
Mike Huckabee to hold GOP candidate forum this Saturday

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's Fox News program this weekend will feature a 2012 GOP forum with at least 5 confirmed candidates. The 90 minute forum will air Saturday evening at 8pm ET. Each candidate will answer questions individually with the Governor and other hosts.

Air Time: Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 8pm ET on Fox News

Confirmed . . . → Read More: Mike Huckabee to hold GOP candidate forum this Saturday

December GOP debate schedule update

There have been a few changes in the debate schedule coming up in December which has prompted several reader emails concerning rescheduled and/or canceled debates. Here is the most accurate, up-to-date information regarding the schedule in December, 2011:

December 10, 2011
9pm ET on ABC
. . . → Read More: December GOP debate schedule update

Video: Watch the full CNN GOP National Security debate

Eight GOP candidates met Tuesday for a debate sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The debate was held at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The focus was primarily national security and foreign policy.

Original Air Time: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 8pm ET on CNN

Participants: Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full CNN GOP National Security debate

CNN Republican National Security debate tonight at 8pm ET

No rest for the debate weary candidates wrapping up November. CNN is broadcasting a debate tonight at 8pm ET from Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The debate is sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. The eight usual GOP candidates will be participating.

Full Video: Watch the CNN National Security Debate

Air Time: . . . → Read More: CNN Republican National Security debate tonight at 8pm ET

Video: Watch the full Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum

Saturday afternoon, six GOP candidates participated in the Thanksgiving Family Forum which focused primarily on social issues surrounding the 2012 election. The forum was sponsored by The Family Leader and took place at the First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa. Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman were also invited, however, both declined to attend.

Original Event Date: . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the full Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum

Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum today at 5pm ET

Six GOP candidates will be participating in a forum focused on social issues hosted by The Family Leader this afternoon at 5pm ET. The event takes place at the First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa. There will be no television broadcast since C-SPAN reversed its decision to broadcast the event citing budgetry reasons. Mitt Romney . . . → Read More: Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum today at 5pm ET

Gingrich ties Romney in New Hampshire, rehires Iowa campaign staff

The explosion of Newt Gingrich's rise in the polls has reached a fever pitch with a new poll out Friday showing him in a statistical dead with Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, of all places. Up to this point, only Ron Paul has even come close to touching Romney's numbers in the Granite State so this . . . → Read More: Gingrich ties Romney in New Hampshire, rehires Iowa campaign staff

Iowa tightens to four-way race

We have watched the polls shift dramatically in Iowa over the past 6 months. Mitt Romney has always had a reasonably strong footing there until Bachmann, Perry, Cain, and now Gingrich and Paul have whittled away his lead. A new poll out from Bloomberg Tuesday shows a four-way race for Iowa:

Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney . . . → Read More: Iowa tightens to four-way race

Video: Michele Bachmann on Meet the Press - 11/13/11

Representative Michele Bachmann appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday to discuss the 2012 race and her continued fight for the nomination.

Here is Bachmann's entire interview with David Gregory:

Report from

Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann said Sunday that the sexual abuse scandal at Penn State is a matter for the state, not Congress, to deal with.

“This . . . → Read More: Video: Michele Bachmann on Meet the Press - 11/13/11

Video: Watch the entire CBS News GOP debate from South Carolina

The first GOP debate aired on a national broadcast network took place Saturday evening from Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Eight Republican candidates participated in the debate sponsored by CBS News, The National Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party. The topic of the debate focused primarily on foreign policy.

Original Air Time: Saturday, November . . . → Read More: Video: Watch the entire CBS News GOP debate from South Carolina