
GOP debate from the University of North Florida tonight on CNN at 8pm ET

The four remaining GOP candidates will meet one more time in Florida tonight for a debate sponsored by CNN, the Republican Party of Florida and the Hispanic Leadership Network. This debate will take place at the University of North Florida located in Jacksonville.

Air Time: Thursday, January 26 at 8pm ET on CNN

Full Debate Video: Video: Watch the full CNN Florida Republican debate

Participants: Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, Paul

Report from CNN:

Just days before Florida Republicans go to the polls to choose their nominee, the GOP presidential hopefuls will meet for a final debate hosted by CNN, the Republican Party of Florida and the Hispanic Leadership Network. CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer will moderate the two-hour presidential debate which will take place at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville on Thursday, January 26 at 8 p.m. ET.

Four presidential contenders will participate in Thursday’s debate: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. In addition to questions posed to the candidates by Blitzer and Florida Republicans in the audience, CNN will solicit questions and comments submitted in real-time from, the CNN Politics fan page on Facebook and by using the #CNNDebate hashtag on Twitter. will live stream all of the events in Florida – the debate on Thursday as well as the events from the Florida primary next Tuesday. After Thursday’s debate, will be live-streaming the Spin Room with CNN’s Jim Acosta. To engage and comment on election night news as it happens, users can view the CNN Politics Facebook page for political stories and photos of CNN’s favorite faces and also follow @CNNPolitics on Twitter for breaking developments all night.

CNN has stated it will allow the audience to react and be involved in the debate unlike Monday night's debate where the audience was silenced by NBC.

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223 comments to GOP debate from the University of North Florida tonight on CNN at 8pm ET

  • Chris

    Go Mitt!!!! You have my support!

    • Surfisher

      Thought of the correct name for the moderators — orchestrators…..

      • /agree…

        And that’s because the media is one of only two groups that makes a huge profit from war and chaos. The other would be weapons manufacturers as part of the war profiteering group.

        Ron Paul is the only candidate that is willing to stand up to these groups and do the right thing.

        I for one would much rather have a stronger national defense and solid economy than 737 military bases that waste nearly $1,000,000,000,000 USD every year.

        We have the ability to have 600,000 troops anywhere in the world within 6 hours and we have anti-missile defense for any such nuke that was launched. Having these bases doesn’t do anything for us at all.

        • Surfisher

          My take on the 5 left:

          1) Ron Paul — a genuine Patriot

          2) Mitt — a handsome flip-flopper

          3) Newt — orating Sophist with an animal-like cunning

          4) Santorum — a rabid mutt (akin to a mad terrier)

          5) Obama — little narcissist that blames all for his shortcomings

    • frank

      Go away far far flipflopMitt You do NOT have my support!!!!!!

    • mk

      MUST watch this, it underlines all of what Ron Paul has said about foreign policy and patriot act. from an former CIA Asset

      • E Anderson

        I have watched this before and I can only pray that this video will reach the right eyes. I believe quite a bit of her story, and that bothers me.

    • Midwest Gal

      He has mine too because he is the best candidate running and the most experienced in the economy and finance matters and he is not a war monger and he is a gentleman with a great working mind and he is not egotistical and not boxed in by thoughts which are not correct. He is aware he is human and subject to making mistakes and learns from them. That is called growing and changing your mind. Flip flops are for kids and those using that phrase toward Mr. Romney are still kids.

      • Steve L

        I believe in the same principles Ron Paul has tried to educate us about. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. From a odd place within the Republican Party he has managed to create a starting point for a movement, that unlike the other candidates, really stands on principles. Social Principles outlined in our founding Documents.
        He is not the best candidate, because of how hard it has been for him to deliver the message. Many people have a hard time understanding where he comes from or where he is going. Reagan and Clinton were best candidates, no matter what nonsense they said, they lightened any room. That is a great candidate. R.Paul is about the content of his message, instead of personality or charisma.
        Lately because of us, and the support we have given him, is that the ideas in our founding documents have been revived. Not only the other candidates have accepted and adjusted their messages, but even Rush, who in 08 would put R.Paul down with vengeance, is coming around.
        It is our job as individuals to continue this fight, to use the principles in the founding documents to educate and enlighten others, to convince the non-participating people to take side and participate because if not, we are making it easier for special interest groups giving them all the power which got us in to this mess.
        The choice we have regardless of this election is, do we continue and take back the republican party, from the Neo Cons, the statist, the ultra right, or do we claim back the libertarian party to transform it, trying in any case to win back the minds and souls of those who got fed up with politics and both parties, and allowed the country to fall in the hands of a few special interest groups.
        The best candidate is yet to come, he will reinstate the values in which our country was founded, inspire the whole country to participate so we can send to Washington a Congress that represents us all for real, and reclaim what is ours.

    • Surfisher

      Demand of the media — Name the actual Persons that have earned enough money to finance our Nation's huge debt!

      Can anyone explain how it is possible for ANY Entity to have Legally earned the monies needed to finance ALL GOVERNMENTS on earth (and still keep them all in Debt)? A simple calculation will show that if all the humans in the last 50,000 years (since cave-men till now) worked for a living wage, no such amount could have been EARNED, that can finance every nation on this planet!

