
Florida GOP primary results - Romney wins, Gingrich second

Florida Republican primary, 2012
Mitt Romney775,02346.42%50
Newt Gingrich533,09731.93%0
Rick Santorum222,79013.34%0
Ron Paul117,1007.01%0
Rick Perry6,7680.41%0
Jon Huntsman6,1990.37%0
Michele Bachmann3,9620.24%0
Herman Cain3,4940.21%0
Gary Johnson1,1960.07%0

Mitt Romney easily took the Florida primary Tuesday night followed by Newt Gingrich in second, Rick Santorum in third and Ron Paul rounding out the remaining four.

Report from the Washington Post:

TAMPA — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney claimed a decisive victory in the Florida primary Tuesday, as a conservative electorate chose Romney over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as the best positioned to take on President Obama in November.

Just 10 days after Gingrich handed Romney a drubbing in the South Carolina primary that had threatened to derail Romney’s campaign, Romney returned the favor in Florida, capturing the biggest prize yet in the Republican nominating contest.

Early results showed Romney holding dominating leads across much of the state. He appeared to swamp Gingrich, despite that exit poll data showed the electorate was dominated by conservative voters who support the Tea Party. Gingrich had pressed the same argument in Florida that had won him South Carolina: That Romney was not a true conservative.

But the key to Romney’s victory may be found in exit poll surveys that showed voters’ top priority was finding a candidate that could beat President Obama. Buoyed by millions in largely negative television advertising, Romney appears to have persuaded Florida voters he was more reliable bet to challenge Obama in November.

Clearly Gingrich's push in Florida struck the wrong chord with voters since polls a few weeks ago showed him edging a lead. In the remaining 7 days that lead seemed to slip. The results from Tuesday night indicate that Gingrich apparently wasn't able to seal the deal leaving enough voters switching back to Romney. Rick Santorum and Ron Paul finished as expected since both campaigns essentially pulled out of Florida setting their sights on upcoming caucus states.

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144 comments to Florida GOP primary results - Romney wins, Gingrich second

  • Look at Google Trends for Ron Paul and Obama or anyone else running. Paul is who people want to know about. Paul is the only one that will protect us with the Constitution. If you want our country to protect our rights Ron Paul is the only choice. Enough people already know that to make this a landslide victory for him. Just keep going Paul, you're doing fine.

  • The White House has declared that it will use a "Sole Executive Agreement,” and simply enforce this internet takeover treaty, without sending it to the Senate for consideration. Get your state to remove him from the 2012 ballot.

    • Mae

      Just another unconstitutional invasion into our lives and our freedom of speech. We should be getting used to it. Be careful what you say…Big Brother may decide you're a terrorist and lock you up in an undisclosed location for an indefinite period of time with no legal representation?

  • Darryl

    Mitt Romney DOESN'T WANT to be the President to ALL the People. He just "selected" who he CARES ABOUT on CNN.

    Learn this Lesson everyone. This how "Plutocrats" Think!

    • Mae

      He neglects to mention the fact that many of the 'middle class' he claims as his focus are now in the 'poor' category. Many have lost their homes in foreclosure after losing their jobs, watched their investments dwindle (if they even had any) and are now seeking assistance from food pantries and applying for food stamps. Even those who have not been taken down by the economy are watching their parents, children, and grandchildren struggle just to survive. As one of those 'baby-boomers', I feel it is time once again for us to change the face of our society. Vote for Ron Paul if you want your children and grandchildren to enjoy the freedoms we enjoyed.

  • John doe

    I'm so disspointed.

    It's soooooo amazing that 99% of people on this blog and around the country support and believe Ron Paul, yet he lost like Romney is the next great hope.

    Have the people in this country really become so asleep?!

    It's so damn clear that this is rigged. It's so obvious. Only a child would believe this is a fair election.

    America please wake up.

    Please watch zeitgeist addendum for free online.

    Jp Morgan, Rotchild, walburg, and Rockefeller had ruined the world and we are all their slaves.

    Goldman sacks has taken over the government.

    We are all owned by the few elite people in this world who have brainwashed everyone.

    I still believe in my country. Please vote for Ron Paul. Vote for freedoms the constitution and stop supporting the same corrupt candidates who are going to give you the same government.

    Please. Pleasassssssssseee wake the f up people!!!!! Think about your childerens future. Think about ur future. Think about America's future.

    This is ur last chance…

  • Ron

    In My Opinion, Mitt Romney is the only one who can beat Obama in the general election. Although I like much of what Newt says, I also like much of what Romney says also, but I just cain't get over the fact that if Newt wins the nomination, it will be a shoo-in election for Obama to gain a second term, and that would be a nightmare of biblical purportions for the country and all Americans. Vote for Romney, he's our only chance, I think, to finally send that Chicago thug back where he came from, and out of Washington, where he don't belong.

  • Moni Koehler

    Go Ron Paul! I want someone who backs the Constitution of the United States of America!

  • Surfisher

    Just for fun (since getting too serious here). Movies that best describe the actions of each:

    Ron Paul — Mr. Smith goes to Washington

    Newt — The Creature from the Black Lagoon

    Mitt — The Incredible Mr. Limpet

    Obama — A Night to Remember

    Post your picks for fun.

