| By Nate, on December 29th, 2010% Flashback to some of the wackiness of the 2008 election cycle when states hemmed and hawed over their position in the primary schedule and we're basically back there again. This time Iowa and New Hampshire are threatening to move their caucus and primary dates if any other states dare to encroach on their "first in the . . . → Read More: Iowa, New Hampshire jockey for primary dates in 2012 By Nate, on December 28th, 2010% In an attempt to recapture his ailing 2008 campaign image, President Obama is considering relocating his 2012 election headquarters to Chicago as opposed to basing it in Washington, DC. Report from Sify: US President Barack Obama is trying to win re-election by apparently risking, for the first time in history of the country, to move the campaign . . . → Read More: Obama considers moving 2012 campaign HQ to Chicago By Nate, on December 27th, 2010% According to Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, the President would like to eliminate the tax cuts (a.k.a. raise taxes) for the highest income brackets in 2012 when the current tax cuts expire. Vice President Joe Biden has said the same thing, that the administration has a goal of eliminating this tax cut . . . → Read More: President Obama set to run on tax increases in 2012 By Nate, on December 21st, 2010% The knives have come out early for Sarah Palin as the media continues touting, as they see it, poll after poll showing that the former Governor is clearly unelectable in the eyes of the American people. The stories flow from just about every major mainstream media source you can find. Here are a few samples: ABC News: Caribou . . . → Read More: Media declares Palin's candidacy over before it begins By Nate, on December 20th, 2010% Along with announcing their New Hampshire debate, CNN is also announcing they have teamed with the Tea Party Express to broadcast a Republican Primary Debate from Tampa Florida the first week of September, 2011. Air Date: September 12th, 2011 Report from the LA Times: WASHINGTON- CNN plans to host a Republican presidential primary debate next year with Tea . . . → Read More: CNN/Tea Party Express to host GOP debate on September 12th By Nate, on December 20th, 2010% Everyone is getting in the game of announcing their dates for the Republican debates in 2011 and 2012. This time CNN has announced a debate in New Hampshire on June 13th, 2011 at 8PM Eastern time. Report from CNN: (CNN) – The first Republican presidential primary debate in New Hampshire will take place June 13th on the campus . . . → Read More: CNN and WMUR Host New Hampshire Primary Debate on June 13th By Nate, on December 15th, 2010% Not even 2011 yet but the debate schedule news continues to flow. Fox News has been busy cutting deals with the South Carolina Republican Party to host 2 debates running up the 2012 Presidential Election. The first will happen on May 5th, 2011. Report from MediaIte: FOX News and the South Carolina Republican Party have jointly announced . . . → Read More: Fox News and South Carolina GOP announce two debates By Nate, on December 13th, 2010% Ever since the 2% rEVOLution of 2008, the supporters of Ron Paul have been hoping and yearning for him to run again in 2012, this time with possible Tea Party backing. Report from CBS News: Republican Rep. Ron Paul, known for bucking his party in favor of his libertarian principles, says there's a chance he'll make another . . . → Read More: Ron Paul: "50-50 that I'll run again" in 2012 By Nate, on December 13th, 2010% This is a fairly substantial move for Governor Palin since the plan laid out by Congressman Paul Ryan, known as the Ryan Roadmap, is a hard line plan for restoring fiscal restraint in Washington. The plan outlines conservative approaches to the topics of health care, entitlements, taxes, jobs and economic policy in general. Report from Reuters: With . . . → Read More: Palin hints at 2012 platform, endorses "Ryan Roadmap" By Nate, on December 13th, 2010% There was some speculation that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg might launch an independent Presidential bid in 2012 given his apparent popularity with his city residents. However, Bloomberg has now ruled out 2012 saying he will not, under any circumstances, run for President. Report from MSNBC: Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, New York City . . . → Read More: Mayor Bloomberg rules out 2012 presidential bid | |