      The conclusion must be — that these Few, World Money Lenders that finance Nations, have made this much profit by PURE THEFT.

      GIVE US THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THESE MONEY LENDERS, so all American People know who owns the mortgage of our Nation!

  • Heracleides

    Yes Mittt - Go.. go very far away. Switzerland perhaps.

  • Marie H.

    Rick Santorum — is Obama's biggest threat. Obama is sitting back enjoying himself because he believes the Republican Party will select Newt or Mitt. They will be no match for him. The debates have given Obama all he needs to discredit both of them.

    But Rick-what would Obama do? Rick believes in a strong military. "Rick spent 8 years on the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he fought to strengthen America’s military in the face of the Clinton Administration’s attempt to downsize our fighting capabilities."

    Rick has worked hard on tax reform, "serving as the point man to pass the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that revitalized our economy after the terrorist attacks of 9/11."

    Rick understands the branches of government and has fought judges who legislate from the bench. "As a Republican leader in the Senate, he was pivotal in the fight to confirm U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito."

    Please go to Rick's website to read more about his past contributions and current plans for the office of President. Remember, past behavior is the best predictor of future success. View:

    Rick's efforts stick around. Please consider reading more about Rick and carefully scrutinize the anti-Catholic comments fired at him by the media/blogs. Are they scare tactics designed to discount the real threat to Obama? I think so.

    • frank

      Rick Santorum is a big threat to Obama

    • Mac

      “There are people who were gay and lived the gay lifestyle and aren’t anymore. I don’t know if that’s the similar situation or that’s the case for anyone that’s black. It’s a behavioral issue as opposed to a color of the skin issue, and that’s the diff for serving in the military.”
      ~Rick Santorum, comparing homosexuality to being black.

      I can go on and on about how Rick Santorum is a bigot and a homophobe but he is also ignorant

      “There are no Palestinians. All the people who live in the West Bank are Israelis. There are no Palestinians. This is Israeli land.”
      ~Rick Santorum, falsely claiming that there are no Palestinians living on the West Bank.

      That certainly doesn't sound very presidential or informed.

    • Thomas

      I like all the choices. But Rick impressed me tonight.

    • PA Man

      From a PA person who voted Santorum Out!
      He was a crook. That is why he lost. He
      owes Penn Hills 73,000 dollars for every
      year he ripped them off.

    • Joe

      Sorry Marie -
      Santorum has more unethical cases
      against him in Senate than Newt has
      in house.

    • E Anderson

      @Marie — I agree - Rick is a pretty great guy….but seriously…Ron Paul. Just this one time. Check him out please.

  • Pedro

    Its a Ron Paul Revolution!

    The media and other candidates throw Ron under the bus because he speaks the truth and really wants to see deficit reduction which is the only way this nation will stand as one in the future. The baby boomers blew it for us, now its time to put things back into the hands of the states, reduce federal spending, and cut out all the corporate puppets in politics!

    Ron Paul for President 2012!!!!

    • Bonnie

      Ron Paul has good economic plans but would put us in too much danger on his foreign policy. I cannot get behind that.

    • frank

      Ron Paul is as dangerous as a Nuclear Weapon. His Foreign Policy is his downfall.

      • caesar

        the mainstream media is not the voice of god, the owners of the mainstream media have an agenda that in no way benefits america. just because the "news" says something, doesn't mean it's true.

        for instance, the msm says iran wants to "wipe israel off the map". however, if you check to see what ahmadinejad actually said, you will find that's not true.

        and if you can look at the "collapse" of wtc7 (something the msm will not show you) and you still think it was caused by fire, you are an idiot.

        investigate. verify what the media tells you. think for yourself.

        • frank

          Mitt FlipFlops again on Mitt-care

        • Sandbag

          OK, so you believe the collapse of building 7 was caused by the US. If you think that is true, tell me how many people were involved in something this big considering the planning and execution of this plan and what happened to them all. Were they and all their friends and relatives executed so they couldn't talk? It's been over 10 years and I haven't seen anybody come forward and say they were involved in the planning and execution of this plan. I think that speaks for itself.

          • YouAreRetarded

            It's no different that the Gulf of Tonkin incident..look it up.. We were lied to… Are you suggesting only one person knew that? I think allot of people knew about it, just like WT7. It's amazing how millions of dollars will keep people quiet. It doesn't take much to figure out that if you control the media, you can create your own history. Ask yourself this: Why haven't they investigated WT7? CLEARLY it was a controlled demolition, you cannot deny that. Why did they ship all of the core beams (which is the smokin) to China to be melted before they could be inspected and analyzed? Why didn't they allow any investigation team into the wreckage? Why were there pools of MOLTEN LAVA under the debris piles?
            What about the enormous amount of stock 'put' options on the airlines the DAY BEFORE 9/11? Millions were made from the Stock market on this 'event'. if you think you can dismiss all of this just because you think this a lie is soooo big, that no one could ever keep it to themselves for over 10 years. I would suggest you do some research, because you believe in the media a little too much. If you did some research you would also find out that many important people connected to 9/11 (e.g. first responders, witnesses) died in mysterious wrecks and plane crashes not related to 9/11. I think that speaks for itself.

