away.

        • George Stickney

          Sherron let's be open about everything. Whether it's Democrat or Republican, it's a game they play and they are very good actors. Fighting hard in front of the camera, but behind closed doors it's another story. They are all rich and you can't tell me for one minute Obama cares more about us more than any one of the previous presidents. Ron Paul is entirely different than the others, you just stated his opposite. Research Social Security and Medicare, there isn't any funds because Republicans and Democrats alike borrowed against it and robbed it blind. So technically there is no Social Security or Medicare, it's coming straight from our pockets to those currently using it.
          An economical view: if the American people were given debit cards as a stimulus loaded with thousands of dollars, we would have been forced to buy buy buy. Great down payment on homes, purchasing cars and other items. As far as parties go a Clinton, I mean a Democrat is not necessarily no better than a Republican. Keep in mind our last president that could have had extraordinary potential, JFK.
          Obama is don't forget about NADD with a little SOPA trying to pull through. Keep an eye out for 40,000 laws this year, I wonder how many in our favor. When it's all said and done Obama's a rich son of a gun too. $120,000 from Fannie and Freddie, look at the housing bubble. His golf outings(can we say Bush junior), his books, when does he have time to be president? Bottom line is these candidates and presidents are all rich and which one of these rich so and so would look out for our best interest? In my opinion the one that would truly go after the Fed and the corrupt Congress and shrink it. Keep in mind as long as the Fed remains and nobody audits it, the bigger and longer individuals reside in Congress the more corrupt it will become. Why don't more of us consider the Fed and Corrupt overloading Congress the real issue. Who constantly talks about these issues and has been constantly battling Congress in our defense.
          I got an idea let's stop taxing the hell out these companies and build incentives and bring them back home. Stop penalizing and taxing capital gains from people investing and savings. Investing gives companies money to grow. More people would be willing to invest and save if there wouldn't be such a tax burden.
          Now help me out did they ever recover the billions of our money we loaned the banks?
          Not trying to debate just open your eyes this is way too deep, we need change and Now!! I'm starting to get a headache.

          • SHERRON


            You're just as bad as Surfish. Do you really buy into the notion that all politicians are the same? I guess you believe in all these conspiracy the too then huh. President of the United States is the most stressful position on the planet. The entire world is watching every move you make; and you're responsible for the safety and welfare of not just Americans but most the rest of the world as well. Even the simplest decision can have global impacts when you're the President of the United States. Now, why would anyone want that job if they're already rich just for the money? Do you really think they do it just so they can make themselves more rich? Obama is rich and wants to pay more in taxes; so that notion is logically flawed.

            The notion that politicians are all the same and they just want the power that comes with the office is the most ignorant immature teenage-minded notion I've ever heard. These people are elected to represent us; do you really not care who is representing you in Washington? That's just sad.

            As for taxing the hell out of companies; they get more tax breaks and loop holes than someone making $40,000 a year. This entire election debate is about the tax breaks for the richest Americans and largest corporations. Where the hell have you been? I'll admit that there have been companies going over seas in recent decades; but that's not because we tax the hell out of them here. For one; they get a tax break for going over there. So how about we stop giving them tax breaks and rewarding them for going to China and reward them for coming home.

            But before we can do that we have to make sure they can survive in America; and with our current economy that's not likely to happen. You see, we have a demand problem in this country. Let me explain how we got into this mess.

            The republicans and their "trickle-down" economic policies were the beginning of this crisis back in Reagan's disaster. The wealthiest Americans got tax breaks while the middle and lower class picked up the slack; he raised the taxes on the middle class 12 times. So as a result the rich got richer and the poor got poorer; the CEOs are now making ridiculous amounts like $5,000 / hour while their workers make less than $20 / hour; which is just sickening if you have a heart at all. That led to a middle class that can't afford to buy even the bare essentials. So now even if companies do come back they can't sell their products in America. That's the demand problem.

