
CNBC to air Republican debate November 9th from Michigan

CNBC will present the "Your Money, Your Vote" Republican Presidential debate on November 9th, live from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. The debate will focus exclusively on the nation's economic challenges including the national debt, jobs and taxes.

Air Time: Wednesday, November 9th at 8pm ET on CNBC

Report from CNBC:

CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, today announced that CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo and CNBC’s Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood will moderate “Your Money, Your Vote: The Republican Presidential Debate” on Wednesday, November 9th. Hosted by CNBC, the Michigan Republican Party and Oakland University, the debate will be held at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan and broadcast live on CNBC beginning 8PM ET.

With almost one year to the day before the general election, this debate will be devoted to exploring the candidates’ positions on the critical issues facing voters—jobs, taxes, the deficit and the health of our national economy. Bartiromo and Harwood will be joined by CNBC’s Jim Cramer, host of “Mad Money w/Jim Cramer,” and a panel of CNBC experts including CNBC’s Senior Economics Reporter Steve Liesman, CNBC’s On-Air Editor Rick Santelli and CNBC’s Senior Commodities & Personal Finance Correspondent Sharon Epperson, who will also question the candidates about the major policy issues.

"The economy is the key issue in the upcoming election, and as the leader in business news, CNBC has the responsibility to ask the hard-hitting questions and draw out the critical differences in the candidates' plans for economic recovery," said Mark Hoffman, CEO & President, CNBC. "With Maria and John leading this debate along with our high-caliber panel of experts, CNBC will deliver a substantive and stimulating dialogue that challenges the candidates and provides the answers voters deserve."

No details yet on who will be invited to participate but you can assume at least the seven candidates which participated in the prior CNN Western Republican Debate will attend.

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81 comments to CNBC to air Republican debate November 9th from Michigan

  • Why do we have a cap on Social Security Taxes?Common sense would indicate that if you earn income then you pay a tax.

  • Mabel

    For those wanting to see Gary Johnson and Buddy Roemer, I discovered online that there is to be a debate / forum including Gary Johnson, Buddy Roemer, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum (perhaps more to come) on Thursday, November 10 in Hampton, NH. The article includes a link to a website called granitegrok which is supposed to show the debate online. I'm not sure if links will work in this forum, but the article is in the exeter patch.

  • PNC

    Rick Perry always takes the debates to a new low. Cain has no record to attack…Mitt Romney clearly is the most qualified and the media knows it. They are boosting the other candidates like they boosted Obama will skate to a second term.

  • vincentg

    As a now famous judge has found out, beating the hell out of his daughter does not a better daughter make.
    He now knows the meaning of blow back.
    What we do in life come back to haunt us.

    Violence begets violence.

    I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.

    Why would Ron Paul's view seem wrong to so many?

  • angel

    Well if you want to have less taxes well Ron Paul wants to take way the income tax from the people and social security from the people just to let you know social security is collateral just in case our government is owning too debt to other country's that is why people who have it now have to want until they our older to retire because our government is using our social security to pay off our debt ,oh what not our the government debt of course to the other country's that they owe. And if you want our country to have more money for our roads and schools maybe it would be a good idea to stop foreign aide to other country's. that is our tax money and it need to go into the debt that our government created and for the things we need. And If you want to have a huge prosperity age lets have less government in our lives it would be better. RON PAUL for PRESIDENT

  • angel

    Well if you want to have less taxes well Ron Paul wants to take way the income tax from the people and social security from the people just to let you know social security is collateral just in case our government is owning too debt to other country's that is why people who have it now have to want until they our older to retire because our government is using our social security to pay off our debt ,oh wait not our the government debt of course to the other country's that they owe. And if you want our country to have more money for our roads and schools maybe it would be a good idea to stop foreign aide to other country's. that is our tax money and it need to go into the debt that our government created and for the things we need. And If you want to have a huge prosperity age lets have less government in our lives it would be better. RON PAUL for PRESIDENT

  • vincentg

    With Cain gone the push will be on Gingrich.
    I would like to think they will remember what he supported but they will not.
    Have we forgot who was pushing for the Gram Bliley act.

    The Act that made too big to fail a current problem.

    Ok what's left now in this line up of candidates.

    Will Ron Paul win because there are no other conservative candidates left?
    Or will they go with the left leaning Romney?

  • [...] misspoke yesterday; the next GOP debate isn't until Wednesday, so you've still got time to (a) monitor local voting results; and (b) stock up on your [...]

  • Ambr95012

    I voted for Gary Johnson when he was running. He ran NM well. I agree with the majority of the commentors here, bring back Gary. His ideas, although they may be a bit too liberal for some viewers and or commentators, are just and realistic for this day and age.

  • gop robert

    Let's wake up. Ron Paul has some good ideas but overall kooky, unelectable. Bachman, finished. Santorum, finished. Huntsman never had a chance. Newt the most qualified, but unfortunately not a leader. Perry debates destroyed him, can't be primary winner because he would be lunch for Obama in general. Cain. How many women? Look, good business man not President. Sorry cain we can't roll the dice again. Did that with Obama. Romney although conservatives want to oppose him, he can and will be the only candidate to slaughter Obama. That's what we all want right. We must think smart here and leave our far right ideals out of this for a moment. The socialist Obama musn't win.

    • Matt

      He's no different, for the record. Obama, Romney… Same difference. The notes are different, but the overall sound of the music isn't.

    • ryan

      Kooky?? Wow you sound well informed and intelligent.

      President Ron Paul. The truth will prevail.

  • RonWasRight

    will the debate be shown online? got rid of cable thanks to hulu and don't have cnbc…

  • [...] forget tonight is another GOP debate hosted by CNBC from Michigan. It is titled "Your Money, Your Vote". If they have a livestream, Sheya will post it [...]

  • Viewers, beware of half-answers and distorted truths.

    Heed Hazlitt's lesson:
    The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

  • Jan Stoeger

    Arise, O LORD, let Your enemies be scattered. Let all those who rise up against You be put down today in Baghdad. Let their plans be foiled, their actions useless, and their minds confused. Put deep deep darkness all around them so they can't even walk straight. And give the people of Baghdad peace today. In Jesus' name. Amen

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