          • Steve L

            there are many cases that remain classified and sealed still, and will never be clear. Any wrong doing from the government will never be opened to the public to see. Most rumors can not be proven but exist because the whole truth has not been told either. All I know is that when the river makes noise it's carrying rocks. Or is everything clear about, Area 51, JFK, ET's, Iran-Contras, Che-Guevara, Assassinations, on and on….

          • Truthsayer

            Nobody has come forward? Perhaps you should give this a watch:

      • Tom Bond

        I totally agree!

      • Jart

        Haha… so the quiet kid walking down the school hallways minding his own business is dangerous? That is basically what you are saying… really you haven't said anything you have just mirrored what your status quo has told you. You probably mirrored your parents religion too. That and/or they forced it on you.

        You kind of people make me sad. Probably the same people who turn themselves into slaves by living beyond your means because you think that's how it should be and you have to keep your image.

        You won't last much longer. You are probably from the grasshopper age. Don't worry… my new generation will get rid of you soon enough. Ron Paul is helping us do that.

        • Bonnie

          First off, my parents died when I was a kid so no one directed my thinking. I believe in God but have always followed my own beliefs. To be honest, people on these websites give me pause to believe in any honest exchange. I have been at the very bottom and have also been successful. ONLY because I was work 80 hours a week at a job I hate. Why, because life is not always a carnival. You do what you have to for survival WITHOUT taking from people who owe you nothing. I have made sooooooo many sacrifices and I tried to help the unfortunate through one of my jobs. They did not want work. They wanted money for nothing. That is why I hit bottom. No longer will I let the unwilling take from the hard workers of this country!!!

        • Bonnie

          Your generation is probably the same one I have been trying to employ and support for several years now. You are welcome!

      • E Anderson

        I don't understand how his policy is dangerous frank. Can you elaborate?

    • Thomas

      If you try to cut the deficit by a trillion dollars in four years it would devastate the economy.
      His economic plans are bad.

      • Neville

        Which candidate are you talking about?

        • Thomas

          Ron Paul. Some how my comment got placed in the wrong reply.
          He's got good ideas but not all practical.

          • Neville

            Okay, that's why it threw me. What you referenced was not actually Paul's plan. His plan, with budget spelled out and documented unlike his rivals, is to cut $ 1Trillion from the BUDGET (not the deficit), and in the first year, not in four. If the folks on The Hill want to keep their jobs, they'll go along with him when the calls and faxes start rolling in. I can easily see him staring them down and forcing them to go on record and override his veto if they want to keep spending like the drunken sailors they are.

      • E Anderson

        @Thomas - can you elaborate? How would cutting militant spending be detrimental to the economy? How big is the economy? What percentage of the entire economy is 1 trillion dollars?

      • YouAreRetarded

        You have no clue as to what you are talking about.

      • Steve L

        Its called deficit because we spend more than what we make. If we don't have it, we have to borrow it. How long do you think this can last? Do you not realize that eventually you can not borrow any more and you fall.
        1 trillion reduces the deficit does not eliminate it. It only buys time for us to grow the economy and revenue

  • Bonnie

    I agree and wish these moderators would stop letting Romney and Gingrich go back and forth like a couple of school kids, taking up all of the time so we cannot hear more from Santorum.

    • Steve L

      We get it you like Santorum, But why not, just to be fair equal time. And if you would listen to the others might learn something. I would like to hear Santorum more, because I disagree with him the most. Isn't it funny?

  • Justin

    We should ask ourselves do we want to be taxed [money=time] meaning time away from the family so that we could continue to find additional wars e.g. Iran Or do we strengthen our nation's balance sheet, its check book, so that we can take care of our citizens at home or leave that money in the citizens' pockets. Most great empires fall from either over expansion or bad monetary policy (printing money). It is simple. So what would a company do if their debt to income ratio was 90%? It would lay off employees and cut back so that it could survive. Any family would do the same. Vote Ron Paul, he is the only candidate that would cut 5 departments, strengthen national defense and reduce OVERSEAS military bases. If you ever played the board game risk, you know what I am taking about. The Roman & British Empires understand this too.

    • Thomas

      When you cut departments you cut jobs. Bad for the economy.
      I like Ron Paul's and Rick Santorum's idea about finding out what happened to the trillions of $s
      in stimulus and what politician got them.? The 3 departments that Obama wants to cut is the
      Army, Air force, & Navy.

      • Neville


        When you cut GOVERNMENT jobs, then you can also cut the TAXES that paid for those jobs. That money then stays in YOUR pocket, so you can use it to build a house, or take your wife to dinner, or order a new suit, or put a child in college. You might very well be creating jobs by paying an ex-Dept-of-Education bureaucrat to frame your house, cook/serve your dinner, tailor your suit, or teach at your child's college.

        The point is that YOU CHOOSE how to spend YOUR MONEY, rather than have some government agency in DC decide how much of YOUR money should go to ME.