            The republicans for some reason can't see that they were the ones that caused all of this. They want to return to the same policies that put us here in the first place. They will continue the tax breaks for the richest 2 percent and raise taxes on everyone else. The problem is that 2 percent of the country can't sustain the economy no matter how much money they have.

            And the notion that they are the job creators? That just insults my intelligence; I'm not that stupid. It doesn't matter how much money you give them; if they can't sell their products they're not going to hire people to make them. We, the middle class, are the job creators. We buy the products that these corporations provide. If we can't afford to do that then they WILL lay off more workers. The only option is to put money back into the hands of the middle class. Even that may not be enough though with the income inequality we see now. Personally I feel like the salaries of the CEO should be capped by the federal government. Now, before you get all crazy let me explain. The salary shouldn't be capped at a dollar amount, I don't care if he makes $20 Billion a year, it should be based on the average workers' salary. The more money the workers make the more money the CEO makes. That will give companies the incentive they really need; incentive to raise workers' wages and help sustain the economy. Then you wouldn't see CEO's making 5 figures an hour while workers make 5 figures a year. That's how you get this country back on top. I mean really, do you honestly believe that they can't afford to pay their workers a decent wage with decent benefits? They can pay their CEO enough to buy an island for god's sake; it's greed and nothing more.

            Until that happens the CEOs will continue to pay workers the lowest possible rates; which usually means they go over seas because labor cost is lower. Meanwhile they'll be paying themselves obscene salaries and killing our economy in the process.

            You can call that socialism or class warfare or whatever the hell else you want to call it. But I don't believe anyone, no matter who you are or what you've done or how educated you are, no one should be making that much money while 98 percent of the country is struggling. I know, you all can't stand the idea of government telling someone how much money they can make. But the government has an obligation to keep the country healthy, secure and financially stable. So yes, the government does have the right to tell a CEO that he's not going to pay himself more money that his grandchildren can spend while his workers have to choose between rent and food for their children. That's not an America that I can be proud of and if you can then you're just as sick, twisted, greedy, and flat out stupid as the rest of the republican party.

        • Mae

          Gee, it sounds like we need to redistribute the wealth. You know, like socialists. But then, of course, we would need a new Constitution…

  • John A Howden

    I regret to see the malice and one sided questioning of this debate and all of the other ones! I can see Ron Paul never gets asked serous questions! he is never given the time the other incombents get, and is simply ignored. I see Ron Paul as the only viable persion running for office, whome might have a chance of beating Oboma, The tellapromter lier, you do lie Oboma!!! Ron paul for president. The only one worth voting fore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Mae

      What happens if Gingerich or Romney gets the nomination - and those of us who want Ron Paul vote for him even if we have to do it as a write-in candidate? I don't like the idea of voting for second or third best instead of voting for THE best - Ron Paul! It seems to me that he has the courage to stand up for his convictions, and we should stand up for ours by voting for him regardless…because until the American people get the gumption to vote for what we each believe to be the best choice…all we're going to have is the lesser of two evils. What do you think?

      • SHERRON


        The solution to that is simple; Obama will be on the ballot. If you want to vote for the best then you're all set.

        • Mae

          Oh puke! Get real! If Obama is the best we've got, we're in deep crap, in my opinion!He's had three years to get something done - and what do we have? More Americans in poverty; two years running of unemployment around 9-10%, people losing their homes in foreclosure, and lots more distressing little statistics. Oh, but of course, that's not Obama's fault. Oh, of course not. It's all the fault of those nasty Republicans. Well, baby, I'm not Republican or Democrat.In my opinion, Obama and Newt and Mitt all need to be tossed in the crapper, along with a lot of those in Congress. And that's how I'll be voting - with my first vote going for Ron Paul, the only respectable candidate we have…

      • George Stickney

        Voting is not a right it's a privilege. I will never again vote for the lesser of two evils, I see now that can be just as bad. If I can't vote for Paul, I will just write him in. With all the missing ballots already can't wait to see Florida's outcome, sometimes can't help to think the president is Obama I mean predetermined. In my fantasy world I wonder what kind of message it would send if all of us middle class America didn't vote one year. Man that would be the year we'd be United these states, that would be a powerful message.

