
Santorum will formally announce on Monday, June 6th

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum will officially launch his presidential bid next Monday, June 6th. Santorum has begun a tour in anticipation of his announcement which began in western Pennsylvania.

Report from the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Sen. Rick Santorum plans to formally enter the GOP presidential race next month, starting his bid in the western . . . → Read More: Santorum will formally announce on Monday, June 6th

Have a Blessed Memorial Day 2011

Hope everyone is having a blessed Memorial Day weekend.

Never forget those who have sacrificed so much so we can be free.

Auto-Generated Tags:Memorial Day 2012blessed momorel . . . → Read More: Have a Blessed Memorial Day 2011

Palin Quietly Begins Multi-City Tour, 2012 Rumors Follow

News out today that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be launching a multi-city tour hitting spots up and down the east coast including New Hampshire. The long Memorial Day weekend will be fitting for many 2012 candidates to get out and about at gatherings all over the country and it appears Palin is not wasting . . . → Read More: Palin Quietly Begins Multi-City Tour, 2012 Rumors Follow

Latest Gallup Poll Shows Romney, Palin Leading GOP

Gallup finally polled following the announcements by Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump that they would not seek the presidency in 2012. The results are fairly underwhelming and show that everyone in the field gained a few points, however, the real leading choice is "None/No Opinion" at a solid 22%. That isn't good news for all the . . . → Read More: Latest Gallup Poll Shows Romney, Palin Leading GOP

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Won't Rule Out 2012 Run

Texas Governor Rick Perry still hasn't entirely ruled out a 2012 presidential run based on comments he made to reporters. Perry has been constantly asked, however, typically responds saying he will not be distracted by 2012 talk, instead choosing to focus on the issues in his state.

Report from the Texas Tribune:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry just . . . → Read More: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Won't Rule Out 2012 Run

Video: Tim Pawlenty Officially Announces 2012 Candidacy

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty through his hat in the ring this morning with an expected announcement that he is running for President in 2012.

Report from WHO in Des Moines, Iowa:

Report from the LA Times:

Reporting from Des Moines— Tim Pawlenty's presidential campaign rests on this question: Will Republican voters itching for confrontation with President Obama . . . → Read More: Video: Tim Pawlenty Officially Announces 2012 Candidacy

Video: Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday 5/22/11

So it seems like Herman Cain weekend here on the site. I know, I know, it's just that he's been making a lot of news on the 2012 front with an announcement and an FNS appearance. Tim Pawlenty will recapture the spotlight tomorrow.

Anyhow, Herman Cain was on Fox News Sunday this morning with Chris Wallace . . . → Read More: Video: Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday 5/22/11

Video: Herman Cain Announces He's Running for President

Yesterday Herman Cain formally launched his presidential bid amidst a gathering of supporters in Atlanta. Here is the official video released by Cain's campaign.

Report from the Marion Star:

DES MOINES, Iowa - Former pizza company CEO and conservative radio host Herman Cain made it official Saturday, joining the small but growing roster of candidates seeking the . . . → Read More: Video: Herman Cain Announces He's Running for President

Mitch Daniels Will Not Run in 2012

Amid weeks of speculation that Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels might join the race for President, he has now released a statement saying he will pass this time and will not launch a candidacy.

Report from Politico:

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told supporters in an email early Sunday that he will not run for president in 2012, a . . . → Read More: Mitch Daniels Will Not Run in 2012

Cain to Announce Saturday, Pawlenty Will Announce Monday

This weekend will kick off 2 Republican campaigns, those of businessman and radio host Herman Cain and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.

Cain will be holding a rally this Saturday in Atlanta where he will make his candidacy official. Report on Cain from Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Georgian Herman Cain plans to announce during a rally Saturday at . . . → Read More: Cain to Announce Saturday, Pawlenty Will Announce Monday