      • Steve L

        If you have 8 supervisors ans 2 workers, you are not producing enough, you are loosing money, and getting in debt. Eventually you will be closed. you can not have in any company a administration larger than the production or manufacturing side.You need to make the supervisors produce. All those jobs in the 5 Departments need to go to manufacturing. Keep in mind the government does not produce anything.

  • Revere

    Congress just passed the Indefinite Detention Bill, attached to the 2011 Military Appropriations Bill. American Citizens can, now, be sent to FEMA Internment Camps without trial, never to be released.
    Ron Paul is the only candidate of either Party that has condemned this crime against the American People. We need to cross register and Vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary in every State, because Our Freedoms have to be defended!
    Look up " Indefinite Detention" and convince everyone you know to support the only man We can trust.

  • Philmore Mc Millan

    So you want to repeal "Obama Care" and let every American pay for health insurance? Our unemployment is at 8.5%, 15% blacks not working 10% whites without a job. Can a GOP President in his first term, repeal 'Obama Care" and put Americans back to work in order for this act to pass??

  • Samy

    What a biased view towards mainstream media? There are fools who believe that there are just opinions and no truths. Fox and company lies and they cannot see that. Sad for America. These power hungry bigots have no interest in doing good for US. They talk about less Govt. Why dont they get rid of themselves and not run and we will have less govt!!!

    • Steve L

      Samy, Usually those who think they own the truth are the fools. If someones overgrown-ego maniac makes them believe that their opinions are the truth, it prevents them from listening to others, or learning anything. These are usually the most ignorant of people. Only a ignorant chooses not to listen or learn, pretending to know it all.
      Fox and MSNBC, are opposing extreme views, and we can learn from both and neither are Mainstream. Mainstream…I think it's similar to Sesame Street, neither nor.. Only my opinion..

      "Fox and company lies and they cannot see that." so which one is it? If they can't see that in your opinion they are wrong, then they are not lying, they're just wrong. To Lie is to state something which you know not to be truth.
      Now to express a opinion from a different perspective, from a different set of values, and interpret things differently is not lying either. Just a different believe,

      Remember how many people fought and died in our Independence and our Civil War for what they believed. We like to believe that the truth is the one who always wins. I'm not so sure, I don't think we need a war to demonstrate a truth, if such think existed and was more than an opinion

  • jobs lets hear how will u make jobs

    What's up with the jobs ….got to pay the rent…we r waiting ..hello

  • Nina

    Mitt Romney all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • katherine obrien

    It is very sad that this is not on national TV. Not everyone can afford cable or has access to CNN. if they do have cable. Some citizens can only afford basic cable which does not include CNN.

    This debate is important to the state of Fl. and may have an affect on the outcome of the primary elections.

    However, it will only affect the citizens that can afford cable or have access to CNN.

    I'm very disappointed in the Republican Party not to consider all citizens and fellow republicans if they want to win this election.

  • Thomas

    I was impressed with Rick Santorum. I will change my vote.

  • Luke

    Rick Santorum is absolute garbage. He voted 6 times to increase the size of the federal reserve. Don't fool yourself into thinking that Santorum is the Next Jesus Christ. He is down right evil and would lead the U.S into the next great war. Santorum is the absolute most dangerous solution to American security since the Cuban Missile Crisis. He's a counterfiet conservative and does not have your best interest in mind.

    Mitt Romney is the establishment, enough said. so, NO,

    Gingrich is viable, but should be on a ticket as a Secretary of Defense, or perhaps even as VP.

    The only viable alternative is Ron Paul. He is the only one with a real plan. Don't blow off his foreign policy. It makes far more sense than you think. Take a good hard look at it, not what Mitt and Santorum want you to think it is.

    Its time for real change, and that change is Ron Paul.

    • Luke

      * edit - Santorum voted to increase the size of the federal government, (not the reserve). In other words, he is the other side of the same coin as Obama, and the reason why some of you rea ding this don't have a job. So no to Santorum.

    • Thomas

      Your facts are wrong. Making stuff up off the top of you head.
      That's a problem with bloggers like you. Present the facts with proof. Integrity.

      • Luke

        Don't take my word for it there, Thomas. Don't take my word for it, I don't care; Look of Santorum's voting record for yourself. Its right there in black and white. It is pure counterfeit conservatism. You talking about integrity, just firing blanks like that makes doesn't not make you the standard bearer of honor and integrity. As far as I (and just about all of my 75,000 block readers) are concerned, its Ron Paul, or no one. I would vote for Obama before I vote for Santorum.

      • Neville


        What did Luke say that you claim was made up?

      • E Anderson

        @Thomas - what evidence do you have that his facts are wrong? and conversely - where did the OP get his facts?

    • Thomas

      If you cut the deficit by a trillion in 4 years. That would be devastating to the economy and cut jobs.
      Don't attack someone here by hear say.

      • Luke

        :: FACE-PALM:: Thomas, you are obviously lack a fundamental understanding of public policy and economics. You should really just stop talking about it.

      • -Tesla

        Either way it is going to collapse. Do we keep pumping money into pick and choose corporate buisnesses and tax the middle class? No, we are in the midst of break down all across America. The cut is put into our pockets, for us to spend and build our buisnesses, we create the market.