        • SHERRON

          Oh my god George; you really are as stupid as I thought. I'm sorry I even wasted my time posting a reply to your response above. Voting is not a right? Really? Are you that uneducated? Are you really that stupid? Voting is not a privilege, it is a constitutional right in this country; furthermore is your patriotic duty to take part in our government. We are after all a government "Of the people, for the people and BY THE PEOPLE". That's why you have the RIGHT TO VOTE in this country you moron. I'm finished with you; you're completely hopeless. No wonder you vote republican; you really are clueless. Thanks for proving how idiotic, incomprehensibly moronic, just straight up, out right, undeniably stupid republican voters really are.

          • George Stickney

            Let me tell you something, we have a right to free speech. Just like you stooping down and way down to an adolescent level of juvenile name calling, you have a right to do that. Wow! Was a comment like that really necessary? You could have clearly stated your point with out the adolescent behavior. Free speech is a right and yet we are getting brutally attacked and arrested on Wall street and other areas as well and I am talking about innocent protesters. We have a right to vote, maybe back in the day that meant something. But look at the cheating, look at the expensive campaigning, the missing ballots and the list goes on. Look at what's going on it is a damn comedy show going on here. We were stripped of our right to vote a long time ago. I use to be a truly dedicated voter, but now I just consider it a choice and if I choose not to vote so be it. If voting was such a right then how come a recount was not issues with all those missing ballots in Florida? And you call that a right, those individuals got stripped of their Constitutional right. A right should be truly protected under the constitution, correct? Then explain to me since you apparently have all the answers, why in hell is Congress, the Fed allowed to break several laws within the Constitution included not declaring war? What about all these Patriot Acts and NADD and SOPA and the list goes on. How bout the Fast and Furious, and why do the ones stepping up to the plate always get fired. Now we talk about the Fed and this chaotic Congress causing housing bubbles giving Banks our money and throwing nickles and dimes our way. What happened to all the missing loan money the billions the banks were to repay. Now the banks will not give out loans. All this chaos and you have the audacity to jump down my throw because I feel our supposedly Constitutional rights are being stripped and all we can do is sit back and vote for another crooked Republican or Democrat. Geesh, why don't you wake up a read a book or something. Think about how you acted against me, how I responded. Now think about how the government is treating the majority of the people in this country. You know what Sherron, we really should be on the same team. I'm not against you, I am against a corrupt system that is stripping our liberty and our Constitutional rights. government! Understand our Constitutional rights are slowly being stripped away from us and that is very scary and their ain't a thing that can be done.

