
Video: AFP Presidential Forum From New Hampshire

Earlier this evening, several top name Republican 2012 contenders descended on New Hampshire for a forum style debate hosted by Americans for Prosperity. Watch the full video below.

AFP Foundation Presidential Summit from AFPhq on Vimeo.

The event took place on April 29th, 2011.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Sen. Rick . . . → Read More: Video: AFP Presidential Forum From New Hampshire

AFP Presidential Forum Live Tonight at 8PM EDT in New Hampshire

Tonight at 8pm Eastern time there will be a Presidential Forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity (AFP) which will air live in C-SPAN and on the AFP website.

Watch Full Video: Video: AFP Presidential Forum From New Hampshire

Report from The Hill:

Five likely Republican hopefuls are set to take the stage during a Friday presidential forum in . . . → Read More: AFP Presidential Forum Live Tonight at 8PM EDT in New Hampshire

Just Who Will Participate in the May 5th Republican Debate?

The first Presidential Primary debate is set to air on Thursday, May 5th sponsored by Fox News and the South Caroline Republican Party. Fox News has released the requirements for any candidate wishing to appear in this debate and it will, at this point, limit the field quite a bit since it is locked down only . . . → Read More: Just Who Will Participate in the May 5th Republican Debate?

Confirmed: Ron Paul to Form 2012 Exploratory Committee

For the third time, Texas Representative Ron Paul will attempt to run for President. This will be the second time Paul runs under the Republican banner having run as a Libertarian in 1988.

Report from National Journal:

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, whose outspoken libertarian views and folksy style made him a cult hero during two previous presidential . . . → Read More: Confirmed: Ron Paul to Form 2012 Exploratory Committee

Official: Haley Barbour Will Not Run for President

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour had been a long-rumored possible Republican candidate in 2012, however, today Barbour put the end to the possibility and turned it into a definitely will not.

Statement directly from Barbour:

"I will not be a candidate for president next year. This has been a difficult, personal decision, and I am very grateful to . . . → Read More: Official: Haley Barbour Will Not Run for President

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson Announces Campaign

The former two-term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has officially announced his candidacy for the 2012 Republican nomination. It appears Johnson is running on the issue of fiscal discipline given his campaign announcement highlights.

Report from

CONCORD – Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson said Thursday he is seeking the 2012 Republican nomination for President of . . . → Read More: Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson Announces Campaign

Bachmann: Birther Issue Should be Settled

Ever since Donald Trump's journey down birther lane with his outright questioning of President Obama's constitutional ability to sit in the Oval Office, the media has made it a point of asking every single Republican candidate about Obama's birth certificate. Most, if not all of them attempt to skirt the issue saying it is over and . . . → Read More: Bachmann: Birther Issue Should be Settled

Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

When first-time candidate Obama was making the media rounds in 2007/2008, he was greeted with kid gloves, open arms and an eagerness by the media to help him win. While much of the same attitude remains in the major media outlets, many smaller local market reporters aren't giving him the same treatment he enjoyed last time . . . → Read More: Obama 2012 Message Drowning in Dire Economic News

Shock PPP Poll: Trump Leads Republican Field

Not just leads but leads by almost double digits over the second place Huckabee. It seems that Romney and others have fallen down a few pegs as Trump has grabbed the spotlight. This coming from Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Democrat-leaning polling organization who is usually fair to both sides.

Report from PPP:

Trump's broken the perpetual . . . → Read More: Shock PPP Poll: Trump Leads Republican Field

Trump Threatens GOP: "Probably" Run as Independent

Trump says he "probably" would run as an independent if he does not get the Republican nomination. Of course, he hasn't event declared that he's running yet but now he's declaring that if he runs and fails, he would likely continue his bid under Independent status.

Report from WSJ:

Donald Trump will “probably” run as an independent . . . → Read More: Trump Threatens GOP: "Probably" Run as Independent