| By Nate, on December 28th, 2011% In the latest poll out of Iowa today it appears that Newt Gingrich has lost some ground dropping to 4th place while former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has jumped substantially and now holds third place. Mitt Romney is leading currently while Ron Paul holds a close 2nd. Report from CNN: A new survey of people likely to . . . → Read More: Rick Santorum surges to the 3rd place in latest Iowa poll By Nate, on December 27th, 2011% It seems that the plot is thickening in my home state of Virginia where five of the major GOP candidates have been excluded from the primary ballot due to a lack of valid petition signatures. Many have been asking how these campaigns could be so ill-prepared in gaining ballot access in a state which holds 10% . . . → Read More: More on the Virginia primary ballot fiasco - Update By Nate, on December 24th, 2011% In a huge blow to the Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman campaigns, all of them have failed to meet the required 10,000 registered voter signature petition requirement to appear on the Virginia primary ballot taking place March 6, 2011. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have qualified for the primary. Report from Politico: WASHINGTON - Former House . . . → Read More: Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot By Nate, on December 24th, 2011% I want to say a very heartfelt Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you for making 2011 a fantastic year for this website. I hope your holiday is filled with good times and cheer. We'll see you back in a couple days for the latest on the campaign and the upcoming Iowa caucuses on January 3rd. . . . → Read More: Merry Christmas 2011 from 2025 Election Central By Nate, on December 22nd, 2011% Clearly hoping to tap into pro-life evangelical voters in the upcoming Iowa caucus, Ron Paul has put out a new ad today featuring some of his former patients discussing his character and commitment to life. Report from the LA Times: Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign is out with a new ad today featuring former patients of . . . → Read More: Ron Paul highlights his pro-life credentials for Iowa By Nate, on December 22nd, 2011% In the style of the previous Gingrich-Cain and Gingrich-Huntsman Lincoln-Douglas debates, Newt Gingrich invited (challenged I supposed) Mitt Romney to a similar format 1-on-1 discussion of the issues. Romney declined the invitation citing the numerous debates which have already taken place. Report from the Associated Press: BETHLEHEM, N.H. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday . . . → Read More: Romney declines Gingrich's invitation to debate 1-on-1 By Nate, on December 20th, 2011% Once again the lead in Iowa appears to be shifting as Newt Gingrich continues to hemoerage votes in recent days. Ron Paul, on the other hand, seems to be mounting for a strong showing in Iowa as Mitt Romney continues to hang on for the bumpy ride. Report from Politico: SIOUX CITY, IOWA –The alarms are sounding . . . → Read More: Iowa deck reshuffles again, Gingrich loses ground, Paul gaining By Nate, on December 18th, 2011% Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared on Meet the Press this morning with David Gregory to discuss her chances in Iowa and her view on the race so far. Here is Bachmann's entire interview: Report from the Tucson Citizen: Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said today that President Obama’s spending policies have the United States “acting like a banana . . . → Read More: Video: Michele Bachmann on Meet the Press - 12/18/11 By Nate, on December 18th, 2011% Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appeared on Face the Nation this morning with Bob Schieffer to discuss the GOP primary race and how the Speaker intends to win in Iowa. Part 1: Continue reading for Part 2 of Gingrich's interview. Continue reading Video: Newt Gingrich on Face the Nation - 12/18/11
Auto-Generated Tags:By Nate, on December 16th, 2011% Thursday evening saw the last GOP debate before voters cast their ballots in the Iowa caucuses on January 3rd. The debate was sponsored by Fox News and the Republican Party of Iowa. It was held at the Sioux City Convention Center in Sioux City, Iowa. Here is the entire debate via YouTube: Original Air Time: Thursday, December . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the Fox News Iowa GOP debate from Sioux City | 2012 Delegate TrackerRomney | | 87 | Gingrich | | 26 | Santorum | | 14 | Paul | | 4 | Huntsman | | 2 |
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