  • David

    Are people serious when they talk like the person below me on Ron Paul!? If people had a serious interest and desire for Ron Paul to be president he'd have some better figures, so far he's never done better than 3rd in a four horse race!?. So whats the reason behind that? Clear, the people who champion Ron Paul are liberals who know Obama's days in office are numbered and would rather see someone like Ron Paul in office than the rest, hence the reason they can't vote because they aren't republicans!. the mass "Ron Paul 2012" on every internet site reminds me of "obama 2008".

    • Disco D

      haha, I like ron paul also. I am just curious why you would compare him to a democrat president? Shouldn't the president be someone that the "people" want to be president. Not some 'elite' group (Republican/Democrats) Those are just dumb titles that we as people put on things so that its more interesting.. we like rooting for a team. So in summary to what you are saying, the people want ron paul, the elite republicans (which I side with more if I was to pick a side) don't want ron paul.

      haha, but yea quit being so closed minded and picking a team "those damn liberals" "those damn conservatives" we should have a side called "common sense" and it all just comes down to educating ourselves. "work is good, get a job, try to better yourself, if you loose your job we will HELP you, but we will not SUPPORT you" but a lot of people don't see it this way.. "that person is rich, he should give more money for working harder" everyone should have a fair advantage…. We need to stop this liberal/conservative and just have common sense through education. Stop holding our hands, we are all capable of taking care of ourselves, but give us a good/safe sandbox to play in.

  • Mae

    What do you mean we are "liberals" and "can't vote"? I'll be voting - for Ron Paul, and I will be voting for him because I feel it's my vote for our Constitution and the future of my children and grandchildren. I don't see that as liberal. I see that as American and defending the structure upon which our great, but declining, country was built.

  • earn your own money most liberals want food stamps,healthcare,welfare etc…MAE EARN IT LETS ALL VOTE FOR MITT!!!!

    • Mae

      Oooo… Did I ruffle your feathers, Jim? I've already 'earned' it, Jim, and I want to keep it. I agree, though, that food stamps, healthcare, welfare, etc. are socialist (liberal) programs. However, you have an entire generation of Americans who were 'forced by our government' to pay into Social Security and Medicare - just as the current workforce is forced by our government to pay into these programs. Mitt Romney, aka Obama Light, is not going to change that, but Ron Paul says there is no provision in our Constitution for these programs. Not exactly a 'liberal' position, and certainly not a popular position, do you think? I asked a few people who lived through the Great Depression how they survived. Generations of families, grandparents, parents, children lived together. Those who worked contributed their earnings to 'the family'. God forbid that in our time, we or our children should be burdened with caring for our parents and grandparents…

  • Messenger

    @ everybody who wants Paul to be president because he will "protect the constitution." In reality, the president has less power then you think. He can't make laws,he can only pass already passed bills from congress. The supreme court is in charge of deciding if laws are constitutional, so I don't understand how Paul will protect the constitution. Besides, Romney (from a liberal's point of view) is the only candidate who can compete with Obama for the presidency. Not Newt, not Paul, and not Sanatorium.

    • Mae

      Yeah. It is up to 'us' to protect our Constitution. How can we do that by voting for anyone but Ron Paul? Not by voting for Mitt or Newt. That's for sure.

      • Surfisher

        Mae — seems they cannot distinguish between today's Liberals (the tyranny of the majority telling an individual what he/she cannot do for the "good" of "their mob society") and Libertarian (respecting the individual's rights (whose actions do not harm others)) — over himself, over his/her own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.

        J.S. Mill's 1859 treatise: "On Liberty" — obviously this great work (on which many of our original laws were based) is unknown to these creatures.

        Keep posting your SPOT ON observations — I'll do a 180 (and will play devil's advocate)!

        • Mae

          For those who think Ron Paul can't put Obama out of the White House, here's a little 'Wiki' for you: “The 2012 New Hampshire Democratic primary was a presidential primary contest, held on January 10, 2012. New Hampshire historically is the first state in the United States to hold presidential primaries, and was forced to move its date up because Iowa, another early state, had moved its caucus to January 3, 2012. As predicted, President Barack Obama, who did not face any major challengers, won the primary, with 82 percent of the vote.

          In 2012, 14 'Democratic' candidates qualified for the Democratic primary in New Hampshire, including Obama.

          A total of 60,966 votes were cast in the primary. Obama won with 48,970 votes. The total votes cast were 'more than 30 percent fewer than in 1996, the last time that a Democratic president ran for re-election without significant opposition'.

          There were 5,908 write-in votes, most of which was for three Republicans. 2,273 write-in votes (4% of the total votes) went to Ron Paul, giving him second place. (Paul also finished second in the Republican primary in New Hampshire, where he got 23% of the vote.) Mitt Romney got 1,808 write-in votes and Jon Huntsman got 1,228.“

  • Tom Jones

    Ron Paul has the best chance to beat Obama. Other then the fact that most polls say this, he is the only presidential candidate that would compete with Obama for non-republican votes. People who want Obama out will vote for whoever wins the primary, people who like Obama may still vote for Ron Paul but would not vote for Romney. The ONLY chance of getting Obama out of office is by putting him against Ron Paul. Romney = 4 more years of Obama.

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