          • George Stickney

            Sharron, are you kidding me? Obama, one or two years ago was talking about pentalizing some of the companies that moved over seas. He was talking about increasing the tax on the imports, but China stepped in and said….. Anyway How bout the oil/drilling company in Texas 10 years ago that moved to one of those southern islands, they were getting taxed almost a quarter of their profits! Seagate also moved over seas to avoid getting taxed so much. I know it's wrong, why do you think Romney has his treasurers hidden away in the Cayman islands. Not just the corporations but we as American citizens are also getting taxed too much, why do you think food prices increase so much? These companies are also getting taxed but they pass that on to us by raising the product. To invest in a company like stock is suppose to be our loan for a company to expand, it really angers me that you think it's all right for the government to tax profits(awards) from us taking chances and having confidence in Corporations. Answer me one thing, why do you think we weren't given some kind of debit card as a stimulus to boost the economy, instead the Banks got billions of our money. Can you honestly say that is fair? The government has a RIGHT to do as they please. Now the Banks just sit on the money, hello? What's wrong with this picture? How come nobody persued the loan money that the banks were suppose to pay back, billions is missing? Oh, well! This is not a conspiracy, stop looking at biased news and educated yourself. You're getting your facts mixed up on the Corporation tax. Even though they can still afford to pay the tax, they don't want to that is the reason behind the moving overseas and down south and the reason for them seeking tax loop holes. You keep saying republicans!!!! I am not a republican, I am for Ron Paul and his constent ideas for 20 years and he is not about any of this trickle down mumble jumble talk you speak. Paul is about every individual's freedom and liberty. Listen to reason, and reasearch the companies that left to avoid the high American tax. Whether right or wrong, something has to be done to bring these companies back into America. So now let's get down to it since you continue to insult my intellegence. To be the president you have to be rich to win campaigning. Everytime I turn around Obama like Bush is on vaction or golfing. Obama holds some of Bush's same war policies. End the war in Iran, strictly political, if it wasn't he'd be removing all the other bases around the world and building our defense. People are critizing Paul on his foreign policy, but Obama in turn plans on cutting defense? Paul is all about a strong defense. Think about that what would you choose between the two to save money: a strong defense/weak offense or a strong Offense/weak defense? I don't know about you but I'll choose a strong defense, that there alone Paul shines above Obama. Look how many problems the Fed is causing and Paul is the only one trying to audit them. A petition was signed by Americans to audit the Fed and this current administration shot it down. Obama signed former Executive director and chief lobbyist of Monsanto to run the FDA. Monsanto makes it bad for farmers by making seeds that will never produce germinating seeds. So the farmers are indebt to Monsanto. So much about this crooked company it's pathetic. Understand Sherron I'm not about conspiracies here these are true solid facts that I have read and researched. I have read a lot about Economics. The idea is to let the Economy run itself, this current Administration is spend happy. They want to be involved in every little thing. Democrats are millionaires just like the republicans. Obama, dag how can he be so arrogant and have all ready written two books about himself. So can you really tell me in good faith that Obama is the ticket to a glorified world where the Constitution will have meaning again? You appear to be all about the Constitution, of course you are, you have ripped me a new you know what for playing voting down. So tell me this, why would you vote for anybody accept for the Constitutionalist, Ron Paul? NOONE not even the president himself is following the LAW!! Our God given rights, our rights in the Constitution are being destroyed by Congress, the Fed and the Current Administration. The president is a stressful job, but this is our lives we are talking about, and for anybody to break laws in the Constitution should be impeached or prosecuted. We need a president that will follow the laws.

          • SHERRON

            First of all George, it's shErron not sharron. Second; what the hell post did you read? I never said it was right to give companies tax breaks to go over seas; I said that's what they're getting and personally it makes me sick. But guess what; that was your beloved republicans that did it. And what the hell are you talking about a war in Iran; there is no war in Iran. Now, Obama cutting defense is just another lie you've been fed from Fox News. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Riley are two of the most despicable piece of trash human beings that have ever graced the air. They don't just twist words and take things out of context; they've actually been known to edit out pieces of video to make it appear that Obama said something he never said. Especially Hannity; he shouldn't even be on the air after some of the stunts he's pulled. Freedom of speech only goes so far man; when you're responsible for reporting the news you're responsible for reporting it accurately.

            As for the protesters; occupy or otherwise they have a right to say whatever they want. I'm with you there; it makes me sick to hear of one of them being arrested for a peaceful protest. But do the research and you'll notice it's always a republican mayor that has them arrested. The republicans are taking our country and tearing it apart. They don't care about the constitution; they care about money and power. That's it.

            As for loosing your rights; the democrats are not the ones trying to take away your rights. That again would be the republicans. They're the ones trying to ban gay marriage; they're the ones trying to impose Christianity of the rest of the country. Before you start whining about rights you need to understand the difference between taking your rights away and making sure your beliefs are not forced on others. Christians, especially republican Christians seem to think we have the freedom of religion unless our religion is not Christianity. It's hypocrisy at its best. Our founding fathers did not found this country on Christian values. They founded it on the belief that all men are created equal and that everyone should have the freedom to live by whatever beliefs they choose.