      • Luke

        Even Rush Limbaugh (OF ALL PEOPLE) has endorsed Ron Paul's economic plan. Enough said, good day, you lose Thomas.

        • Steve L

          Oh C'mon Luke!
          Although most of your points are correct and some of your opinions are based on the facts.It does not give you the right to:
          a)demonize the other candidates or just spill venom.
          b) Base the facts only on voting records disregarding the rest of the bill(R.Paul has admitted to not always vote on a issue as he would have liked because of pork or other things in the bill)
          c)Being so disrespectful of anyone who has a different opinion.

          You make all who support Ron Paul look like extremist, scarring away who we need to win other VOTERS. and finally Thomas doesn't loose. WE ALL DO.

      • E Anderson

        @Thomas - I don't understand — how would that be devastating to the economy? What percentage of the entire economy is 1 trillion dollars?

  • Amy

    I think Ron Paul makes the most sense of the bunch. He is not prententious….he is real.

  • len

    In 1994, Gingrich described himself as "a conservative futurist". He said that those who were trying to define him should look no farther than The Third Wave, a 1980 book written by Alvin Toffler. The book describes our society as entering a post-industrial phase in which abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, and divorce are perfectly normal, even virtuous. Toffler penned a letter to America's "founding parents," in which he said: "The system of government you fashioned, including the principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented—a democracy for the 21st century." He went on to describe our constitutional system as one that "served us so well for so long, and that now must, in its turn, die and be replaced."

    • Surfisher

      len — Would you expect anything different from Newt? He'd climb any new wagon that would advance him at that moment of time as a professional politician — regardless how absurd it is, since he believes his skills in oratory sophism will negate whatever logical flaws are found in that particular fancy.

      However, his hubris has finally caught up with him — no oratory silkiness can overcome his many transgressions. Just way too much rotten baggage — that even Protagoras could not overcome.

      Tonight's debate was the nail in his political coffin.
      But he'll continue to drag down the Republicans but not stepping down, since his egotism supersedes his patriotism.

      • Steve L

        What a incredible amount of "rotten Baggage" he has, and still how far he's come. Another proof of how great of a operative he could be if directed appropriately. He has the talent to BS most people, and still goes on and survives after it blows up.

  • -Tesla

    Hey, when you guys were streaming through CNN. Did you notice the stream getting disrupted, only when Paul got on a hot topic. The last I recall was something about foriegn policy. Paul was disrupted after the word "Jihadist.." Maybe its just me, but from McGovern To Paul I feel, it is all being controlled from the backround through many aspects. Maybe behind a curtain in Oz.. who knows.

  • George Stickney

    That was Paul's best debate and he did the awesome job his usually does……..Tell the truth. Glad to see Ron Paul not look like an adolescent child picking fights. I don't know about you, but that was embarrassing and Romney and Gingrich want to be our next president? I heard Obama was taken to the hospital, he busted his gut laughing so hard. Obama did have a great recovery though, threatening to slap the taste out of Santorum's mouth if he talks any more smack. Paul says that he might be one of the oldest but he's in great shape and Obama's the one gonna be wearing the diapers when it's all said and done. When asked, "Obama, do you think you can beat Ron Paul in a one on one debate?" Obama replied, "It Depends"

    • Surfisher

      G. Stickney — good post!

      A few observations of the 2nd Florida debate:

      1) Ron Paul, aside from delivering his message of irrefutable TRUTH, endeared himself even more by delivering the best punch lines! The only candidate that did not engage in negativity, but actually mitigated with some wry remarks the three-dog-fight that had ensued.

      2) The dog-and-pony show btw Newt and Mitt was won by Mitt — he threw in the best punches and Newt looked lost at times in this verbal pugilism.

      3) The inconsequential mutt Santorum — with nothing to lose — joined the verbal fray and took some bites from Newt's political skin but mostly chewed up on Mitt.

      Wolf Blizter promised equal time for all candidates — he lied. Should be called on this (he allowed the Newt-Mitt dog-eats-dog show to continue for the first 10-15 minutes without allowing Santorum or Ron Paul to put in a word).

      Wish someone with four chronometers would replay the debate and actually give an exact tally of how much time each candidate spoke. My guess is that Mitt and Newt received about 30% each, Santorum about 25% and Ron Paul again was again nearly ignored — with 15% !!!

      Talk about equality in the main media….

  • peggy jane

    Nancy Regan says Newt is the man. Romney lies about that and other things. the mormons control enough lets not let them get their grasp on our white house. Go newt go!

  • -Tesla

    Thomas I think you need some sleep.. to much kool-aid before bed time.

  • Mr. Roccatopolis

    Newt for Ron Pauls Vice President 2012! woo!

  • -Tesla

    Its good advice though… For your Free Freedom Starter kit, Please visit Ron Paul dot com. Its the right thing to do.

  • Grant

    Does anyone know where I can find the video? I missed it live but can't find the full length video yet.

