
Mike Pence seemingly lays out his 2012 platform

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence sounded an awful lot like a 2012 Presidential Candidate the other day when he spoke to the Detroit Economic Club and laid out a plan of sorts to restore American into 2012 and beyond.

Story from Freep:

The ink is barely dry on the Nov. 2 election results, but 2012's presidential politics started . . . → Read More: Mike Pence seemingly lays out his 2012 platform

Poll: 41% Of Dems Want Primary Opponent For Obama

Trusting everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, lets move back to politics. Not that this is going to happen, but polling organizations love garnering attention running polls like this one showing that 41% of Democrats support a primary challenge against President Obama.

Story from Talking Points Memo:

While President Obama has fared well at the state level in . . . → Read More: Poll: 41% Of Dems Want Primary Opponent For Obama

Poll shows Mitt Romney leading Obama 45 to 44

Romney has done well in many recent 2012 polls and this one is no exception.

Story from

(Hamden, CT) — The 2012 presidential election is still nearly two years away, but the pundits are already out with a preference poll.

The nationwide Quinnipiac University poll of more than two-thousand registered voters shows former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney . . . → Read More: Poll shows Mitt Romney leading Obama 45 to 44

Conservatives not too pleased with first announced GOP debate

As we mentioned previously, NBC News and Politico have teamed up for the first Republican debate set for sometime in Spring 2011. However, a growing chorus of conservative concern over the hosts and timing of this event have begun to pop up around the internet.

The Daily Caller reports:

Some conservatives, however, are not happy with the . . . → Read More: Conservatives not too pleased with first announced GOP debate

Fox News profile of Chris Christie for 2012

Truth be told, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is one of my favorite politicians. He is truly not afraid to speak the truth and speak his mind. I doubt very much that he will have his hat in the ring for 2012 but take some time to learn more about Governor Christie since I'm sure we'll . . . → Read More: Fox News profile of Chris Christie for 2012

Fox News Profile of Mike Huckabee for 2012

Another installment from the Fox News "12 in 2012" series they're doing on all the potential Republican candidates in 2012. This installment covers former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.

Watch the latest video at

More from Fox News:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has been busy since finishing second to John McCain in the 2008 presidential primaries, . . . → Read More: Fox News Profile of Mike Huckabee for 2012

Mitt Romney plans announcement sometime in Spring 2011

Former Massachusetts Governor and sure-to-be 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney told a group of his top donors today that he will be eying sometime in the spring to make an announcement regarding his 2012 aspirations. Romney is almost certainly running for President in 2012 and his latest statements basically confirm it.

Story from Politico:

Former Massachusetts Gov. . . . → Read More: Mitt Romney plans announcement sometime in Spring 2011

Will Republican Governors make the difference in 2012?

One of the lasting imprints of the 2012 midterm Republican wave will come at the state level. Many Governorships and state legislatures will be Republican-controlled for several years to come and, perhaps more importantly, during the 2011 redistricting resulting from the 2010 census. The Associated Press takes a look at a recent gathering of the Republican . . . → Read More: Will Republican Governors make the difference in 2012?

Sarah Palin: Yes, I could probably beat Obama in 2012

When asked by ABC News for an upcoming interview, airing December 9th, whether she thought she could beat President Obama in 2012, Governor Sarah Palin said she's pretty sure she could. Seems like some sort of fightin' words and excellent content for a post.

Story from Bloomberg:

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said she believes she could . . . → Read More: Sarah Palin: Yes, I could probably beat Obama in 2012

Fox News profile of Sarah Palin for 2012 Election

The latest from the "12 in 2012" series on Fox News on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Watch the latest video at

More from Fox News:

From the moment John McCain made Sarah Palin his surprise choice for his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, it was clear the Alaska governor was a new Republican star.

Palin . . . → Read More: Fox News profile of Sarah Palin for 2012 Election