            I know it feels like Christianity is loosing its hold on the country; that's because it is. More and more people are starting to realize that it's all a myth. That there is no god, no heaven and no hell. Religion is just a by product of ignorance. A feeble attempt to explain that which they couldn't understand. Which at the time was all they could come up with. But now that we have the technology to explain those things people still cling to those ridiculous fables and fairy tales. And why? Fear, that's why.

            Republicans make me sick; the majority of them don't even live by the Bible; they just tell you all what you want to hear to get a vote. It's pathetic that you fall for it. It's even more pathetic that you still believe in some omnipotent force that has your entire life planned out for you; every little detail from how many children you'll have to the exact date that you will die. An invisible being that created the universe in just 7 days. Listen to how insane that sounds. It's no wonder you can't see what republicans are doing to this country; you can't even see the reality of how nature works. Do you really believe that every natural disaster was planned by one supreme being; and that he decides when you live or die, or which child gets cancer and which child is born with a silver spoon in its mouth.

            Wake up people; the only person that can control your life is you. There is no savior watching over you that's going to make sure you get every thing you need just because you play to his ego. Jeesh! Until Christianity and every other religion is dead our country will never meet its full potential.

          • George Stickney

            What!! No name calling today? Well this will make for a happy debate:)
            Okay SHERRON, I did spell it correct later in the conversation I think. You are so one sided it is pathetic — straight out of Obama's mouth and not edited.
            Why do you think I'm Republican, I voted democrat all my life up until now. And HECK No did I and would I ever vote for a Bush or any of the other GOP except Paul. All the past presidents we've had Republican/Democrat have added to our country's deficit (war and spending) up until this present day. You know what, the last decent president was JFK and unfortunately I wasn't even around to witness. So stop saying I'm Republican, I chose the president who makes the most since for the current time. I know we need some drastic changes. Do you think all these presidents we've had obeyed the Constitution? Hell No, so my point is the get a president who will up hold the law. Obama is planning on cutting military and defense. And People badly criticize Paul's foreign policy? Cutting defense is a big mistake, let me tell you. Military I can understand, but defense? Come on Sherron, Really? I really think you're stuck on Democrat. Not stripping our rights, research carefully about our military and then the NADD. Will you wake up and get off the bipartisanship mumble jumble and look at individual's track record and history. Look at Clinton he was a Democrat and signing that bogus NAFTA into law and then he had his share of wars. Heck, what about the war in Iraq (weapons of mass destruction)and all the bombing he did? Clinton started that probably to distract us from his pimpin up in the White House!
            Stop being one sided, Democrats and Republicans alike are full of you know what all the way back to one of a kind JFK. I do not associate myself with any parties, so don't talk to me like I'm a kid. I do think for myself. I know Republicans have done some very bad things to hurt this country, just like the Democrats. Nobody's putting thoughts in my brain, Obama keeps stating cuts himself. I don't know to what extent he will cut but there still will be major cuts. The only candidate is actually a liberal or one of the true Republicans. I mean Paul is what Republicans use to be like. I'm curious what you have to say about your Obama now!!!! If you defend him now and still call me adolescent names, then I will know that you are not an open minded individual. Unlike you I give all candidates and current president a fair shake. I had faith in Obama, but he did not stand before Congress and veto responsively, gave us pennies while the Banks got billions and now billions to be returned is missing and now the Banks sit on the money. And then his continuing the bogus wars for all these years. Pulling the troops now is strictly political. Keep in mind the big battle with Congress about whether to keep our tax cuts will probably gone next year after he is reelected. So it's not the fact that I can't do for myself, it's the fact that American's hard earned money bailed out Corporate crooks!!!! and we got pennies and still are hurting. Your Obama clearly has no economics background and refuses to let the markets work on supply and demand. What a joke! I know a big if, but if Paul were to ever debate Obama(and you wouldn't want that) one on one where he would get camera time, you would be surprised because the truth would hurt. So you keep thinking Democrats are superior, the reality is they are no better than Republicans.

  • PAR, SR.