  • Bill Bixby

    Ron Paul is the only way for change. He has a plan that he has stuck with even if its not popular. Unlike the cogs of the machine he's debating. To say his foriegn policy is dangerous , is saying we're not safe if we're not fighting. Try actually serving. How long will the American people stay in their comfort zones watching videos and T.V shows about heartless people, hoping someone else will fix the wrong? Gingrich, Romney, and Santorum have everything the media needs for its election reality show. Drama, lies, money, and corruption. Don't let the media control this show. Do some research. Real Cheange Requires Real People!!!

  • Allan

    So something especially about this race is really confusing me…..the majority of the US says that we need to stop these wars right? so why the heck do people keep voting for candidates that want to start another war?

    • Steve L

      Allan, Because the system is rigged.

      The special interest groups buy the polls, the media, the coverage, the opinions, and give the commentators the jobs. Look on you tube for John Stewart's piece on how all the media ignored Ron Paul. They wouldn't even mention his name. I remember Rush calling him a lunatic train freight coo coo or something like that, not even worth talking about because he was irrelevant.
      The party makes the backroom deals on future legislation with the lobby's, in exchange for contributions to get Reps and Senators elected, after all The President can't get much done without Congress.
      And we the people are the idiots who cheer for one candidate or another. Many because he looks good or talks nice, or how he acts or sounds in a debate. It's advertising and packaging like Coke and Pepsi, Ford and Chevy.etc

      And in the end, those who see the light and support Ron Paul, who do you vote for if Mitt wins the nomination? Obama or Romney? the game is rigged, it's the same.

      If you add the votes for both candidates in previous election (except the last) the majority of adults over 18 does not vote. More power for the special Interest groups.

  • Midwest Gal

    Anyone who does not want Mitt Romney to win the GOP primary is a racist or a stuck-in- the-mud loony snob or bland stupid. So what if Romney was born into a mormon family and it's the religion that still floats his boat. the US was based on freedom of religion. he is intense and successful and i cannot believe the moronic comments by anyone who references his personal choice of religion as something wrong and he is not a polygamist like some nutty psyche cases of mormon sect that attach to mormonism. this religion has evolved. wtf, so romney has made money. jennifer aniston made 21 mill on one freaking movie that wasn't even that good! i cannot believe the bland and awful stupidity of anyone who makes comments about romney. he's raised 5 men, has one wife, and his comments are not practiced or scripted. he's refreshingly honest in his commentary and he tries to be a good politician. he's a man. he's not a lying ego weighted sugar puff like bombastic gingrich or teenager like always flossing always smiling like santorum.

    • YouAreRetarded

      He is also the guy that used Massachusetts as a testing ground for all his failed ideas, now he wants to use the entire country.. no thanks.. It's hard enough living in the wake of his idiot-icy here in Massachusetts..

    • E Anderson

      The truth is spoken in 1 sentence — he TRIES to be a good politician. Please read the whole comment. Being a good politician - politician defined as : A person who is professionally involved in politics - politics is defined as : The activities associated with the governance of a country or area - governance is defined as : Sway; control.

      So you are saying that you want someone who is good at controlling.

      Now imagine we instead put someone in office who is a good person. They will lead the government to do good things.

      Please realize that our government is supposed to serve us by doing what is listed in the U.S. Constitution - the President is not my leader or your leader - he leads the government.

    • Justin Franks

      Mitt Romney is "refreshingly honest"? If you think Mitt is refreshingly honest; by default, Ron Paul would be in the realm of a heaven sent prophet. You are clearly misinformed and have made your decision on someone else's talking points and obviously bias opinions verse actually doing the research on the philosophy of government, world history, psychology of people and propaganda, international politics, world resources, constitutional rule of law, as well as many other subjects that coalesce into the knowledge that's needed to make an informed and factual decision on who is a valid candidate for the "ruling" of the "civilized" world. Please take the time to further educate yourself on reality verse reality tv star wanna-be's. I will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding reality and how I(and those of educational merit)view it. Anyone but Ron Paul is basically a pointless venture and I could give you endless reasons why. Please do your best on making the most informed decision possible; THINK ABOUT IT.. This round of voting could and most likely will change the path of history forever. Which side are you going to help? I hope it's the one that chooses us, we, our freedoms and rights to be what we want as long as we don't hurt others.
      RON PAUL 2012
      Thank you!

      • Steve L

        Justin, remember Obama was refreshing too. And so was Bush at first. In the end not much has changed

      • Surfisher

        Justin Franks — superbly done! Bravo!

        • Neville


          Are you or someone in your family competitors in NCFCA? I heard the name during the announcements at the Grand Prairie tournament.

          • Surfisher

            Neville — hope you first name is not Chamberlain….

            No. Just looked it up, not my cup of tea (I hold the empiricists (Hume, Berkley and Locke) and the logicians (Socrates, Plato, in part Aristotle (only his Organon) and Ayn Rand)in regard — not those guided by faith alone).

            Sorry to disappoint.

  • Surfisher

    Midwest Gal — thanks for letting me know something I was not aware of. That I'm a racist, a loony snob or just bland stupid — because you label me as such by your SINGLE CRITERIA that I do not want Mitt to win.

    I thought I was a Patriot — since I support Ron Paul (who wants us to be free and prosperous without government telling me what is best for me).

