| By Nate, on March 31st, 2011% For whatever reason, business mogul Donald Trump is creating a massive stir in the 2012 presidential field. His message seems to be resonating with many Americans and he has been recently making the interview rounds discussing what essentially amounts to his platform should he choose to run in 2012. Trump has said he will decide by . . . → Read More: Video: Donald Trump on The O'Reilly Factor By Nate, on March 30th, 2011% The first schedule Republican debate set for May 2nd, 2011 has been postponed until September. The debate organizes have cited a lack of interest by potential participants as the reason for the postponement. This debate has been reschedule for September 7th, 2011. Report from Politico: The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation announced Tuesday that the Republican presidential debate . . . → Read More: May 2nd Reagan Library Debate Postponed to September 7th By Nate, on March 29th, 2011% There has been swirling speculation whether first-term newly elected Florida Senator Marco Rubio may launch a 2012 Presidential bid. Nods from major conservative power brokers such as Rush Limbaugh have all-but endorsed a Rubio run should it occur. Today Senator Rubio stated for certain that he has never had intention to run un 2012 and instead . . . → Read More: Marco Rubio: "I'm not running for president in 2012" By Nate, on March 28th, 2011% As we mentioned a couple months ago, it appears that President Obama's reelection campaign headquarters would not be in Washington, DC as is traditionally the case. Instead the Obama 2012 campaign will be run out of office space in Chicago. Report from CNN: (CNN) – When President Barack Obama sets up his 2012 re-election campaign, it will . . . → Read More: Confirmed: Obama's 2012 Headquarters in Chicago By Nate, on March 26th, 2011% Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich spent some time with Iowa Public Television on March 25th discussing the 2012 Presidential race and his decision to enter it. One of the most provocative topics of disucssion had to do with Gingrich's personal life and how that will play out in the Iowa caucus and the race as a . . . → Read More: Video: Newt Gingrich Talks 2012 on Iowa Public Television By Nate, on March 26th, 2011% According to the latest Gallup poll there is no clear Republican choice for the 2012 nomination among primary voters. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee leads the hypothetical pack of contenders with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney close on his heels. However, both of their numbers are low, only 19% and 15% respectively meaning the field is . . . → Read More: Poll: GOP Support Spread Wide Among Potential Candidates By Nate, on March 24th, 2011% Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman stated today that she in fact will form a Presidential exploratory committee by June and is seriously considering launching a full-fledged run in 2012. Bachmen is a Tea Party favorite and carries strong support amongst the Republican base. Report from Seattle PI: Michele Bachmann plans to file presidential exploratory committee papers in early . . . → Read More: Michelle Bachman Will Form Exploratory Committee By Nate, on March 21st, 2011% The rumors have abounded for weeks regarding the whether former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty would seek the Presidency in 2012. Today we have an unsurprising answer which will be formally announced at 3pm eastern time this afternoon live via Facebook. You can watch the announcement on Pawlenty's Facebook page here. Details from the Washington Post: Former Minnesota governor . . . → Read More: Confirmed: Tim Pawlenty to Launch 2012 Exploratory Committee By Nate, on March 17th, 2011% One name often floated but never taken too seriously as a Presidential contender is Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachman. She has long been a strong mouthpiece in favor of the Tea Party agenda and a strong speaker for fiscal discipline, right to life issues and free market principles. The New Republic concludes that Bachman has the backing . . . → Read More: Michelle Bachman the Unseen Dark Horse of 2012? By Nate, on March 15th, 2011% According to many media sources, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour appears to be laying serious groundwork with regard to a potential 2012 Presidential run. He has been criss-crossing the country meeting with potential GOP donors and delivering several platform-style speeches. Report from the LA Times: The two-term Republican governor of Mississippi is another one of those potential GOP . . . → Read More: Gov. Haley Barbour laying groundwork for 2012 run | |