    Who picked John King from CNN for moderator?! I've rarely seen a more unfair division of time or more disrespect shown for the senior on deck. Geeze did you see when the moderator John King tried to skip Ron Paul completely on the abortion issue?! I'm not a Ron Paul supporter yet but the level of disrespect shown this guy by the media seems to have no end. John King would never ever host another debate if it were up to me. King's sins were many, intentional, disrespectful and just plain bad manners. CNN owes it to Rick S. and Ron P. to lead off the remaining debates with them and let Mitt R. and Newt G. raise their hands and fight to get a word in edgewise. CNN's lack of fairness is extremely distracting and should be apologized for and remedied immediately. I never thought that I would be blogging against the media.

  • Brandon

    Obama will be on the ballot, are you serious. The only hope we as Americans have is Ron Paul. No one likes to talk about Ron Paul because you can't find any dirt on the man. So I agree with the Obama supporter do your research on all the candidates including Obama, and then tell us who you are in favor of then. If we do not really "CHANGE" America we are going to be in real trouble. End the Fed, repeal Obama/Romney Care, get away from the fat cats (Newt), and let’s vote for a president that will hold America to the constitution. People we are in bad shape here, and these overpaid politicians are killing us and we don’t even realize it. Ron Paul is the only one that has stated that he will only take a salary of I think 40,000 a year to be president, let’s see any of these if any of these others would do that. My pick if I only had to pick between the 4 RP for pres., and Santorum for VP. Thank you and let’s stay positive we can get this country back. I do like the idea that if RP does not get the nom that we middle class Americans skip voting, and go straight to DC and voice out against the corruptness you know we still have that right for now.

    • Mae

      I 'don't' like the idea of not voting. It's your one chance to speak up instead of staying silently on the sideline while others make your choice for you. That's partly how we got in this mess. People not voting. The other side of 'not' voting is voting. Your vote is your voice. Please use it. And when enough of us use our votes, our voices, to boot out the jerks in office now, then we will be heard, but not before…Please vote!

      • Mae

        Sorry. Don't just vote. Please vote by writing Ron Paul in if he's not nominated. I know some states don't permit write-ins - but they do see how many of the ballots had write-ins - like Herman Cain was written in on NH ballots even though he had dropped out.

  • Maybe it's just me, but it seems like Ron Paul is cut out of a lot of wide angle shots here. Whenever the camera panned out to catch more than just the person speaking, they seemed to keep three of the four candidates in the picture only. CNN may believe that Ron Paul isn't a real candidate, and he very well may not be, but he's still on that stage and as much care as possible should be given to not highlighting any particular candidate at the expense of others. If that's what CNN wants to do, they should only bring the candidates they like to the stage.

    Case in point, at 1:35 John almost skipped giving Ron Paul his say until the crowd demanded it.

  • Mae

    'Until the crowd demanded it'. That's the secret. The 'crowd' needs to demand better than Mitt and Newt by voting for Ron Paul regardless of what the media wants.

  • George Stickney

    My goal was not to offend anybody by saying that voting is not a right, by definition of course it is. But the research I did about the missing ballots in Florida and nothing was done about that, was a very frustration time for me. Several other areas had voter fraud as well. We just had some missing ballots in Iowa. Gingrich's people forged several signatures for the Virgina ballot. When deceased people votes start to count, poll workers or somebody's not doing their job and we have a flaud voting system! It's not that I don't care who runs our country, because I do. It's just that I get pretty fed up with all the nonsense. And when a true law abiding Constitutionalist comes around, and hypocrites(No names mentioned, Sherron) can use laws in the Constitution against ME and yet defend the current president, his Administration, Congress, the Fed and let them continue to break major laws with in this very same Constitution (that Sherron has ripped me a new you know what), then that my friends is a sad day in hell.

    • Mae

      The only people offended by the truth are those who don't want to know the truth. Or those who seem to think our Constitution doesn't apply to all of us; that it's fine for the President, the Congress, and yes, the Fed, to violate it. Don't worry about getting 'ripped'. It's just the Obama worshippers' way of trying to bully others who don't agree with them. Treat it as you would when training a dog not to bark: when it barks, just turn your back to it.

