| By Nate, on August 31st, 2011% As a possible joust to the 2012 GOP contenders, President Obama is scheduled to address a joint session of congress on the same night as the next Republican debate set for September 7th. The White House has denied that the schedule was anything more than coincidence. Report from ABC News: President Obama has asked to address a . . . → Read More: Obama to speak the night of Sept. 7th GOP debate Update: Obama speech rescheduled By Nate, on August 28th, 2011% Texas Congressman Ron Paul was on Fox News Sunday today with Chris Wallace to discuss the race and his path moving toward the nomination. With Hurricane Irene storming up the east coast this weekend, the question of emergency management was a hot topic and, as expect, Paul had some strong opinons on the role of the . . . → Read More: Video: Ron Paul on Fox News Sunday - 8/28/11 By Nate, on August 25th, 2011% Politico and NBC News have announced the eight confirmed participants for the September 7th Reagan Library debate in Simi Valley, California. Of course, the list is missing former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty whose place will essentially be taken by Texas Governor Rick Perry. Air Date: Wednesday, September 7th at 8pm EST on MSNBC Report from Politico: The eight . . . → Read More: Eight candidates confirmed for September 7th GOP debate By Nate, on August 25th, 2011% A total of three unique pollsters have confirmed Rick Perry's somewhat immediate ascension to the top of the 2012 Republican field at a double-digit lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Both Gallup and Rasmussen, independent polling outfits, and Public Policy Polling, a partisan Democratic polling outfit, all find Perry with a similar lead. Report from . . . → Read More: Rick Perry shows double-digit lead in 3 separate polls By Nate, on August 24th, 2011% Former New York Governor George Pataki is the latest name on the list of speculative candidates who may enter the race for the Republican nomination. Report from ABC News: A New York Daily News story published on Sunday set off a flurry of speculation about former New York Gov. George Pataki’s possible 2012 ambitions, and now there . . . → Read More: Rumors of George Pataki entering 2012 race By Nate, on August 22nd, 2011% The eligibility rules for any candidate wishing to participate in the September 7th Republican debate from the Reagan Library have been released by the debate organizers. This debate is sponsored by NBC News, Politico and the Reagan Library Foundation. Report from Politico: The purpose of these eligibility standards is to give Americans watching the NBC News/POLITICO/Reagan Foundation debate . . . → Read More: Participation rules released for September 7th GOP debate By Nate, on August 21st, 2011% Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum was on Fox News Sunday this morning with Bret Bair. The two discussed the state of the race and how the former Senator plans to advance his candidacy. Here is the entire video: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Santorum so far has not caught on in the polls though he has had . . . → Read More: Video: Rick Santorum on Fox News Sunday - 8/21/11 By Nate, on August 21st, 2011% Former Utah Governor and U.S. Ambassador to China John Huntsman was on ABC's This Week this morning to discuss the campaign and came out swinging against his Republican rivals. Here is Huntsman's entire interview with Jake Tapper: Report from ABC News: Former Utah Governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman came out swinging against his rivals for . . . → Read More: Video: Jon Huntsman on This Week - 8/21/11 By Nate, on August 19th, 2011% Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spent a great deal of time in Iowa during the Iowa Straw Poll this past weekend looking and speaking an awful lot like a Republican candidate in 2012. Of course, Palin has stated she has not made a decision yet but take a look at this video put out by her . . . → Read More: Video: New Palin clip looking awfully like a campaign spot By Nate, on August 18th, 2011% It's been a busy week on the campaign trail with shots firing in all directions. Michele Bachmann is promising to bring back $2 per gallon gasoline under a Bachmann administration. Report from CNN: NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — President Michele Bachmann has a promise: $2 gas. "Under President Bachmann you will see gasoline come down below $2 a gallon . . . → Read More: Bachmann promises $2 gas, Paul mocks Perry on Fed remarks | 2012 Delegate TrackerRomney | | 123 | Santorum | | 72 | Gingrich | | 32 | Paul | | 19 | Huntsman | | 2 |
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