    But now I might be afraid to do this — since your labels of my thinking are so harsh…maybe I should change my vote and go with Romney, so that I'm not labeled as racist, loony snob or stupid.

    Do you think society's pressure will change an individual like me to goose-step in line with you….?

  • Justin Franks

    There are numerous online sources to seek out and gain pertinent information from. This is the information age. Yeah, rings a bell.. Doesn't it? In an informational age, where knowledge is spread, gained, sorted, verified and then published for others to scrutinize; it only becomes a matter of time before those who are versatile with the technology used in gaining access to this information become liberated in the sense where people start making decisions and morals for themselves and thus continue to stray away from the spooky father figure(s) who promises to put you in a place where you will suffer for ever and ever if you do something against "religious law;" BUT…. He unconditionally loves you at the same time. Sounds like god is a bit bi-polar; or at least doesn't give a shit about what is stated on his behalf.
    People need to understand, even if there is a god(or gods), they aren't doing their job of helping those in dire need. Free will you say?! Well, that is obviously another load of bullshit propagandized by those in charge of religious fallacies to help those who believe seek comfort in the unknown. Maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't; and at the very best… If there is, he/she/it clearly doesn't give a shit about injustice or crimes against the very miracles he created and exposed to mortality.
    So where are we? ALONE and seeking future love/unity.. So until someone, something, or otherwise helps, destroys, pampers, or knowledge upon the one race of this planet that can do something about the way we are going, "THE HUMAN RACE." WE ARE IN CHARGE, WE ARE THE HOPE, WE ARE THE WAY. WE, the human we, WE of the different races, creed, and morals, WE share this planet, it's resources, and the people WE elect; ONLY WE CAN MAKE THIS BETTER. So look within yourself, ask yourself if you have acquired enough knowledge to make an educated decision on how WE are going to try and change the world….. And WE will change things for the better or face the obvious consequences of repeating histories mistakes and continue finding self worth in a corporations logo. Are you ready to make others suffer for your own benefit? I'm not and I'm done doing so. Until we have an overhaul of the entire system, the only choice clearly becomes obvious. RON PAUL 2012
    Thank you for educating yourselves, loving others as yourself and trying to make this world a better place for years to come. RON PAUL 2012
    Thank you,

  • Marlene

    Any Ron Paul supporter who suggests Newt as his VP automatically loses my attention. I thought the debate was very good — the reason Romney and Gingrich get more attention in the debates than Santorum and Paul is, duh, because they are way out ahead of Santorum and Paul in the polls. Obviously the Republicans are vascillating between Romney and Gingrich, and so the differences between them must be explored so voters can make up their minds. Santorum, in my opinion, has done well in the debates, but he just hasn't endeared himself to the public. Paul has a strong following, but hasn't been able to increase it by any substantial amount and I believe it's because his followers can understand him easily enough, but no one else can. Paul is my 2nd choice among the 4, but only because I take the time to read his website and to listen to his speeches — but to listen to him in debates is painful. If Paul wins the nomination, he should NOT engage in debates with Obama. He is an abysmal debater.

    • Steve L

      Hey Marlene, Very good. Many of the Ron Paul supporters turn me and many people off. Specially the bullying from many of the bloggers. However we are a nation of bullies and gangsters. We gang up on the weaker and try to control them or face the heat. Not a very smart way to convince anyone, to win allies and conquer bigger challenges. For me this time, it's Ron Paul or nothing. No Vote unless I find a independent.

    • George Stickney

      I know Ron Paul is not the smoothest talker, but neither was Bush. I feel Paul speaking the way it really is (truth) will outshine against Obama. Paul in a one on one setting where the spot light is finally on him, he would rise above Obama. I've seen a couple campaign trips and interviews with Santorum that made him appear ignorant and it was embarrassing to call him president. One was he visited a couple college campuses arguing his views about gays and their rights and military presence and how the Federal government needs to intervene, the other was he got confused about some figures about Obama's job creation that was embarrassing. I get the feel Santorum and the other candidates are learning from Paul and are now stating what he has been saying for over 20 years. A lot of these candidates are changing their views. Even in one of the debates Gingrich, Paul said , 'I got him to change on this, now if I can just change his foreign policy.' I know he said it jokingly, but there is truth behind every joke. I have followed all the debates and all these candidates have changed there minds except Paul. I wish he would have taken some public speaking courses after the last debate 4 years ago. Paul speaking skills has diminished, maybe due to his age, but I guess I just like to hear his honesty. Some of these college students speak out against him, and he sounds very ignorant. My thing about promoting this entire gay rights is, is this a really important issue to promote and campaign about? My fear is that some candidates once elected have good intentions, but once faced with the reality change their agenda. I do not feel Ron Paul will cater to Congress, he has spent his entire life fighting them. I think he will put the 1st dent in this corrupt government. I know he hasn't gotten a lot of bills passed, but imagine what he could do as president especially if he had a great Administration like Kucinich and their are a few others. What do you think about all these wars? That makes me nervous about our current president and all the other candidates? Nobody else talks about the Fed, at least now since the 1st debates they are talking about smaller government. But I think that is just talk or they would have been saying that before the debates. Help me see the positives and the weaknesses between Santorum and Paul and who can he actually beat the smooth talking Obama?

