| By Nate, on July 31st, 2011% Fox News and the Iowa Republican Party have released the set of rules that will govern which candidates will be invited to participate in the August 11th debate from Ames, Iowa. Report from the Des Moines Register: All nine candidates on the straw poll ballot should automatically be invited to participate in the nationally-televised Republican debate that . . . → Read More: Rules released for August 11th Fox News GOP debate By Nate, on July 29th, 2011% It appears that the first great battle of the 2012 season is not coming from President Obama against the GOP, rather it is between former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. Both sides arguing that the other either has no record or a record they shouldn't be proud of. Report from Salon: The . . . → Read More: Bachmann, Pawlenty battle over their political records By Nate, on July 29th, 2011% According to the latest Pew Research Center poll, President Obama has gone from a double-digit lead with independents, when matched up with a generic Republican challenger, down to a statistical tie of a one point lead. Report from the Christian Science Monitor: President Obama’s appeal among independent voters appears to be slipping, and as a result, he . . . → Read More: Poll: Obama loses double-digit lead with independents By Nate, on July 26th, 2011% According to the most recent Rick Perry news, it looks like we won't be seeing him on the debate stage come August 11th in Iowa. We may, however, be seeing a Rick Perry campaign announcement in the second half of August according to his closest campaign aids and other unnamed sources. Report from Real Clear Politics: Texas . . . → Read More: Sources say Rick Perry is "100 percent in" by late August By Nate, on July 25th, 2011% We're learning more about the Republican debate taking place on August 11th from the Stephens Auditorium at Iowa State University (ISU) in Ames, Iowa. The debate is sponsored by the Iowa Republican Party, Fox News and The Washington Examiner. Air time: 9pm EST, 8pm CST on Fox News Channel The event page from ISU can be found here: . . . → Read More: Tickets, details for August 11th Fox News GOP debate from Iowa By Nate, on July 23rd, 2011% There has been much ado about a recently released Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll which shows President Obama tied with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The notable aspect of this poll is that it is the first time President Obama has been tied with any candidate in any PPP poll. Report from the UK Daily Mail: Barack . . . → Read More: Mitt Romney ties President Obama in latest PPP poll By Nate, on July 21st, 2011% After announcing his candidacy in June, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman hasn't been able to make any strong inroads in terms of support or poll numbers. His candidacy was hailed by the media with great fanfare, however, his campaign manager has now resigned giving another stumbling block to his fledgling campaign. Report from the UK Telegraph: Republican . . . → Read More: Jon Huntsman's campaign manager resigns By Nate, on July 19th, 2011% Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty hasn't caught fire as a 2012 candidate or been able to assemble a strong following in Iowa since his campaign began. Candidates such as Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain and Mitt Romney seem to have sucked the air out of the room for Pawlenty. As a result, The Dailly Caller is . . . → Read More: PPP drops Tim Pawlenty from some poll questions By Nate, on July 17th, 2011% Former radio host and businessman Herman Cain sat down with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday for a second time within a few short months to discuss his campaign and the state of the 2012 race. If you recall, Cain was criticized for his appearance last time around where detractors say he appeared to stumble on . . . → Read More: Video: Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday - 7/17/11 By Nate, on July 17th, 2011% As previously reported, most of the 2012 Republican hopefuls released their second quarter fundraising totals with the exception of Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. This had fueled speculation that either her numbers would be good or bad. Turns out they're merely average to low. Note that the reported number of $4.2 million includes $2 million transferred from . . . → Read More: Bachmann reports $4.2 million in second quarter | |