      • George Stickney

        Thanks, Mae :)
        and thanks for the advice!

      • SHERRON

        No Mae,

        It's the intelligent getting sick and tired of the uneducated, unintelligent, moronic, religious fanatics voting in these crooked power hungry liars that want nothing more than tax breaks for the rich and to take more and more from the middle class. If you guys could just get a clue how the economy works you'd understand why you should never vote republican; any republican, unless you're already filthy rich and just want to get richer.

        I'm so sick and tired of you guys listening to the lies the republicans are spewing and then voting on that. Do some research for yourselves, get a clue, then go vote. I promise you if you knew the truth about politics you'd never vote republican again. It's just straight up stupid to vote against your own economic interests. Why would you do that? Why do you do that?

        • George Stickney

          Can we just stop all the name calling, I wonder if you will be calling your precious Obama any names? Have you even looked into Ron Paul's history or his issues and policies? If you did you would understand he is an old school Republican. Look up what Republicans use to be. You are miseducated and no unlike you I did not say uneducated!! I believe we are all educated individuals on this blog! Anyway Old school Republicans were about good for the people and they stated just like Paul this is the people's country and not the other way around. The president should represent the people and follow the constitution. So you think Obama is not breaking any Constitutional laws or you don't care, because you are so affixiated on Democrat and Democrat and not the individual. I do know about all the feud between Republican and Democrat, but unlike you I am open minded and I search for facts not opinions from any party. I just ask you to look at individuals and weigh their unbiased good vs their unbiased bad.

        • Lindsay

          Sherron, you are the biggest condescending, religious bigot I've ever seen! Please take your name calling and hateful remarks OFF this site. All your posts are extremely biased. You had your mind made up about republicans long before the debates. You clearly no nothing about how businesses run and how they effect the economy. You also have not seen a town bankrupted solely by Obama's hand. And, to blame our current situation on any ONE party (or CEO's) shows just how ignorant YOU are. Just b/c you are shouting "uneducated!" in everyone's face doesn't mean you are educated. I think you need to do a little more research on economics before you embarass yourself here any futher. A little respect for other's beliefs wouldn't hurt either…it just makes you look like a close-minded bigot when you insult someone's core beliefs. Quit lumping everyone together (Christians, republicans, CEO's). There's a way to respectfully disagree Sherron. Have some class.


      Why do you think nothing was done about the missing ballots in Florida. If Florida could run an election like it should be run then Al Gore would've been president instead of George Bush. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Once again republican corruption at its best.

  • Ray

    Wow, when I listen to these comments it really comes home.
    How did we ever get to be the strongest and wealthiest country in the world? If we are really honest, it was free enterprise and the american dream to succeed and
    work hard. Why is the Truth so hard to admit. And why is the Truth something that nobody wants to hear. Everybody has an opinion but Social welfare wasn't there when I went to school. Noboby ever paid for my lunch in school. Nobody ever paid for my education or healthcare. And now
    I am expected to pay more taxes to pay for something I never received. We used to have Values and STANDARDS that we lived by. No more. So many double standards today. Where is the American Culture today? Do we even have one. It's being slowly and deliberately trampled on daily. If we all have to depend on the Government to survive we have a very shakey future. If the government goes off the cliff we will too. Sorry let's take our country back or there will be a Revolution just to survive.

  • George Stickney

    Oh my I followed the group that investigated the Florida missing ballots. All the trashed receipts did not match up correctly and nothing was done period. For the last time I'm not down with bipartisanship, unlike some people I do not need a party to tell me how to vote. I look at character and an individual's history. I voted against Bush both times. Once again I voted against Bush both times. One more time?

  • Surfisher

    Valid observation — someone said the more you listen to Newt, the less you like him.

    And since he's been talking endlessly, he should lose big in FL today. Without Newt in the running, Ron Paul's message will have to be accorded greater exposure (instead of the Newt-Mitt dog-and-pony show that preempts air-time).

    Floridians — it's up to you to make a difference today!

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