| By Nate, on October 30th, 2011% Texas Governor Rick Perry appeared on Fox News Sunday this weekend with Chris Wallace to discuss his challenges in the race for the GOP nomination and how he intends overcome them. Perry also discussed his recently unveiled tax plan and whether he will be selectively attending future debates. Here is Perry's entire interview: Watch the latest video . . . → Read More: Video: Rick Perry on Fox News Sunday - 10/30/11 By Nate, on October 30th, 2011% Businessman Herman Cain appeard on Face the Nation on Sunday to discuss the campaign and take specific questions about the "smoker ad" which his campaign recently released on the web. Cain also discusses his "9-9-9" plan in more detail and addresses specific criticisms. Here is Cain's entire interview with host Bob Schieffer: Report from CBS News: (CBS News) . . . → Read More: Video: Herman Cain on Face the Nation - 10/30/11 By Nate, on October 29th, 2011% We finally have a finished schedule for the list of 2012 primaries and caucuses since New Hampshire and Nevada worked out their differences. Our 2012 Primary Schedule has been updated and I encourage you to take a look at the dates and see where your state landed in the list. This is what January of 2012 . . . → Read More: 2012 Primary/Caucus schedule updated By Nate, on October 28th, 2011% Texas Governor Rick Perry hinted this week that he is considering skipping some of the numerous upcoming presidential debates. Perry cited scheduling and the need to spend more time directly talking to voters in the important states, however, some of his rivals have now jumped on his statement calling it evidence that Perry is showing signs . . . → Read More: Perry's hint of skipping some debates draws criticism By Nate, on October 27th, 2011% Upheaval in the polls has been a mainstay for quite some time now in the GOP field. Lately, businessman Herman Cain had stepped into the mantle of "front runner" in a few national polls, however, a CNN poll released today shows Mitt Romney still holds at least a slight lead or tie in every early state. . . . → Read More: CNN poll shows Romney still holding all early states, barely By Nate, on October 26th, 2011% CNBC will present the "Your Money, Your Vote" Republican Presidential debate on November 9th, live from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. The debate will focus exclusively on the nation's economic challenges including the national debt, jobs and taxes. Air Time: Wednesday, November 9th at 8pm ET on CNBC Report from CNBC: CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, today announced . . . → Read More: CNBC to air Republican debate November 9th from Michigan By Nate, on October 25th, 2011% Flat tax proposals have become all the rage within GOP circles ever since Herman Cain rose in the polls on the wave of his "9-9-9" tax reform plan. Today, in South Carolina, Texas Governor Rick Perry unveiled his response, if you will, to the Cain plan by producing his own tax reform plan which includes a . . . → Read More: Gingrich calls out Perry on flat tax proposal By Nate, on October 24th, 2011% Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and businessman Herman Cain have agreed to participate in a Lincoln-Douglas style forum hosted by the Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC on November 5th, 2011. More candidates have been invited to the event, however, only Cain and Gingrich have confirmed so far. No word on a TV broadcast but I would . . . → Read More: Gingrich, Cain participating in "Lincoln-Douglas" debate Nov. 5th By Nate, on October 23rd, 2011% Texas Congressman Ron Paul appeared on Meet the Press earlier today with David Gregory in a "Meet the Candidate" interview with wide-ranging topics. Report from Politico: WASHINGTON — Republican presidential contender Ron Paul said Sunday he wants to end federal student loans, calling it a failed program that has put students $1 trillion in debt when there . . . → Read More: Video: Ron Paul on Meet the Press - 10/23/11 By Nate, on October 23rd, 2011% Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer earlier today discussing her thoughts on President Obama's foreign policy objectives. Bachmann firmly believes the policies set forth by the President have been a failure and she explained her positions to Schieffer. Report from the Wall Street Journal: The war in Iraq came at a . . . → Read More: Video: Michele Bachmann on Face the Nation - 10/23/11 | 2012 Delegate TrackerRomney | | 112 | Santorum | | 72 | Gingrich | | 32 | Paul | | 9 | Huntsman | | 2 |
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