
Week in review: Cain up, Perry falters, Romney continues steady

The past five days have produced a monumental shift in momentum and polling as businessman Herman Cain has seen a dramatic rise in several polls following his last debate performance on September 22nd and his victory in the Florida straw poll on September 24th.

Report on Cain's ascension from the AJC:

Herman Cain's campaign has seen an . . . → Read More: Week in review: Cain up, Perry falters, Romney continues steady

Florida bucks party leaders, will likely set primary for January 31st

If you've been following the GOP primary schedule, you know some states have been moving all over the map in terms of their primary or caucus date. Much to the chigrin of GOP party leaders, Florida had been toying with a January 31st primary date which is well ahead of Iowa, New Hampshire and everyone else . . . → Read More: Florida bucks party leaders, will likely set primary for January 31st

Next GOP debate set for October 11th at Dartmouth College

The 2011-2012 debate schedule will take a two week hiatus and pick up again in October. The October 11th Republican primary debate is sponsored by Bloomberg News, The Washington Post and WBIN-TV, a local station which will broadcast the debate in New Hampshire. The debate will also air nationally on Bloomberg Television. Pre-debate coverage begins at . . . → Read More: Next GOP debate set for October 11th at Dartmouth College

Herman Cain wins Florida GOP straw poll, Perry takes 2nd

Businessman Herman Cain handily took the top spot at the Florida GOP straw poll which concludes the Presidency 5 event sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida. In truth, I was expecting Ron Paul or Mitt Romney to bring in the top spot so Herman Cain with a commanding win is a boon to his campaign. . . . → Read More: Herman Cain wins Florida GOP straw poll, Perry takes 2nd

Video: Watch entire Fox News/Google Republican debate from Sept. 22nd

In case you missed the event last night in Orlando, Florida, nine Republican candidates took questions from moderators and citizens via YouTube videos in a debate sponsored by Fox News, Google and the Republican Party of Florida. Here is the full debate video, nearly 2 hours in length.

Original Air Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Participants: Michele . . . → Read More: Video: Watch entire Fox News/Google Republican debate from Sept. 22nd

Video: Highlights from the Fox News/Google Republican debate

Earlier this evening nine candidates battled in Orlando, Florida, at a debate sponsored by Fox News, Google and the Republican Party of Florida. There were many notable moments and a reasonable division of the time between the candidates with several "ask all" questions where each candidate answered. Here are some highlights to hold you over before we can dig up the entire video.

Original Air Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Texas governor responds to criticism on in-state tuition controversy, border fence:

Continue reading for more highlight videos.

Continue reading Video: Highlights from the Fox News/Google Republican debate

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Fox News/Google Republican debate tonight at 9pm ET

Later this evening, nine Republican candidates will take the stage in Orlando, Florida, in a debate sponsored by Fox News, Google and the Republican Party of Florida. Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has been added to the participant list joining the "usual 8" from the past two debates. The debate will feature questions from moderators . . . → Read More: Fox News/Google Republican debate tonight at 9pm ET

Post your question for September 22nd Fox News/Google GOP debate

There is still time to submit questions for the Republican debate on September 22nd sponsored by Fox News, Google and the Republican Party of Florida. The debate will take place in Orlando, Florida, and will feature questions submitted from voters as well as questions from debate moderators. You can visit the Fox News YouTube page to . . . → Read More: Post your question for September 22nd Fox News/Google GOP debate

Video: Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday - 9/18/2011

Businessman Herman Cain was on Fox News Sunday this weekend with Chris Wallace discussing his "999" tax plan aimed at creating jobs and growing the economy. Wallace strongly questioned Cain on the specifics of his plan and whether the numbers match economic reality. Here is Cain's entire interview:

Watch the latest video at

Report from MEDIAITE:

Presidential candidate . . . → Read More: Video: Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday - 9/18/2011

Ron Paul wins California straw poll, Perry finishes second

This weekend saw a little 2012 movement with the California Straw Poll taking place on Saturday, September 17th. As is becoming a familiar result at events which can be organized for, Texas Congressman Ron Paul won the poll easily while Texas Governor Rick Perry picked up the second place title.

Report from Politico:

In what's becoming an . . . → Read More: Ron Paul wins California straw poll, Perry finishes second