      • Surfisher

        George — a few notes:

        Newt needs to lose FL (so he can soon be coaxed to withdraw — this egotist won't drop out until he is facing a dead end), and Santorum should drop out once out of funds.

        Then the inevitable one-on-one of Ron Paul vs Mitt will finally allow Ron Paul to have equal time.

        Americans need to hear his message of truth — and only then will there be an impact of what Ron Paul states.

        So far the media is gorging themselves in glee with the Newt-Mitt Circus and Side-Show Rick — while doing their best to ignore Ron Paul.

        As the great American Paul R. galloped to warn us — hear another patriot R. Paul decrying: " The Feds are coming, the Feds are coming…." :)

      • Steve L

        Hey George, I wish I could share your optimism. I do not think R.Paul changed any rivals mind. They are only trying to win by imitating what is becoming popular. We all know what happens later they're called electoral promises and end up in the sewer…

  • Marlene

    P.S. And if Paul wins the nomination, he should NOT ask Newt Gingrich to be his VP, as that will be a sign to me and everyone else that he is not a good judge of character, and that is very important in a President — that he not only have good character himself, but that he be a good judge of character.

    • Neville


      I understand, and would not want to see that either. I do not think Gingrich would be a good leader. Having him or Santorum with the codes to the "football" is very scary.

      However, there is another angle that *might* be considered. In the words of Sun-tzu, and and as Abraham put into practice:

      "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

      You know, I can almost see Dr. Paul using that as a laugh line from the podium at the GOP National Convention.

    • George Stickney

      I think Dennis Kucinich from Ohio would make a good Vice president for Ron Paul. They are friends, then you would have a Republican and Democrat with similar visions. I think those two together would be able to work out a lot of problems with our current Congress and Fed.

  • Trav

    Mitt — no core to your campaign, you just lust over the desire to be in office. PLEASE give a candidate with REAL values a shot.

    like Ron Paul, the constitutionalists
    or Newt Gingrich, a life long politician

  • rj

    Mitt Romney is the guy

  • John

    Does anyone have a link to watch the debate? I missed it :/

  • PAR, SR.

    Ya know, @ first I didn't buy into the who media bias thing being the part time listener and all like most of us. But after I have repoeatedly seen Ron Paul denied equal time and skipped even, I'm finallly convinced. Not to mention that it is disrespectful to him personally as the senior man on deck and all. Ya know, bad manners really stick out in my mind. Hows about we start the remaining debates with Ron and Rick and let Newt and Mitt raise their hands and try to get a word in edgewise. BOOO CNN!!! BOO MODERATOR JOHN KING FROM CNN!!!

  • Darryl

    National Debt Grew by $1 Trillion When Gingrich was Speaker

    From Treasury

    · In 1994, the year before Gingrich become Speaker the National Debt was $4, 693 trillion

    · In 1995, the year he become speaker the debt was $4,974 trillion

    · In 1996 the debt was $ 5,225 trillion

    · In 1997 the debt was $5,413 trillion

    · In 1998– the last year of his speakership– the debt was $5,526 trillion

    14 years later, the National Debt is now $16 TRILLION !!!


  • Darryl

    Ron Paul is RIGHT! Americans are OPPOSED to More War!

    With harsh US rhetoric and tensions around Iran's nuclear program snowballing by the hour, American polls nonetheless show that most Americans think a war with Tehran would be a grave mistake. But do the leaders of the "Political Class" care?

  • Nick Pyle

    Ron Paul is being marginalized, smeared and ignored because the media is totally dominated by Jews. Virtually every newspaper or magazine is owned by Jews. Their self-serving propaganda constantly fills the TV screen. The Federal government and Federal Reserve is totally under Jewish control. US military forces are the pawn of Israel. The banks, the markets are theirs. They systematically denigrate our Founding Fathers and our heritage and our Constitution. Thank you Ron Paul for standing up to this evil nation and putting AMERICA first, not ISRAEL!!

  • Surfisher

    Valid observation — someone said the more you listen to Newt, the less you like him.

    And since he's been talking endlessly, he should lose big in FL today. Without Newt in the running, Ron Paul's message will have to be accorded greater exposure (instead of the Newt-Mitt dog-and-pony show that preempts air-time).

    Floridians — it's up to you to make a difference today!

  • George Stickney

    We will see how Obama fairs with this Fast and Furious scandal. It is not looking good for Holder and Obama!

  • George Stickney

    Obama is suppose to protect the whistle blowers now he's trying to prosecute them by use of the Espionage Act. What a real class act he is. I hope they get to the bottom of this mess and arrest or impeach all those members involved.
    Remember water boarding? Obama said that is torture, plain and simple and he did put a stop to it. He let those involved go scott-free and the whistle blowers were charged under the Espionage Act. These people(Obama & his Administration) have a few loose screws and anybody who votes for someone not willing to stand up to good people trying to follow the rules don't really care about the well being of this country or it's people. Let's remember, Government is suppose to work for us not the other way around.

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