
Gingrich: Two Weeks For Decision on 2012

Report from The State Column:

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Thursday that he will announce his decision regarding his candidacy for the upcoming 2012 presidential campaign.

Mr. Gingrich, who is widely expected to run for president in the upcoming presidential election in 2012, has quietly been raising millions in funds, sparking speculation that the Georgia . . . → Read More: Gingrich: Two Weeks For Decision on 2012

Amid the noise, 2012 campaign rages silently

With no major official announcements yet from the Republican field, it is easy to say the race is starting slower than the 2008 election cycle. However, looking closely around the country you can find the major Republican players massaging donors and early primary voters every weekend. Nevada has been a go-to state in recent weeks with . . . → Read More: Amid the noise, 2012 campaign rages silently

Videos: 2012 GOP Hopefuls Speak at CPAC 2011

A slew of the contenders for the 2012 Republican Nomination spoke the past few days at the CPAC convention in Washington, DC. Among those in attendance included Mitt Romney, Mitch Daniels and several others with names at the top of the 2012 list.

Mitt Romney: (Highlights from CNN)

Mitch Daniels: (Full speech, audio only)

Herman Cain:

Ron Paul:

Donald Trump: . . . → Read More: Videos: 2012 GOP Hopefuls Speak at CPAC 2011